Hit the ghost, so mysterious today!

The other two did not realize that 096 had awakened, went around behind him, and kicked it in the waist.

“This ghost thing looks pretty ugly, why don’t you move now?”

“Who knows? But it kept crying and getting bored. ”

“Leave it alone, solve it, let’s just take the money and leave, and then fucking trade, Lao Tzu eats and drinks spicy, who can help me?”


The two men pulled the rope net pinned to their waists into the air, preparing in four directions, southeast and northwest, waiting for a net to collect 096 in it.

“Little Six?”

“Alas… Just not still here? Forget it, a little younger, see this situation, may be instigated. ”

“Forget it, don’t follow the buddies to eat and drink spicy.”

The two were not surprised by Xiao Liu’s sudden departure, the money obtained by risking his life was not something that anyone could enjoy, and the two of them only spread out the big net in their hands, and they did not have time to watch 096’s current movements.

096’s crying voice has risen and fallen, it has been hiding its face and crying, and there is no action to move next, and the two people have not taken this sudden change of crying to heart.


“Tired old man, this guy is so big and so powerful, you said that in case it falls into the hands of our brothers…”

Meaningfully looking at the person who had just acted with him, greed was clearly revealed, but he did not force it to hide, only waiting for the other party to nod.

“Brother, go!”

When all was said and done, the two men echoed diagonally, hanging the rope of the large net around their necks, ready to grab the 096 with all their strength.

“One, two, three, go you!”

The two men faced outwards, their legs thrust into the dirt, pulling the rope net outward.

How can it not move? The rope net is not so fast, it is broken, turn around and look at the center of the rope net.

Hiss ~ this ghost thing actually stood up.

He had already seen 096’s face, but it did not directly kill this greedy man, and according to the order, Xiao Liu, who had escaped not long ago, had become a target.

“Uh-huh… Good location and nice staff”

096 roared in the night sky, and his legs began to step out, quickly attacking in the direction of Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu had already run to the bushes in the distance, crouching inside waiting for dawn, just now he had seen the face of the ghost thing, it was a monster at all, and it was lucky not to kill himself.

Xiao Liu quickly knelt on the ground and prayed to the heavens, hoping that he would get out alive.

It’s just that the sound of 096 roaring has come from the ear, has it come? So fast!

Thinking of that murderous ghost thing, he took a breath, and his heart was beating wildly and about to jump out of his throat.

Quickly burrowed into the bushes, curled up his body in a ball, and his sense of presence was fully reduced, but these did not escape the highly perceptual 096.

096 rushed over, arm an ordinary iron axe, and swept through this patch of bushes.

What to do? I touched my waist and put it down. Xiao Liu forced himself to close his eyes and wait for death to come.


A tragic sound came from the bushes, and 096 directly swept the bushes away, and the bushes had been destroyed.

Xiao Liu’s upper body fell to the ground with the bushes that had been swept down, and before he could open his eyes, he was already hacked to death by 096’s arm.

This scream entered the ears of the two people, but it was already the anger of the two people who sensed 096, because 096 had turned around and quickly crossed various obstacles.

Seeing that 096 was about to come, it was a bloodthirsty demon.

“Little Three, help.”

The two men trembled and pulled out their pistols and fired wildly at 096, only to see that 096’s steps did not have the tendency to stop because of their attacks.

The two men quickly ran backwards when they saw the situation, and the human instinct made them both choose to cling to each other, so that they had a little sense of security.

“Oh, don’t chase me, you chase him!”

“You are like this?”

“No, no…”

The two of them had their own concerns, one thinking about putting the other on his back, the other thinking that since he didn’t chase himself, whether he could catch it, this ghost thing would have a lot of money in his pocket when he bought it on the black market, and he didn’t have to share the money equally.

“Whoops, whoops…”

096’s miserable voice chased after him and grabbed at the man who saw his face.


Feeling that the ghost thing behind him was using its sharp fingernails to sink into his back, the pain was unbearable and finally howled, struggling to escape his body from the shackles of the ghost thing, thinking that he might die here, the strength of his legs rose, and he slammed his legs to escape.

But his body was still fluttering in place, and then he only felt that his body was motionless in place, waiting for the ghost to brutally kill him.

096 his own arm into his body, has touched the heart that is still beating wildly, as soon as the nail touches, the vitality of the heart has been exhausted, and it has stopped beating.


Xiao San watched his accomplice being killed by the ghost in front of him, and the rope net in his hand did not know whether to continue to set up, and he thought about it and quickly hid the rope net in his hand behind him so that 096 would not see it.

Seeing his accomplices being killed, or being tortured to death little by little, Xiao San had a very strong feeling that the ghost thing on the other side could easily kill people, but it was playing with life.

Looking up at 096 again, its face fell directly into Xiao San’s eyes, and its white shiny face was very visible under the illumination of the light.

Seeing that the opposite 096 had stared at himself, Xiao San threw down the rope net in his hand, constantly retreating, his eyes fixed on 096, afraid that one would not pay attention to himself.

“Uncle Uncle, I beg you, let me go…”

Xiao San’s voice begged in a very low voice for 096 to let him go, but unfortunately 096 flew directly over and squeezed his throat to cut off his next words.

After that, 096 killed the few remaining miscellaneous pieces, got up in a second, killed them in a second, landed on the ground in a second, and pinched the time point just right.

096 knew that his scp096-01 had all been killed, wandered in the wilderness again, crouched on the ground, returned to his obedient appearance again, covered his face and wept, and isolated all these killings in his own world.

Of course, this dark night will not be peaceful, the eagle sauce country that has just ended the earthquake, some places have been destroyed very badly, and the man who has been waiting for the magical object to jump out of the crack has fallen to the ground and passed out.

“Ah, killed!!!”

Seeing such a tragic situation early in the morning, there were corpses lying on the ground, and it looked like it should have just died.



ps: lazy to afford a foreigner’s name, well… Code Solved!

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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