These people were either slit in their throats or their hearts were crushed in their bodies, and all kinds of tragic deaths appeared here, and the old farmer had never seen such a situation, turned around and ran, away from this place of right and wrong, but did not forget to call the patrol.

[This is the wilderness of the xx area, according to the inspection report, this tragedy occurred here at one o’clock in the middle of the night, which lasted for an hour, and the number of deaths on the scene has reached forty-nine.] 】

[According to official information, the identity of the deceased present was secretly doing illegal arms dealing, and the cause of death is still being verified.] 】

[Here is xx newsletter, for you to solve the mystery here! 】 】

[The official has begun to investigate the cause of death and the events behind the arms deal, please click to pay attention to the specific matter!] 】

At the scene, the patrol has drawn white circles of the dead one by one to prevent people from moving their original positions, and security guards have directly blocked out those who want to rush into the security line.

“Have you found out the reason now?”

“Is there evidence that this tragic death involving forty-nine lives was killed by him or by attacking each other?”

“Please answer our questions!”


The patrolman looked at the group of twittering interviewers in front of him and had the urge to squash the people who had informed them of the situation.

But reality did not allow him to do this, or said in a good voice: “We are still investigating, if the incident advances, we will inform everyone, please do not hinder the patrolman’s investigation.” ”

Even so, these interviewers still sneak in from time to time to photograph all kinds of tragic deaths, and some people really can’t stand the bloody smell of the scene and directly lie on the ground and vomit.

These photos have been uploaded to the major networks, foreigners who have come over the wall have also come to join in the fun, who does not want to watch the farce of the eagle sauce country, it is difficult to catch this opportunity, naturally will not give up easily.

There are very few photos of the pictures that have been transmitted on the Internet, and there are very few photos that do not see blood, of course, there are no pictures of arms, which have been officially sealed and confiscated.

“I rub, this fucking if it’s a human kill, I’ll cut off my head and kick it for you guys!!”

“Remember the last time Catherine that woman was on YouTube, and what two anchors of the Eastern Power shot at the Thorn Cliff Insane Asylum?” Will this time also be a ghost coming to the door to find his life? ”

“Although the Eagle Sauce Country allows the possession of guns, this kind of large-scale trafficking has touched the rules, so the people in the pictures have already committed crimes, but the death is a bit tragic.”

“Brothers, please pay attention to what you say, and the Internet language also needs to obey the rules!!”

Netizens see these things, each has its own method, some people really guessed that the ghost came to the door, this tragic death does not feel like people can do, even if there is no official to reveal it, now the speculation on the Internet has not been broken.

Not long after the Thorn Cliff madhouse incident, has made Eagle Sauce panic, when it comes to wild ghosts, no one dares to go out to explore this tragedy, no one will come down to the ghost will find it again.

Many people who did not understand things went over the wall to watch Liu Xiaoling’s live broadcast in the Thorn Cliff Madhouse, and stood on the same side as those who claimed that this time it was a ghost killing.

It’s just that the official has not spoken yet, these are all speculations, and no one dares to make a big fuss about this tragic case to the end.

“Ah, headache, who can tell me what’s going on!!!”

“Angry at me, not at all to make people safe, roll him, ah, angry at me!”

The man thought that this tragedy involved so many people, as well as the previous matter of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse, which would already cause the people to be uneasy, and this time there was such a moth, really wanted to strangle those dogs.

Ghosts? No wonder if you become a ghost and can’t be reborn, you are not worthy of being a human being as long as you destroy things.

The man frantically tugged at his own little hair, what an ironic scene, thought about the current situation, and then slapped his desk hard.

Manually dial the phone and wait for nearly a minute before picking it up.

“How are you going to deal with this?”

A calm voice came from the phone, and the man’s grumpy anger was immediately pushed down.

“If I knew what to do, would I be so grumpy, huh?” Standing and talking without waist pain?? ”

The man’s originally somewhat subsided anger, as his words grew higher and higher, and at the end, he directly roared out.

“Want to die? Just say, don’t set me on fire here! ”

The cold tone came directly from the phone, and the cold feeling made the man unaware, but he still changed his attitude, which was forced to bow his head to the other party.

“What to do? The previous Thorn Cliff madhouse incident was enough of a headache, and now it is … Alas!! ”

“Don’t worry, just check it step by step, and be sure to find out the truth behind this matter, don’t let the important information leak out, otherwise you and I can’t eat and walk.”

Men naturally know what is at stake, but the information on the Internet spreads too fast, and the scope has spread to the point of not knowing how big. Can’t leak information now? So many people are waiting for official verification information, which is looking for death, against the people.

Yes! It’s a real shame.

Before the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum, it was already known that the Eagle Sauce Country also had a mysterious side circle like the Eastern powers, but it had not been welcomed by the mysterious side circle, and naturally there was no cooperation.

The man slammed his head on the table, bumping his head one after another, thinking about how to find out these things.

“Would you say there will be surveillance at the scene?” Or let me break through the official wall… Hey, you get the idea. ”

“You dare to climb over the official wall and find a gun to eat!”

“Wait for the official news, I am waiting so hard, otherwise we will organize a group to check it.”

“If you want to die, don’t pull people’s backs, brother, I am waiting for your good news.”

Since the beginning of the voice on the Internet, there has been no interruption of various voices, and the curiosity of netizens has not diminished but increased a lot, and they want to know the truth behind this tragedy, whether it is full of strange and exciting means.

The man decided to come to the scene of the tragedy in person, and his mood had calmed down a lot, and he was about to start doing the right thing.

The scene has been blocked, and those with cameras are not allowed to enter, but the news of their coming is still known to them, and they are vigorously asking about the tragedy.

The man quickly evaded the interviewer’s interview, came to the security line, saw the patrolman who was examining the body, and asked: “How?” “_

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