It’s just that 096 got up, and the sky roared, venting the anger in his body little by little.

Watching the ghost thing actually roared out, but it actually began to move, no, it was in its own direction.

The little brother who reacted quickly ran back to the trading point, where there were arms, and it was more than enough to attack the ghost thing.

“Ah, water master help, save me.”

Thinking that the ghost thing should be staring at itself, only by asking for help can the ghost thing be killed.

Originally, both sides were flying and swaying, which was broken by that roar, looking at the panicked little brother, Shui Ye saw the man on the other side with a mocking meaning.

“You’re panicked, what are you doing?”

The little brother turned his head to see that the ghost thing was already approaching this side, very fast speed, and quickly said loudly: “Quick, shoot!” ”

The sound reminded the people around him, grabbed the gun in the hands of the accomplice, and fired it at 096.

Bang Bang Bang!

The crowd had already detected what was running, coming at great speed, and the deafening roar pulled the crowd out of their astonishment.

“This… What is it? ”

“Who knows what this ugly thing is, just hit it!”

“Oh mother, why is this guy’s skin so white and his body so tall?”

As soon as 096 came into view, the crowd began to talk about what it looked like, and the teasing sound made it even more manic.

The people present usually did the work of not seeing the sun, and the bloody things were not touched less, but after being surprised, they began to fire their loaded guns at the ghost things that rushed in.

Who knows what this ghost thing is, and now it looks like this uncommon animal is opposite.

The man took a puff of his cigarette and said in a deep voice, “Catch this ghost thing alive.” ”

In my heart, I was calculating how to get this rare ghost thing to sell on the black market for a good price, which was the money spent on safflowers!

Shui Ye also followed the man’s learning and ordered his men to capture it alive.

096 How could it be possible for them to press themselves on their heads, bully themselves, and quickly jump into the encirclement without waiting for their secretly observing moves.

096 does not dodge the bullets they shoot, these gadgets are like tickling to 096, the eyes are directly staring at the little brother, the hands cover his face, and the sharp nails are submerged in the face of the little brother, tearing the face off.

Oops, bullets are of no use to this ghost thing, this high-tech thing can’t beat it, then what else can fight it.


“Oh shit, this fucking monster.”

“Forget it, run!”

Seeing that his little brother dared to run away under himself, the man shot directly into the sky.

“Today, whoever catches this ugly ghost thing, I will be rewarded”

The unashamed words were put here by men, and the people who had just retreated began to calculate the relationship between their lives and money, and eventually they were tempted by money to stay.

The 096 tyranny had finished fermenting, jealously snatched the gun in their hands, slapped them directly on the head, and in a flash, the brain exploded around.

“Sleeper, no money, damn!”

“Go ahead, don’t get in my way.”

“Whoever loves to ask for money wants money, I don’t want it anyway.”

The crowd dispersed, but 096 did not decide to let them go, these people had already seen its face, and the discomfort in their hearts prompted 096 to kill them one by one.

“Whoops, whoops…”

096 roared bitterly as he looked at those who had fled into the wilderness, they were very clever, and headed around, thinking that 096 was moving faster than the distance between them.

Unfortunately, 096 flew up, and his right hand directly buckled their eyeballs down, and his left hand tore their faces.

Shui Ye saw the situation and found that this guy was not a fool to solve, and directly slipped away.

But 096 quickly grabbed the collar, lifted him up, and looked at him face to face.

Shui Ye saw the mold of 096, frightened and quickly covered his eyes, afraid that it also buckled down his own eyeballs, just saw the murderous scene, although usually no evil, but spread on his own body began to be afraid.

“Hurry up, save me!!”

A hissing sound of cracking lungs came from Shui Ye’s mouth, but no one risked a tragic death to save him.

096 opened his mouth, yelled at Shui Ye, shook his body, and threw him into those wooden boxes.


Shui Ye struggled to get up, looking at himself that he was not dead, and thought that he had escaped the attack range of 096, but when he looked up, he saw it bending over, and his two hands were coming towards him.

Touching the gun beneath him, he drew an arrow with his breath closed, closed his eyes, and fired the arrow under him.

096 took the attacking shells in his hands, but instead threw the arrows at those who were running, and cried out.

It also did not look at those who had fled, directly holding Shui Ye in his hands, his hands slammed together, and the impact of the impact, Water Ye was killed in one move.

096 opened his hand, opened the body that had changed its appearance, and lifted it up and threw it at the group.

Shui Ye’s body was impacted, his face burst open, his body was like being broken, the whole blood was lying on the ground, and some people couldn’t stand this bloody scene and directly vomited out.

The man looked in horror at the water master who had just spoken to himself, and now turned into a cold corpse, thinking of his own safety, the man strode toward the pile of arms.

Holding a large gun in both hands, he attacked the 096 in a series of attacks, but this strange thing did not attack himself, but instead attacked the group of eggs?

Men think that 096 harms themselves, or recognizes themselves as masters, and suddenly relaxes their nervous hearts.

After 096 killed the group of fleeing people one by one, he returned to the same place, crouching on the ground and crying in a low voice, which was completely different from the brutal appearance just now.

The man sent his surviving men to investigate the ghost and sat on the arsenal and waited for the good news.

“Is it going to kill us?”


The three of them piled up together, did not dare to go forward, had to reach out to inquire about the situation of 096 who was squatting and sitting, but 096 had been burying his head between his arms, and he couldn’t see what the situation was.

“There you go!”


The last three of them approached 096 together, moving very slowly, afraid of waking up this cruel guy, and the gun in his hand had already attached a layer of sweat.

Although 096 had been docile, the three did not dare to easily amplify their movements.

One person probed under 096’s arm, shone it with a flashlight, and stared at 096’s situation with wide eyes.

The black and white eyeballs and the all-white eyeballs were aligned, and the man realized that he had woken it up, and regardless of what happened to his accomplice, he directly threw his legs away. _

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