The tail of the immortal lizard sweeps the lower disc of the robot, and although the robot is controlled by people, its limbs are still flexible.

Running with all his might, he dodged the tail of the immortal lizard.

The legs wrapped around the tail of the immortal lizard, pulling hard, but unfortunately, the body of the immortal lizard was too thick, and just a little movement had already increased the robot horsepower to the maximum.

The members of the Foundation are waiting for the robot’s next move, and the Immortal Lizard has already hit its tail on the robot.

Two large things wrestled together, the robot was huge, comparable to the Immortal Lizard, but it was controlled by people, and the speed was actually slower.

The immortal lizard opened its mouth and stuck the robot in its mouth to prevent the robot from moving.

No matter how the controller makes the robot struggle, it is always impossible to escape the shackles of the immortal lizard.

The members once again shelled the indestructible lizard, trying to attract its attention and let it let go of the robot.

The Immortal Lizard stucks the robot at the bombardment machine that attacked it.

The size of the robot destroyed all the bombardments, and the bombardment was paralyzed on the ground.

Liu Xiaoling thought about the rune in his pocket, which could only have an effect if it was attached to the body of the Immortal Lizard, but now it was not close to the body of the Immortal Lizard.

How to inject the mysterious side power can make the rune play its role, thinking hard about this question.

Liu Xiaoling’s eyes lit up suddenly, feeling that his method was feasible.

Immediately find the person who controls the robot, let him control the robot, and let the robot deliberately swing in front of the immortal lizard, the robot is on the left, and the Sue is on the right.

It’s just that it has been avoiding the sight of the Immortal Lizard, and the Immortal Lizard has this big guy in front of him, and the hostility in his eyes is eager to smash the robot on the spot.

Liu Xiaoling grasped the rune in his hand, carefully hiding his sense of existence, only hoping that this time he could subdue the immortal lizard.

Little by little, not even the last point.

Liu Xiaoling himself could no longer hear the other sounds, all of them were the sound of his own heart pounding in his ears, and he couldn’t panic.

Calm, Liu Xiaoling can.

With a sigh of relief, the footsteps walked towards the front, and the people of the Foundation watched as Liu Xiaoling had already entered this dangerous circle, guarding against the sudden attack of the Immortal Lizard.

The uniforms on their bodies had a certain protective effect, and Liu Xiaoling’s body was wearing ordinary clothes, as long as the gentle friction of the immortal lizard was not extinguished, the girl would die here.

The collision between the robot and the bombardment machine has seriously damaged its internal system, and it is not completely paralyzed.

Staggering in front of the Immortal Lizard, even if it distracted its gaze, it gave Liu Xiaoling more time to stick the rune in his hand to the Immortal Lizard’s body.

The robot was once again stuck by the immortal lizard, unable to even move, and the tail of the immortal lizard still failed to stop.

The members of the Foundation were close to the Immortal Lizard, and as long as Liu Xiaoling could enter safely, all the efforts lay in this moment.

“All members pay attention to protection.”

The members of the foundation will not let Liu Xiaoling be left alone in trouble, and this sound resounded in the air and was transmitted to the ears of everyone through live broadcasting.

A sense of justice suddenly arises, and the mood of wanting to protect is even stronger.

The Foundation has made many people begin to worship their souls, keeping their eyes fixed on them, and at the moment they are shining.

[Ding… Congratulations on getting 60 Scary Points! ]

[Ding… Congratulations on earning 80 Shock Points! ]

[Ding… Congratulations…]



Everyone was immersed in horror, except for Liu Feng’s entire body leaning on the sofa, looking at the scene through the system panel, with a smile on his lips.

The alarm points that have been reported by the system have been haunting, and the shock points under the panel continue to grow.

During this time, the frightening point has been growing rapidly, and today it has reached an unprecedented peak.

Since they were all so afraid of the spirit body, it seemed that they needed to have the next move.

On the system panel, Liu Xiaoling suddenly appeared, and she flew on the thigh of the immortal lizard, which was a move that did not care about her life.

Since the Immortal Lizard escaped from the foundation, it had caused many deaths or serious injuries, and Liu Feng saw that her heart tightened for her.

Thinking of the same disregard for his own life before Li Xiaomo to save people, the same personality, the two are indeed good friends.

Liu Xiaoling attached the charm to the legs of the Immortal Lizard, but was soon thrown into the water by the Immortal Lizard.

Liu Xiaoling really staggered to stand up from the water, could it not hurt, he was thrown down again and again, but his task was not completed, and Xiao Mo was still in a coma.

The Foundation side knew in advance that Liu Xiaoling had a mysterious side power on her body, and now that she had taken out the red and yellow charm, she probably guessed what she meant.

The operator gestured to prepare, and the robot had already stood up from the trembling rope that was on the verge of paralysis, this time directly pressing towards the immortal lizard.

Liu Xiaoling also took the opportunity to run up and climb on the thigh of the Immortal Lizard.

“Taishang Wuji, Heaven and Earth Sanqing, Xuandu Fire, Huanghuang Shenwei….. Hurry as a law—————————————- ”

There was only one sentence left in Liu Xiaoling’s head, and he shouted wildly, just for three seconds, he injected the power of Yin into the rune, and then he felt that the Immortal Lizard did not move.

Liu Xiaoling ran quickly, no matter how much pain his chest was, just run.

Foundation members took the opportunity to launch the scattered bullets in their hands in mid-air, and large webs fell from the air, trapping the immortal lizards in it.

Liu Xiaoling turned over to see that the Immortal Lizard still maintained its original movements, allowing the robot to lie on its back.

Really? The rune can really make the immortal lizard fixed.

Everyone was afraid that this was an illusion, but the members of the foundation directly announced: “It’s over!”

Seeing this ending, Liu Xiaoling rushed to the front of the live broadcast, “Dear ones, see, we succeeded!! ”

“So excited, really crying, how long has it been, and I have not been able to live a stable life.”

“Xiao Ling, Xiao Mo, my little foam wife don’t lose it.”

“But aren’t you curious about that organization?”

“Plus one, I want to know that organization, and I want to join it.”

“They’re really iron-blooded men, and they want to know where they belong.”

The thrill has bid farewell to a while, and the water lovers have gone from wondering if they can survive to inquiring about other things, such as the foundation.

Many people began to contact Liu Xiaoling’s live broadcast of the two of them, which is about a mysterious organization.

It’s just that the foundation has always been hidden under the ground, and has never met the world, let alone information about them.

Someone took a screenshot of the foundation’s uniform, searched on various websites, and there was no news.

As long as there is important news about the foundation, the headquarters will bypass the official to wipe away all this information.

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