There is no way around it!

The bombarder did not need a lot of maneuvering and drove around the coast with the steering wheel.

Naturally, the Immortal Lizard was always paying attention to all the changes around it, and the bombarder appeared in its field of vision, throwing the person in its hand behind.

It unhurriedly turned toward the bombardier smaller than itself, playfully watching its struggle.

It’s just that the person who was left behind has fallen into a coma, and if he falls from a high place, he will become crippled.

Li Xiaomo looked through the glass at the oncoming Immortal Lizard, and the bombardment machine only reached its leg position.

Turning his head to look at the sea to the south, he tightened the steering wheel in his hand and steered the bombardment machine towards the south.

Liu Xiaoling and the members of the foundation saw that Li Xiaomo had actually tried to take risks with his own body, and all of them rushed out, not caring about the results.

Li Xiaomo is a collaborator sent from above.

But it was not fast enough to chase the immortal lizard, watching the immortal lizard go to the south, stepping up the steps under his feet, and his tail swept behind him from time to time.

Liu Xiaoling could only dodge its tail, getting closer to the Immortal Lizard little by little.

To the south is the sea, if you are lucky, you can survive, and if you are unfortunate, you will be swept into the deep sea with the waves.

Li Xiaomo couldn’t care less about it anymore, and he stepped up his speed to see that the sea had reached the exit of the bombardment.

Li Xiaomo stopped the bombardment.

What to do?

The Immortal Lizard was right in front of him, and all that remained in his ears was the sound of its roaring and its water.

After waiting in torment, Li Xiaomo inadvertently saw the self-detonation button on the bombardment machine.

Oh my goodness! Unexpectedly, the Foundation would also create such a self-detonating thing, Li Xiaomo raised his head from time to time to look at the immutable lizards that were constantly approaching, and the movements in his hands did not slow down at all.

Speaking of the self-detonation button, there is still time to control it.

That’s it, and I pressed the button for twenty-five seconds.


Li Xiaomo opened the door and quickly jumped into the sea and swam along the route he had just considered.

As soon as I entered the water, I felt the cold constantly hitting my body.

But they did not dare to stop for a moment, otherwise the self-detonation of the bombardment behind them would affect the calm of the sea.

The Immortal Lizard approached the bombarder, its tail curled up to attack the thing it hated.

Nineteen… Three-two-one


The bombarder exploded, stirring the surrounding sea into a huge water ball and bursting in mid-air.

No, no, little foam!

Sight problem, everyone did not see that Li Xiaomo had already entered the sea, desperately swimming towards the coast in the water.

“I rubbed, just a little foam into the bombarder, and now it explodes, she’s dead?”

“At the scene of the big rollover, one of the anchors has died here.”

“I don’t know, but think about what we can do.”

“Escape, find a place where no one lives.”

The water friends all thought that Li Xiaomo had lost his life with the explosion of the bombardment, but the members of the foundation had doubts in their hearts.

The whole heart was clawed, afraid of any more accidents.

Li Xiaomo rushed out of the water, the oxygen in his lungs had been exhausted, and he could only breathe through the water.

It was impossible that the blaster had just exploded and said that it had not affected her, and she had already felt that her left leg had gone numb.

But the fear in her heart and the belief that she wanted to live supported her to rush to the shore.

Seeing that he was about to reach the surface of the sea, it was almost a little, but something was entangled under his feet.

The already heavy body, now unable to move, fluttered a few times, and the body began to sink.

It was Xiao Mo, Liu Xiaoling had been staring at the surface of the sea, and when he saw an abnormality, he quickly led people into the water.

The people of the Foundation were divided into two groups, one group to disperse the eyes of the immortal lizard, and one group to go along to save Li Xiaomo.

The immortal lizard stood in the middle of the sea, its tail stirring from side to side, its body shaking the already uncalm sea, forming a high wave rushing to the shore.

Li Xiaomo felt that he was being flipped by something, and originally wanted to struggle with the restraint around his waist until he heard Liu Xiaoling’s voice, and his eyes slowly closed.

Liu Xiaoling saw that her girlfriend had safely reached the shore and let someone take care of her, and then she entered the battle with the immortal lizard.

The two metal short roots in his hand did not have much effect, and the old brother did not say that the charm was useless to the spirit body.

Give it a try, or you’ll all die here.

Smeared the sea water from his face and took out the charm in the bag.

Liu Xiaoling looked at the screen and revealed the charm in front of the water friend, which had been used in the madhouse before, and many people knew what this was.

But looking at Liu Xiaoling’s face, there was no longer the usual joke meaning, and he deeply felt that this was not a family game.

“What is the little spirit going to do?” How did she feel the anger in her eyes? ”

“Xiao Mo has already been injured, and she is definitely going to take revenge.”

“Can you say that the current little spirit is good A.”

“Healer come on healer!”

Liu Xiaoling did not pay attention to the live broadcast after that, only let this middle-aged uncle continue to hold, but how this uncle did not move.

Liu Xiaoling folded the charm and put it in his pants pocket, and the two metal short roots in his hand were in his hand.

Running toward the circle that had been opened, gritting his teeth and forcing himself not to think about the consequences.

Go and die, dog stuff.

However, before he could get close to the immortal lizard, he was injured by mistake.

The waves stirring the tail of the immortal lizard threw Liu Xiaoling into the seawater, and the sea water choked into his throat, and the unbearable pain made Liu Xiaoling cough uncontrollably.

Grandma had legs, and before I could do anything, she let me take a sip of seawater.

The people of the Foundation have always been unable to get close to the immortal lizard, and as long as they are close to its body, the whole tail will be agitated and attack those who are close.

Liu Xiaoling held the charm in his hand, lying in the water, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

I don’t have any fighting skills, and now I’m in the water, it’s a completely dead series.

But if you want to try the charm, maybe it really can.

The Foundation’s guns attacked again in a series of attacks, and even the scattered bullets were fired from time to time, but they were dodged by the Immortal Lizard.

Click, click, robots of the same size appeared on the coast.

What is it? How to suddenly appear this thing, it will not be the same as the immortal lizard.

Everyone breathed, this one is tired enough, and now it is still in a passive situation, if there is another one, just play it.

I saw the robot greeting the people at the foundation.

It turned out to be their people, scared to death, Liu Xiaoling patted his chest, feeling that he had endured this time, and his heart had not dared to put it down.

The robot was running fast across the coast, its flexible limbs fully spread out, striding in the direction of the immortal lizard.

The people of the Foundation quickly arranged the scattered bullets in their hands, this should be their big move, Liu Xiaoling thought.

It’s just that this big guy has been hiding, waiting until this forced time to take it out.

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