The five people first walked through the tunnel of black non-yo-yos, and one corner after another confused Liu Xiaoling’s sense of direction.

Even if the two deliberately remembered the lines they passed, the surrounding area was completely covered with darkness.

It was all around and empty, with no signs at all.

All that came into sight was endless darkness, and the two men supported each other and gave each other a sense of security.

The supervisors grinned at Liu Xiaoling one by one as they walked forward at their speed.

“Why has Xiao Ling and Xiao Mo’s wife been in the dark all the time, is it the wrong way for me to enter?”

“I’m also so black that I can’t even see them.”

“No, it should be that the two of them are continuing to walk, after all, isn’t the sound still there?”

“Are they going to explore the mysterious place?” There won’t be monsters, right? Thinking about it this way, I think there is something fun in life. ”

Many people have already paid attention to the live broadcast number of the two people earlier, and they are particularly concerned.

Now as long as the two people go online to open the live broadcast room, these people will directly enter it.

Even though it was daytime, I couldn’t resist the curiosity in my heart and entered the live broadcast room.

The water friends frantically clasped the bullet screen, and the bullet screen along with the ten passages could not fully withstand these water friends who had entered the madness.

Not only the crowding in the bullet screen channel, but even entering the live broadcast room is not OK.

“I was so hard, I got stuck in for three minutes, but I ended up coming in, haha.”

“You’re only three minutes, I’ve got ten minutes.”

“There are too many people, and it seems that everyone is very interested in the live broadcast of Xiao Ling and Xiao Mo’s wife.”

“Didn’t I say that this cat live broadcast backstage needs to strengthen the quality of the live broadcast, and if the two of them have any big moves in the future, the live broadcast will directly collapse, isn’t this my life?”

“Yeah, buckle the cat live broadcast platform.”

The cat live broadcast boss does not want to carry this over the pot, who knows that the live broadcast room can be brought to such a level of show, and it has squeezed the quality that has always been proud of smoothly into this look.

“All the staff gave me more horsepower, expanded the live broadcast room again, gave me a rush, angry at me, this group of sand sculptures who stand and talk without waist pain!”

I really want to rub these people who are talking on the live broadcast on the ground and rub them hard, but these are the words of the heart.

Even if the golden lord’s father wanted to go to heaven, he had to hand him flying props.

“The one: How long do we have to go? Liu Xiaoling felt the supervisor in front of him and asked.

“Don’t worry.” The supervisor comforted the two men and said.

After the last corner, a faint glow has been revealed.

Entering the fully lit world, Liu Xiaoling began to look at the tunnel in front of them.

All that comes into the eye are crescent-white walls, no, it should be said that the walls made of special materials will draw the whole cp foundation circle.

The pale top is rare, and instead of giving people a heavy feeling, it feels very serious in the whole place.

All things are outlined by lines, and the deeper you go, the more frequently these lines appear.

If they hadn’t known that this was a real SCP Foundation organization, even Li Xiaomo and them both felt that this was a technology film.

“Wow, that’s fake, right? How can there be such a magical place in this world? ”

“I also think that even those super empires that call themselves high-tech have not reached this level again, and if they had this kind of technology, they would have been the peak of the world long ago.”

“But who would spend money to create this kind of illusory thing for a live broadcast, with the money to burn it?”

“The two of them have been on the hotline of live broadcasting recently, and they can’t be so stupid as to spend so much for this live broadcast.”

“Let’s see!”

The place where Liu Xiaoling saw Liu Xiaoling’s feet in the live broadcast room was like stepping on the air of the void, and those deep blue lines passed through to know that this was the real space.

Li Xiaomo originally wanted to continue to go on and let the spectacular model of the entire SCP Foundation be seen by water friends through live broadcasting.

The supervisor bent down slightly, and said slowly, “Miss Li, in a moment I will prompt you to cut off the live broadcast in the middle.” ”

If you consult, but with a non-negotiable tone, with a tone that cannot be dismissed, look at Li Xiaomo.

Li Xiaomo was pressured and nodded.

Further on, you can see the real door of the so-called SCP Foundation.

The Xuankong Gate blocked the connection between the inside and the outside, only to see the supervisor’s right palm extended, and five fingers scattered.

The palm of the hand rotated in a small circle, and a blue pattern immediately appeared in the air, and the cover was printed on the gate of Xuankong.


The door opened as promised.

After stepping through the door, members of the SCP Foundation passed by them from time to time, but none of them revealed their surprise, and all the members were busy.

Regarding the immortal lizard, everyone is always ready to overcome this difficulty.

Instead, the equipment here is all data entry, the instruments are all automated control arrangements, and even their monitoring equipment is self-selected warning.

The members of the SCP Foundation wore exactly the same clothes that the team that had previously fought against the Immortal Iniquity.

However, why can’t they catch the immortal lizards with such a powerful organization?

It’s amazing how to get such a huge organization to find it.

The five men continued to walk down until they saw a pile of discarded instruments.

“This… What’s going on? Liu Xiaoling looked at the tragedy in front of him and asked in surprise.

The supervisor said as he walked, “The Immortal Lizard escaped from here, its destructive power is very large, and it has made this place like this before against our D-level personnel.” ”

Broken glass pieces fell to the ground in a scattered manner, and instruments that were emitting green smoke, etc., it should be said that the SCP Foundation was seriously injured this time.

This is too badly destroyed!

The mobile phone in Li Xiaomo’s hand was recording in front of him, and a petite shelter was greeted by him.

“Sleeper, so mysterious.”

“It’s true, you look at the southeast corner of the camera, what the hell is that?”

“What kind of mysterious organization is this?” Xiao Mo didn’t say anything either. ”

“All said, mysterious organizations, naturally will not let people know their information.”

“Wouldn’t it be aliens?”

The shelter slowly and leisurely passed, looked at the mobile phone in Li Xiaomo’s hand, and grinned.

Although this shelter had shown its friendship as much as possible, it was too vicious.

The mouth was cracked open and it had reached the ear gate, and the bulging eyes were bubbles, and the red blood was all over the eyeballs.

It’s disgusting!

But I don’t dare to express it directly, even if the other party is full of friendly looks at themselves.

Before he could continue, the supervisor signaled Li Xiaomo to turn off the live broadcast.

“Cough, friends, today’s live broadcast is here, we will see you next time.” Liu Xiaoling looked at the camera and said clearly, knowing the secrecy work that the SCP Foundation needed.

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