The live broadcast room is like an explosion of the pot, today’s live broadcast is a little different from usual, and it has satisfied the curiosity of water friends.

I haven’t seen the real power today, and the live broadcast is coming to an end?


But it didn’t stop the two from leaving.

Leaving the live broadcast room, water friends began to talk about the mysterious organization on the website.

The official is watching this highly mysterious live broadcast from behind.

Dive on major websites, watching people’s discussions, one by one began to inquire about this mysterious organization that suddenly appeared.

It seems that there are many secrets in Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo.

These Li Xiaomo did not know it, and thought that the sudden interruption in the middle of the live broadcast would cause the disgust of the water friends, and also thought about how to explain it clearly to the water friends in the future.

Coming to a room, what comes into sight is the photo of the immortal lizard, through which you can feel the impatience in its eyes and a hint of treachery looking at the camera.


Li Xiaomo pointed to the picture and wanted to inquire about the immortal lizard.

“The Immortal Lizard was previously taken in here, but it has always been the most difficult to deal with, and we have been deadlocked until it has now broken through the Foundation and arrived in Tianhai City.”

“Previously, the D-level personnel of the Foundation had sacrificed several people because of their confrontation with the Immortal Lizard.” The supervisor added.

Liu Xiaoling looked at the surrounding environment, and he could always see the powerful power of the SCP Foundation in combat, and why the rangers could last so long in the videos circulating on the website.

The supervisor’s eyes seemed to dig out Liu Xiaoling’s inner thoughts, “The nature of this immortal lizard is sometimes good and sometimes grumpy, and the more urgent it is pressed, the irritability factor in its body will also be triggered, so that its terror will all erupt.” ”

In this way, it is no wonder that these three times feel a little different, the buildings of Tianhai City cannot withstand its destruction, and all of them are submerged in ruins.

The current situation of the SCP Foundation is so explosive, it seems that this immortal lizard in Tianhai City has not released its full strength.

That in case… Probably not.

“The team you saw before was sent by the SCP Foundation to track down the Immortal Lizard in Tianhai City, and this is also the person you want to cooperate against.” The supervisor said the ultimate goal.

The two nodded.

Liu Xiaoling thought that the next time he had to broadcast the team sent by the SCP Foundation to shoot it, he had to get the consent of the supervisor.

“Director, the next time we play against the Immortal Lizard, can we broadcast it live, the kind that doesn’t erase the members of the SCP Foundation.” No matter how Liu Xiaoling thought about it, he felt that he had to let the water friends see this magical team.

Seeing that the supervisor was about to speak, thinking that he was going to refuse his request, he quickly said, “Rest assured, we will absolutely keep it a secret and not let this great and magical organization leak out.” He said, and made a closed gesture towards his mouth.

The supervisor nodded, “Yes, but the secrets of the SCP Foundation must be kept secret. ”

Yes! Finally you can.

If such a fierce match can be seen by water friends through live broadcasting, my god is simply surprised to heaven.

“Well, that’s it for today’s exhibition, and we’ll have time to come back.” The supervisor smiled and said without smiling, who knows when the next time you are free.

“Okay, thank you.” Li Xiaomo and the two men politely returned to the supervisor.


Neither of them understood how their bodies did not listen to their own calls, and they floated upwards vigorously, eventually hindering the chaos of their heads, and the two fell into a coma.

It wasn’t until I woke up that I realized that I was lying in the garden.

The words of the supervisor kept echoing in my head, “Miss Lee (Miss Liu), don’t tell the secrets about the SCP Foundation.” ”

“Xiao Mo, Xiao Mo, do you think this SCP Foundation also knows about the mysterious side power?” This was what Liu Xiaoling had in mind, and only the mysterious side power on his body could attract them so far.

“I’m also suspecting that they’re coming for the mysterious side forces.” Li Xiaomo scratched his head, and then continued, “But how do they know the mysterious side power?” ”

Don’t? Li Xiaomo’s eyes widened and he looked at Liu Xiaoling, “Could it be that they also know what is going on in the mysterious side circle?” ”

“Or should I go back to my house and ask my brother?” Liu Xiaoling proposed, after all, this old brother is the middle level of the mysterious side circle, and he knows many things.

As soon as the two entered the door, they saw Liu Feng sitting on the sofa looking at the book in his hand.

Still really unwilling to sit idle at all, Liu Xiaoling pounced on Liu Feng’s arms, and then asked, “Brother, do you know that the mysterious side circle is still well known by other organizations?” ”

Liu Feng looked down at her sister who was thrown in her arms, knowing that what she was asking about the SCP Foundation was about.

Yes, I can guess this level, the IQ is enough.

“Cough, this mysterious side circle, in fact, its own development of the line is very extensive, and there will be people to cooperate, so it is this process for other organizations to know.” Liu Feng didn’t think he could say it like that.

Liu Xiaoling was like hearing the surprise place, and quickly looked up at his brother, “Brother, is this mysterious side circle just to expand the business?” ”

Liu Feng nodded, and then didn’t say anything more.

Although I am not afraid to let others know about the mysterious side circle, many people come back to disturb the normal life, and unnecessary trouble will be found.

Asked what he wanted to know, he felt that he had left his brother’s side.

Li Xiaomo thought about his martial arts cultivation, the progress was too slow, and asked, “Brother Liu, the notebook you gave me before, I completely practiced according to the method you wrote, although I have improved, but the Dantian has always been unable to gather the power that can be gathered, and it will quickly dissipate.” ”

“You’re the first time you’ve gathered strength in Dantian, right?” Liu Feng knew that Li Xiaomo was anxious, but cultivation could not be anxious, even if he encountered a bottleneck in the cultivation process, he could not be eager to improve.

Li Xiaomo nodded.

“That’s right, don’t worry, it’s normal.” Liu Feng closed the book in his hand and slowly walked to Li Xiaomo.

Raise your index and middle fingers and put them on Li Xiaomo’s pulse.

The bottom was really good, Liu Feng continued, “Gather a few more times, consolidate the Dantian almost, it’s enough, don’t be in a hurry.” ”

“Really, thank you Brother Liu.” It didn’t seem to be what he thought, and Li Xiaomo relaxed a little.

Suddenly, Li Xiaomo was pulled by Liu Xiaoling to her room.

“Xiao Mo, I feel that the Immortal Lizard will soon attack Tianhai City again.”

Sure enough, as the two of them expected, the immortal lizard appeared.

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