The strafing shell attacked, and the entire ground once again swelled with mushroom clouds, but 096 did not choose to move this time.

096 roared at the special aircraft above, but his hands covered his face and did not let him see its terrifying face.

The special fighter raised its own height, watched the 096 below try to pursue the special fighter, and kept running under the special fighter according to the route.

Looking at 096’s struggling running, the team members only felt relieved, allowing it to harm so many foundation members.

After three seconds of happiness, the special filter lost the effect of the original setting, and 096’s face had been seen by the team members.

The team members took a sip of spit, gradually suppressed the panic in their hearts, and transmitted the current problem to the other side step by step.

Really fucking decay, this can be spread.

“Call call, special filter fails, request self-combat readiness!”

The team members have conveyed their meaning to them, and the rest is up to their own lives, directly removing the special filter that is fastened to their faces.

The 096 grumpy mood on the ground rose little by little, his arms no longer protected his face, one hand lifted up and grabbed in the air, more than two meters long, plus more than a meter of arms, obviously not high enough.

The 096 can grab the attacking special fighter and crush it in his hand, while the scp096-01 is hovering over the guy, and it is getting angrier.

It was clawed upwards with its teeth and claws, and the team members, despite its intimidation, stepped up the speed of their attacks, and increased the number of attack shells to twenty, which was the maximum attack density.

096 Gu hit the shell on himself, and even the wave force could not help it.

Suddenly, 096 began to jump, although the height of the jump is not very high, but it has been shown that its characteristics are not only running.

The height of the jump was higher than the other, and the roar of the high and low in the air had already hit the eardrums of the team members like thunder, and he did not expect that 096 would actually jump out of the attribute.

“096 Development Attribute – Jump, Height Unknown!”

The team members grabbed the walkie-talkie, shouted this sentence out very quickly, and now they only feel that the blood in the body has flowed backwards, and it will not be long before 096 can break through the height of the special fighter.

Can’t evacuate, already see its face, if you evacuate, you will take it to a crowded place.


It was the sound of pig iron colliding in the ears suddenly, and it had already grabbed the lower part of the special fighter, pulling it down mercilessly, trying to smash it in its own hands.

The weight was uneven, the special fighter had begun to tilt to the east, and the team members quickly adjusted the direction of the nose of the aircraft, balancing gravity to stabilize the body.

096 grabbed the tail of the machine and pulled it hard, this madness could not suppress its grumpy, and the more manic voice resounded through the clouds.

“Call… Call, 096 trigger… I rubbed, tyrannical, and now the air has reached eighty-eight meters! ”

The team members will inform each other of the situation, the situation should be the last intercom, and then the monitoring will be destroyed, before with a special filter, the plane falls, the monitoring will be

Format all frequency and images related to 096,

Put the landing gear down, ready to land, according to the landing speed of 096, let the fuselage as resistance, should be able to land on the ground almost as a dog, the team members thought in their hearts, the action in their hands is more orderly.

At the time of the fuselage at eight meters, the special combat aircraft has been destroyed by the 096, all the control buttons have been invalidated, and the fuselage has automatically rotated in the air.

096 climbed on top, and A went through the glass to strangle the neck of the team member, pulling him out.

“Uh huh…”

The cry of 096 Chu stirred up the team members, but now there was no force to fight back, and only two meters from the ground, it and the team members fell directly into the desert, and a deep pit buried them.

With a few thuds, a long, thin arm pulled out, along with a human face.

The plane is destroyed!

096 went to the place where he had just squatted, and continued to cover his face and cry, and the low cry hit the desert land.

Previously, because of the live broadcast on the YouTube, Catherine exposed the matter hidden on the surface of the water to the public through the live broadcast because of the exposure of the Thorn Cliff madhouse, which made her a fire.

Before, it was just a number of live fans who were only a few hundred thousand, and now it has risen to more than one million fans, which is still rising.

It was because of that terrible scene, how many nights, Catherine did not dare to sleep, as soon as it reached the night, that strange sound and shape appeared in her mind, lingering for a long time.

On the mysterious side, it was a magical circle, Catherine knew that it was an intermediate force, but she was exposed to all the horror scenes about ghosts, and before she and Li Xiaomo said to do their clapping, when she thought of the ghosts encountered in the Thorny Cliff Madhouse, the goosebumps all came up.

It was a psychological torment of herself, but from time to time on the Internet she reminded herself of what happened that day, especially after they were accidentally separated from Li Xiaomo, in the cave, Catherine did not want to think about it.

That damn memory, if it weren’t for the fact that I had been seeing a psychiatrist lately, I was afraid I would have gone crazy.

Don’t think about it, don’t think about it anymore!

Catherine crouched down on the couch, her hands pounding her head, trying to drive those terrible memories out of her head.

However, even without these things, will those who have been exposed by themselves find themselves in trouble?

Catherine felt more and more that her original live broadcast was a mistake, but if she did not broadcast live, she would regret it, at that time, she was close to the demon of death, and the slightest mistake would account for her life in it, who could think that she could come out alive, and also unearthly unearthed a big secret.

“My God, are you teasing me? Anything can be touched by me. ”

Catherine suddenly cried out, unconsciously remorseful, this was the fifty-seventh time she had said such a thing since she had returned from the Thorn Cliff Asylum.

But if you don’t broadcast it live, those things are bound to be the work of destroying people, forget it, you can’t regret what you have done.

After the struggle, I began to find myself, and there will be an interview next, and I must think about it quickly, otherwise I will misunderstand the danger to my life.

Netizens in Eagle Sauce Country used the recent events in the Thorn Cliff Asylum as an after-dinner conversation, and curious people were very interested in the horror scene that Catherine encountered in the Thorn Cliff Asylum.

At that time, Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling were in the cat live broadcast, and they filmed all those weirdnesses, but the most intriguing thing was what happened after Catherine’s mobile phone had no battery. _

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