Everyone has already covered the identity of Catherine’s ancestor for eight generations, no one will drive away the ghost’s ability, what is the reason that can make Catherine frightened like that, and come out safely.

Catherine came to the live interview, she used to do live broadcasting, and now when she sees the live broadcast, she remembers the scene of that day again.

Don’t be afraid, it’s over!

Catherine soothed herself in her heart and turned her attention to the interviewer.

The opening is a simple greeting, as long as it does not touch the point that Catherine is afraid of, everything is normal, but by the time of the later interview, Catherine’s expression has completely changed color, first her hands began to tremble, Catherine tugged at the corners of her clothes, and her body began to shake.

“I’m sorry, I’m not feeling well!”

Catherine wanted to use this sentence to get rid of the next questions, which had forced herself to breathe one by one, which was to push herself forward.

No, absolutely not!

“Stinky ladies, a batch of packs!”

“No, you see her face has turned miserable, and her body is shaking like a sieve, it should not be pretended.”

“I’m learning how to be interviewed, and I’m quick to answer the next questions, which are what the masses of the people want to ask.”

“Catherine, I’m your iron fan, and those who have big hearts can still say it so calmly after seeing the horror scene?” I believe you are a ghost! ”

But this does not mean that everyone can let go of Catherine, who is already on the verge of collapse, and more and more rampantly put the dirty words under the barrage of live interviews.

Catherine knew that she was in a state where she could not accept the interview, but the interviewer forced herself to answer their questions, and could only insist on sloppy answers to the next questions and rushed out of the live broadcast room.

Breathing fresh air, I have been mentally suggesting to myself that I can’t let those terrible things paralyze me, absolutely not!

Unexpectedly, an interview actually used the greatest courage of her life, and Catherine laughed at herself as she walked.

Leave those questions behind, I beg you.

Crouching on the side of the road, burying his head and crying, those scenes are still pushed in his mind one by one, the more he does not want it to appear, but those scenes are clearer.

Her own netizens and her girlfriends can bravely face those things, and can also take the initiative to attack the uniform, before they may be like other netizens, with curiosity to see the jokes of the facers, and now…

By the time Catherine got up, it was already dark.

Looking to the west, so fast, the sun had gone down, and it was already getting cold, but Catherine only felt that she had begun to sweat cold behind her.

Looking at the past, it is vaguely possible to see that it is a flat meadow, but there is a tomb that stands bare on the grass, there is no tombstone, I am afraid it is also a poor person.

There was no sound around the quiet, it was just a moment, and behind him was the sound of shouting.

Catherine had never felt that such a murky voice could be so good, and Catherine was now like dry soil desperately sucking up this sudden dew, and she was out of her current predicament.

But the motorcyclist just looked at Catherine, and his eyes were surprised, a woman dared to come out alone in the middle of the night, didn’t she know the rumors here?

The motorcyclists hurried away in a hurry, leaving Catherine alone on this eerie night.

It’s all right, there are so many people still active, it must be fine.

The night is the ghost’s favorite time, hiding all the bloodthirsty things in the night, looking for the hapless people wandering the streets.

It’s just that recently Catherine has been a bit unlucky, and the heart that has just calmed down has once again jumped wildly.

What was it just now? One more look, one more glance is enough.

Catherine turned her head slowly, not finding anything.

“Well, I’m scared to death, the demons and ghosts are leaving, the old lady is not afraid of you, I saw that you ate you, ripped your skin and sucked your blood!”

Catherine yelled at the air, trying to scare away the unclean things with these harsh words, but her trembling voice exposed her horror.


Catherine felt a cold wind blowing in her ears, but she didn’t think much of it, after all, she had already felt the cold when she first came out of the live broadcast room.

Slapping her right hand at the place where she had just been a little uncomfortable, and finding nothing unusual, and the fact that people passed by from time to time made Catherine a little bold.

The steps went down with their own strength, and they wanted to leave this somewhat strange place.

This road is the road that you must go through to go home, that is, this road, there have been rumors before, often on this road to see women in long red dresses, with long black hair, crying on this road.

Catherine really wanted to kill herself, why was she so curious to remember what people were saying.

Something was wrong, Catherine felt that someone was following behind her, and the poisonous eyes kept staring at her back, as if she had to stare at a hole before the other party would stop.

Wouldn’t it, such a coincidence?

Catherine mentally hinted that she should hurry up, and her legs were only stepping up to speed at first, and then she couldn’t help but feel the panic in her heart, and she ran quickly.

Until Catherine ran too much to keep running, stopped to gasp, looked around herself, and found herself far away.

Fortunately, I was able to run away without being caught.

“Oh ~ is my sister looking for me?”

Catherine gasped and was frightened, and a breath stuck in the throat, not up and down, not uncomfortable.

After the wild cough, Catherine found that there was no one around, whether she had heard it wrong, or maybe it really was, she did not have a sister.

Shun his throat, his legs did not stop moving.

“Uh-huh… My sister doesn’t want me anymore, whoops, I’m not alive. ”

Suddenly, Catherine heard the voice clearly, and it entered her ears very clearly.

The whole body began to become cold, and seeing the crouching people on the road in front of him was not exactly the rumored red dress and long black hair?

I don’t know what it’s like to turn around, no, no, I can’t let her turn around and see herself.

Catherine wanted to move on, only to break through that obstacle, which was the old way to say.

But his legs were too heavy to lift, more like he had entered a state of numbness.

Catherine pinched her legs, prompting her legs to step apart, and before she could land, her whole body fell to the ground.

Don’t you have the strength? Is it really true that today he was killed by a female ghost and then became the next outlaw himself? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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