Frightened, the Immortal Lizard threw down the two lifeless patrollers in his hand.

The body fell from a position several meters high, and suddenly the blood red came out, and the blood broke the string that was already tense at the scene.

The action in the hands of the immortal lizard, which was already crazy, was very explosive, Li Xiaomo didn’t even think about it, and directly handed the mobile phone in his hand to the middle-aged uncle who was already frightened and trembling and did not dare to speak.

As the sky had gradually turned white, I could see that the middle-aged uncle’s face was close to pale, and his lips were chattering about something.

Casually stuffed into his hand, Li Xiaomo looked at the man who did not return to God, “Uncle, you first help me open the live broadcast, just this position, don’t move, thank you!” ”

Without waiting for the uncle to respond to himself, he entered this war of unknown results, and the spring knife in his hand was the only thing he could defend himself.

There is still no way to contain the immortal lizards, and the whole war can only go on randomly step by step.

After all, it was a flesh and blood body, watching the accomplice die and not being let go, ending up in such a tragic situation, stimulating all the thoughts.


There is only one thought in my heart, whether it is life or death today, we must fight gloriously, and death will be heavier than Taishan.

In turn, the official team of the gods began the third attack, and Qi Qi poured all the low mysterious side power on his body on the sniper cannon in his hand.

This is the last chip on their body, looking at their own hands.

Victory or defeat is a moment, close your eyes, and wait for the action in your hands to cause the next sensation.

Bet is such a word that puts all expectations on this word.


The incessant shells all attacked in the direction of the immortal lizard, and when the shells attacked the immortal lizard, the fire shells swirled around its body.

Then a loud noise exploded in the ear, only to see the smoke once again surround and confuse all the eyes.

The scene entered a moment of silence for a moment, and his eyes were wide open waiting for the end of the immortal lizard’s death.

No sound? No sound! Cheers or cheers?

“Dead?” Oh my God, it’s not really going to die, is it? ”

“Silence, hahahahaha, weird stuff, you have today.”

“Sleeper, run!!”

“Grass and mud horses, this strange thing scared me almost incontinent.”

“It also plays this…”

The immortal lizard opened its blood-red eyes and stared at the people who were still stunned.


There was no feeling of injury at all, but instead bent down and began to capture the people on the ground.

The palms were too thick and heavy, there was no way to grasp them one by one, and the palms became fists falling heavily, and the fists slammed into the earth.

Towards the places where the people were scurrying, the attacks of the immortal lizards forced them to flee in various places.

The Foundation team began to prepare for battle, and the guns in their hands kept firing, but these never caused substantial damage to the immortal lizards.

The place where it is sunken down becomes as flat as before as the secretions of the immortal lizard are filled.

Watching the changes in his body, the Immortal Lizard jumped up in the air, and then the whole body fell quickly again.


With this loud noise, the immortal lizard pressed the weight of its entire body on the earth.

The soil sank deeply, carrying a vicious opening in the entire soil layer.

Waiting with teeth and claws to take their prey in and torture them to death.

The mud blocks that squeezed and shook jumped on the bodies of the people around them, and one by one they were buried in the soil.

“Hold on, don’t let go!” The man pulled his teammates who were constantly sinking, and climbed the ground with both hands, and his fingers clasped to the ground.

The man had his mouth wide open, and he was swallowing his body with a big mouth.

It can still hold up!

But the immortal lizard obviously did not want these people to live and rise and fall again.

The whole ground stirred up again, and the person who was originally in danger of being in danger of hard support fell into the crack with the two teammates who had just saved themselves.

Ten high-profile cars were also kicked far away, stuck between the cracks.

Step by step, the Immortal Lizard stepped on it, raised its right leg, and the crack burst into a mess, and it had buried the two living people inside.

“Emergency Preparation!”

“Ready… Rise! ”

The Foundation team saw that things were completely out of control, and the whole team began to change their attack weapons.


A full five bombardment planes were all facing the immortal lizard, and under the continuous attack, the members of the Foundation began to take shelter.

The two arms work together to fire the scattered bullets in their hands, and the scattered cannon automatically turns into a huge woven net in the air and covers it from top to bottom.

The immortal lizard quickly fled in a southeasterly direction, its entire body immersed in the seawater.

The weaving net is empty and becomes invisible.

The immortal lizard’s eyes were red, and its tail stirred the sea behind it, forming a huge wave that washed over the people on the shore.

The tail cocked and whipped straight towards the bombardier.

Unable to dodge the attack of the Immortal Lizard, it was extremely fast, and it was facing the danger in front of it.


The blaster was destroyed, and the members of the Foundation who had been operating in it were no longer in their original form.

“We’re not really going to die here!”

“What to do? This even these people are dead, squatting, isn’t that making me die? ”

“Little Spirit will the two of them also…”

“No, I’ve got to pack my bags and go.”

The water friends in the live broadcast room stared at the screen, where there was still the previous sleepiness, which was really facing death.

Unlike the ghosts seen before, if this strange thing is allowed to break in, humanity will face total destruction.

The people who were most worried about it were the people of Tianhai City, one by one, waiting for their next move.

Liu Xiaoling looked at Li Xiaomo, and then turned his head to look at the people of the foundation.

Looking at them was also helpless, my heart was shocked.

Is it really going to die today? I’m still a pretty girl.

Even if the two metal pieces in his hand were even more powerful, the immortal lizard standing on his own was a small ant.

Looking at the eyes of the Immortal Lizard all facing the other side, Liu Xiaoling moved step by step, approaching the people of the foundation, “Did you catch it with that net?” ”

Only to see the opposite side nodded.

“Is there a weapon that directly allows it to be fixed without destruction?” Liu Xiaoling was in a bit of a hurry, and what he said was a bit straight.

“That guy is hard to pin down, and the Foundation hasn’t had anything to make it give up struggling so far.”

With that, the Immortal Lizard behind them pounced on their entire body.

Liu Xiaoling was taken by the members of the foundation to escape from his original position.

However, some people were not so lucky and were directly thrown to the ground.

Caught by the immortal lizard, caught in the hands and ravaged.

Li Xiaomo looked at the foundation’s bombardment machine, and without thinking, he directly went towards it, controlling it to attract the eyes of the immortal lizard.

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