“Captain, the method of death is different, the only thing that is the same is that the method is fierce, and according to their black eyeballs, the deceased has experienced a frightened before, or a fatal shock.”

“Frightened?” The captain recalled the information he had given earlier, took the report in his hand, and said to the person who was still waiting for him to speak: “Okay, you continue to test.” ”

This wilderness is so large, the bushes also hide the place where arms are traded, they chose an extremely hidden place, but they died a little scattered!

Coupled with the description of the two groups of criminals on the inspection report, all the people they brought from the old nest were killed here, not killing each other, but all being killed.

Looking at the surrounding white circles, this position is the escape in the four directions of southeast, south, and northwest, and those small circles are the places where the guns are dropped, most of which are stuck on the fingers.

They had weapons in their hands and reports on the number of bullets in the firearms, very few of which were empty shell guns, and there was room for attack.

If the other party is human, why don’t they even have room to fight back?

There was not even a single extra dead person on the field, and there was no trace of the body pulling, the other party was a ghost, and he could inexplicably kill these people.

Thinking of the ghost, the captain shook a little, not that he had not seen the video about the Thorn Cliff Madhouse, those dirty things had been eliminated last time, but with once, there would inevitably be a second time.

“Oh, don’t let me catch this crime, or else… Well, strangle you. ”

The captain’s grumpy temper came up, but thinking of the speculation of people on the Internet, I have to say that those netizens, although they are fooling around on the Internet every day, sometimes they really reason reasonably.

The official inspection was a one-day inspection, the autopsy report had been sent to the captain, and the netizens who had been in a panic all day had not been able to wait for the results.

“Ah, it’s been a day, and the official hasn’t come out yet?”

“To tell the truth, I was afraid that I would be killed directly by people halfway through, just like them.”

“This may be a big deal, otherwise the official would have sent a message long ago, so wait a minute!”

“I wait, wait, wait until the white-haired flies, wait until the stranger is exhausted, I only wait until tomorrow noon, otherwise I don’t know that I will do something unexpected.” 」

After work, netizens once again frantically put this matter on the table to talk about, began a variety of speculations, because the official has not responded, all speculation may be very big.

The matter was indeed very big, and the captain and his own team members discussed the results of today’s report and began to sort out the report of the tragedy.

“Forty-nine of the dead had no fingerprints on them?” This method of death is strange, there are no fingerprints left, will the other party bring gloves? ”

“This possibility has been ruled out.”

“The enemy of the two gangs of criminals, did you check the recent move?”

“Tidying up… Ah, well, they’ve been at peace lately, and their enemies and partners abroad have been at peace with each other. ”

When the captain heard the news, he somehow felt something expected, but now the case has not progressed.

“By the way, did you hear strange noises at the scene of the crime last night?”

“This is being investigated, but many of the people around have already chosen to flee, after all, there is some blood that happened there.”

096 continued to squat for a while, still crying in disguise, completely unaware of how much of a sensation it had caused outside because of it.

“This makes me report!”

Early in the morning, the captain’s voice had begun to sound, and a night was thinking about any possibility, even the report showed that there was no suspect, which made how to look for it.

The whole case is a clueless blind touch, and every road is blocked by evidence.

“The next day clocked in, the official has not yet spoken out about the tragedy, then I am not worthy of speaking.”

“Don’t talk here, quickly look at the new photos of the dead on the Internet.”

“I just want to know the truth, this curiosity doesn’t satisfy me, I’m too hard!!”

“I think the official may not have found out yet, after all, a matter with such a sensational effect can be found out in one day.”

“Could it be that the officials are holding back the big move, finally releasing it, and then scaring us to death?”

Not only are netizens still discussing in the north and south of the world, but even those ordinary unfamous live broadcasts have followed the trend again, making this tragic case a ghost film from beginning to end, and putting it on major websites, so that the netizens who are already frightened are more convinced that it is a ghost who has caused things.

Grikonwell has set out to find out what happened about the SCP Foundation, and naturally knows what happened today, but will not tell the truth behind the official, after all, there is no cooperation with the official, and rushing to go will upset the previous equilibrium.

The trend of these discussions is not too much related to the killing of ghosts and enemies, but netizens are more inclined to ask for the lives of ghosts, but these are all wrong, 096 is a transcendent phenomenon of the SCP, the actions of these forty-nine people are just the introduction of these people who triggered the tyranny of 096.

Gricon Weil thought it was amusing to be made up like this by these followers.

Found, did not find the sp foundation has been placed under the Eagle Sauce Country, the Eagle Sauce Country land area is very large, can be imagined, this SCP Foundation is large.

Grikonwell is not worried that the foundation will blow itself out, Liu Feng is the ultimate big boss, naturally both sides will say hello, dredge up the relationship between the two organizations.

Sure enough, Grikonwell made his way to the foundation, where he was met by a supervisor who brought Grikonwell to the Doctor.

“Hello, I’m a PhD from the Branch SCP Foundation, and we’re preparing to start a meeting to talk about the 096 containment failure, you see?”


Grikonwell knew that the Doctor was inviting him to the meeting, and it was just so good that he could hear about 096 and that he would win every battle.

At the meeting, Foundation members sat down, and Grikonwell first looked at the surrounding instruments and finally set his eyes on the screen.

There is no film about 096, and all the information is based on dictation or an attack video showing the current predicament.

Grikonwell stared at the video on the screen, and this 096 was able to destroy the special combat aircraft in one fell swoop, which could not be underestimated.

“It has been discovered that 096 has a feature, that is, as you can see, 096 can jump to a height of eighty meters, perhaps higher.”

The doctor then flipped the message over and said to Grikonwell, “Mr. Grey, this is specific information about 096. ”

Grikon Weir was not surprised by the doctor’s move, he knew nothing about the situation of 096 and could only learn about it through this meeting. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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