Even when the sky is dark, there are crescents hanging high in the sky.

There was silence, and the early hours of the morning were absolutely unfavorable for the two of them.

The team sent by the SCP Foundation did not have a strong demand for time, and the two little girls naturally had a different matter.

“Xiao Mo, hurry up, the immortal lizard has appeared.”

There can be absolutely no mistakes in this matchup, quickly pack yourself up and put the mysterious side props that the brother gave him into the backpack.

Li Xiaomo took the live props, got into the car, and headed for the beach.

Immediately, Li Xiaomo opened the live broadcast and began recording.

“Hello everyone, we have opened the live broadcast again, last time I can’t stand everyone, and this time it definitely brings surprises to everyone… By the way, everyone must stay at home and don’t come out at random. ”

Li Xiaomo reminded a few water friends who had just entered the live broadcast, looking at the time on their mobile phones, 4:27, at this point in time, everyone was asleep.

Still, the number of people in the live broadcast room is growing, from the beginning of the sporadic entry to the number of large batches entering it.

His grandmother’s, how could these two ladies be so capable of making things.

The staff of Cat’s Tooth Live secretly complained about Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, but by the boss’s serial buckle, a spirit immediately got up and began to maintain the normality of the live broadcast room.

“I rub, this Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling started the activity before dawn, my aunt and grandmother, so energetic?” The staff guarding the Cat’s Tooth Live Broadcasting Platform yawned and muttered in their mouths.

Even if I look forward to this next situation in my heart, before the two girls suddenly cut off the live broadcast, the grass ended, and I also scolded the mother.

“Wife Xiaomo, don’t you sleep?” It’s so sleepy. ”

“Immortals? If you don’t sleep, you have to fight monsters. ”

“This time it should not suddenly cut off the live broadcast, otherwise the Lun family’s heart will be broken.”

“What are you going to do this time?” I also want to know about the mysterious organization, but I didn’t see it, but unfortunately, my genius did not become the next generation of God of War…”

Over time, the number of people entering the live broadcast room suddenly increased.

Looking at the popularity of this who has been jumping upwards, I am afraid that the popularity of players with goods is already higher than that of the players with goods, and this is not yet stagnant.

Boom, boom.

When Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling’s car entered the area around the seashore, they heard the sound of destruction.

Standing on a high place, watching the immortal lizard lift a small car above its head.


The immortal lizard opened its mouth and roared one after another, and from time to time it roared to vent the unhappiness in its heart, while demonstrating towards the official procession.

It was still early, and the entire waterfront was in the dark, and the thick sea fog hid the entire seashore in it.

Ten high-profile cars were dispatched to turn on the headlights so that everyone could barely see what was in front of them.

Through the fog, the headlights could faintly see the huge body of the immortal lizard constantly twitching, throwing the vehicles that stayed around them into the sea one by one.

The crimson eyes were not obscured by the fog, but were more prominent in the environment.

The early morning hours on the beach were a little cold, and the cold made everyone shiver and constantly pound their bodies to know that their bodies and consciousness.

The official procession greeted this terrifying guy, waiting for the Immortal Lizard to stop its movements, but at this time everyone was anxiously waiting.

No more waiting!

All of them marched into battle preparations.

The sniper cannon in his hand appeared again, and this weapon was the only immortal lizard that could be shaken now.

It’s just that it has not been able to shoot in the hands of the official, and now it has been taken out many times for the strange things in front of you.

Boom! Boom!

The sniper cannon attacks the Immortal Lizard in a series of ways, aligning in direction, and everyone expects multiple bullets to gather together to attack and cause great damage to the Immortal Lizard.

However, the white hard armor on the immortal lizard’s body simply cannot be invaded by anything.

That’s not how good.

The team looked at the few pieces of the Immortal Lizard’s body that had been dented, but it still didn’t move a bit, the only thing was that its anger was getting stronger and stronger.

It was this damn voice again, the immortal lizard listening to this voice that made him more and more grumpy.

Both hands pulled up the three parked cars in front of them and threw them into the sea.

Step by step, close to those who have just attacked you, the nails on your palms will appear.

The immortal lizard waved its arms and its fingernails in the air, pressing the man with the sniper cannon step by step.

“Sniper cannon, ready!”

At the sound of an order, the sniper cannon once again launched its own attack, but to no avail, the pain was like putting it on his body and tickling it.

“Second, prepare.”

See just the sniper cannon sent out and have no effect, prepare for the second attack.

Before the sniper cannon could be fired, it had already been destroyed by the Immortal Lizard.

The Immortal Lizard bent down and grabbed two individuals from the ground, they had just attacked the Immortal Lizard with a sniper cannon and lifted them high in the air.

Scarlet eyes stared at the two men, watching them still struggling in their own hands, more tyrannical and wild.


The big mouth roared at the two people, and the smelly secretions jumped on the two people’s bodies, and within a few moments, the two people directly stopped moving.

“Oath to guard Tianhai City.” Even if his team members are gone, as the captain, he still has to attack and protect the safety of the people of Tianhai City.

Doing what they could and doing what was within their duties, everyone’s hearts were shocked by the captain’s oath to guard Tianhai City.

The goosebumps on the body instantly rise, and the whole person enters a state of excitement.

At this time, the team of the SCP Foundation came, and they entered a state of alert, protecting the official team behind them.

Liu Xiaoling entered the battle circle and looked at the imminent immortal lizard in front of him.

Two short metal roots were held in their hands, their eyes fixed on the immortal lizard, and as soon as the enemy moved, their own attacks would also begin.

The Immortal Lizard watched so many people surrounding it, and behind it was the cold sea, washing away the people who were on guard from time to time.

So cool.

But hold on.

The Scp Foundation team began to attack first, with guns exploding one after another on the beach, and the fierce confrontation startled the water friends who were guarding in front of the live broadcast.

“Did someone just die?” Really dead. ”

“Don’t talk, just see if it’s okay.”

“You see that this team doesn’t seem to belong to the authorities, do you?”

“Xiao Ling has also joined in, oh my God, this looks too vague.”

“Ahead, let’s take a look at it, it’s only 5:30 now.”

The bullet screens were replaced one after another, but Li Xiaomo no longer had the heart to watch the actions of the water friends on the mobile phone.

Her eyes had been staring at Liu Xiaoling, who was agile, but she had never learned to fight, and her heart was hanging.

Liu Xiaoling did not have Li Xiaomo’s physical dexterity, and could only find a way to play the role of the two metal short roots in his hand to the extreme.

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