Catherine felt the pain under her feet and knew that her feet were broken, and her ankles must have been red and swollen.

Looking up, I saw a delicate pair of hands spread out in front of her, and the woman’s hand, looking down at the arm.


Was it her, just now wasn’t she still in front? Approaching herself so quickly, Catherine could not restrain her body, and trying to avoid the continued proximity of these hands, Catherine’s whole body kept retreating.

Trying to move herself to a safe position, Catherine’s eyes stared momentarily at the female ghost in front of her.

This time I really saw the appearance of the female ghost, the fangs were exposed, and there was a bright red around the eyes.

Under the illumination of the half moon, the appearance of this female ghost was even more eerie.

Suddenly, Catherine felt that the place she was in had changed, and she had previously sat on the ground handsomely, and now there were graves all around.

No, how could this be, Catherine’s heart was broken, this is already in the territory of the female ghost, she can do whatever she wants to absorb her soul?

I only felt that the wind that blew through my body was sympathetically encouraging the strange things around me to attack me at the same time, and there were pieces of blue phosphorus fire floating around the grave, and the white cloth was flying in the air, hula, and the crows that cried blood flew away in unison.

“Sister, let me help you up~”

The female ghost swung her dress, and Catherine opened her eyes to see that the thin hands had just turned into thin branches.

What’s going on? How the female ghost turned into a branch, Catherine would certainly not be stupid enough to see for herself wrong, the female ghost existed, but it became like this.

Catherine somehow always felt that there would be an even greater shock coming up.

After waiting for a while, Catherine saw that the female ghost had not appeared again, and she braced herself and raised her legs to prepare to leave the place.

Feeling a little bolder now, hurry up and walk towards the front, leaving this devastating ghost place, not knowing if there is any other dirty thing hiding next.

Just where to go, if you encounter a ghost hitting the wall, everything is in vain, mysterious side, hurry up and save me, this will really drive me crazy, Catherine roared in her heart.

“Oh ~ sister, you come ~ ”

“My sister is so cold, sister, come and accompany me…”

“Uh-huh… Hello fierce heart~”

The noise entered the ears, and all the noisy sounds around disappeared except for the voice of this female ghost in the air, and without seeing her figure, Catherine continued to walk with her head buried.


“Sister, I’ve been waiting for a long time, and I’m so uncomfortable.”

Catherine knew that the female ghost was behind her, and this time she could not continue to go, otherwise she would provoke the female ghost and draw blood.

“Demons and ghosts are leaving, miscellaneous little ghosts…”

Catherine whispered in her mouth the spells she had heard as a child, all of which she had heard, and did not know that it would not work.

Only this time, the female ghost did not want to let Catherine leave, and put her hand on Catherine’s shoulder from behind, gently moving towards the neck.

Little by little, Catherine felt her hand reach over like a popsicle on herself, and she was more awake by this stimulation.

“Good value for money”

Catherine could only feel her breathing being contained, and the female ghost behind her put her hands around Catherine’s neck and pressed against her throat.

It was fragile, and the pain caused Catherine to cry, and this time it was not afraid of being able to get rid of the female ghost.

Catherine panicked, before the rescue in the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum, it was because of Li Xiaomo, the mysterious side power to destroy those ghost things one by one.

Before, she only thought it was magical, and this time it was only herself, and for the first time, Catherine felt that the mysterious side power was so powerful.

Gradually, Catherine’s consciousness began to wane, everything in front of her began to blur, and the eerie laughter in her ears kept attacking the last line of defense of Catherine’s psychology.


“Ah, my eyes, ah, who?”

The female ghost roared out in excruciating pain, and the red nails on her hands were even more colorful, but her left eye was emitting black smoke.

Catherine didn’t know what was wrong, but it looked like the ghost was injured, and thinking of this, Catherine quickly withdrew from the ghost’s control.

The female ghost attaches great importance to her appearance, but she can’t find a target to attack her, so this breath even reaches Catherine’s body, and she flies towards the woman who is running on her legs.

“Take your life, you can’t escape the palm of my hand.”

The female ghost reached out and grabbed the location of Catherine’s heart, and just as the red nails were about to be embedded in her body, a force struck again, just in time to hit the female ghost’s body.

The female ghost had to give up the idea of poaching the heart, and the female ghost hit by the force fell to the ground, trembling.

The female ghost’s star level was very low, and she couldn’t detect who was attacking her, but she could also feel that there was this other force constantly surging around her, and it was protecting this woman.

However, after such a long time, he needed to fill the gap in his body with his heart, otherwise he would be scattered, and thinking of this, the female ghost began to attack Catherine.

As long as the other party does not pay attention and poaches the woman’s heart, the other party will not be able to help himself.


Catherine saw that the female ghost had flown towards her and attacked again, and shouted with her mouth open.

Although I don’t know how effective this is, someone has already hurt the female ghost, and there must be someone around watching.

“Oh ~ no one can save you today!”

The female ghost had already made up her mind that this time she would definitely kill the woman, and as long as she absorbed her essence, she could consolidate her ghost body.


The loud noise came from the female ghost, and Catherine had previously closed her eyes in fright, not seeing who was coming to the rescue.

The female ghost also wanted to open her mouth to roar the resentment in her heart, but before she could say anything, she was imprisoned by Grikonwell with mysterious side power, and finally disappeared into black smoke.

Catherine looked at the female ghost who had been chasing after her life before, which had been cleaned up, and her heart was amnesty.

“Is that you?”

Catherine had seen the man she had seen in the Thorn Cliff Asylum before, and this time it was him again, and it seemed that she had recently had an unlucky fate with these unusual things or people.

However, I can’t help but be a little surprised that I can meet him here, and when I get to the night, it is rare to find people here.

If it weren’t for her own emotions on the side of the road today, she might not have encountered this file, really fucking sad, Catherine complained in her heart.

Grikonwell hadn’t paid much attention to the wild ghosts of this place before, feeling that they couldn’t make a difference, and they didn’t usually do harm. _

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