As the information on the screen converts, Grikonwell learns the characteristics of the 096, which is no less than the influence of the ghost.

Oh no, it should be said that the damage caused by the powerful ghosts is several times greater.

Looking at the thirty-two members of the Foundation and forty-nine human beings who have fallen into the hands of 09, who could have imagined that in this accident, there would be an earthquake that would destroy the Foundation’s re-containment.

“How does 096 contain?”

Grikonwell frowned, although this matter was not under his jurisdiction, but he always knew the reason, perhaps it would be necessary to contain 096.

“This… Forget it, it doesn’t hurt to say it directly, in the previous experiment, the face control of 096 was omitted, so it was exposed to the eyes of the members who were doing the experiment at the time. ”

The doctor has always held a guilty attitude about this matter, he has always thought that if 09 is contained in the blackboard closed single room, there will be no more accidents, but who can think that in the process of experimentation, there will be omissions.

Earthquakes are unexpected, and even if the foundation organization is strong, it will not be able to resist the movement of nature’s laws.

The doctor thought for a moment and stood up suddenly: “I have submitted an application for the execution of 096, if necessary, to launch the destruction of 096, and this execution order has been allowed!” ”

“Doctor, it’s not a question of whether or not to execute 096, but how, don’t you see that 096 will be seen in the face from time to time?” Serial killing, wait until the whole world is destroyed? ”

The members breathed a big breath, after all, in this situation, they could not resist their anxious emotions before they said these words.

“I know, so I’m inviting Mr. Gerry to this meeting for 096!”

The doctor was not angry at the tone of the members, after all, everyone was for the development of the foundation, and they all wanted to abide by the purpose of protecting the world.

Grikon Weir stood up and then said, “I am Grikonwell, who only represents the mysterious side circle of the Eagle Sauce Country and the Guihui to take in 096.” ”

“I’ve just learned a few things about 096, so I’ll actively participate in the next discussion.”

I don’t know if what Grikhamwell said was very pertinent, the atmosphere that had just been tense was now slightly loose.

The doctor said quietly: “I think everyone knows what happened yesterday, 096 can brutally kill so many people, is it the first thing to find its tracks?” ”

“But… The special filter that the foundation spent a lot of manpower and material resources to develop also lost its effect, and there was no way to find the trace of 096 and no way to attack closely. ”

This sentence has already mentioned the first half of the problem, this problem is really difficult to solve, if the special filter still has a role, containment 096 is just a problem.

But now not only is there nothing for Foundation members to take in 096 even at the risk of their lives, but from the first two times, it has no effect at all, but it has increased the number of dead people in vain.

Everyone went into contemplation that there was no way to change the characteristics of 096, and it was not yet certain that 096’s IQ and humans had anything in common. It looks like a human being, and if its IQ is the same as that of a human being, it is more difficult to contain.

Griconwell also almost heard where they were concerned, and perhaps could take the mysterious side force to make 096 able to converge on the point, but these words made Grikonwell hide in his stomach, and it was better to be stable when he first arrived.

The Doctor looked at Grikonwell as he was wandering, ready to remind him: “Cough, Mr. Gerry?” ”

When Grikonwell was distracted, he had already seen that they had gone out, and only the Doctor and himself were still in the conference room.

“Doctor, you say.”

Naturally, Grikon Weil knew that the Doctor had left himself alone in the conference room to talk to himself.

“Mr. Gerry, do you have any other way?”

“No, just follow your plan, Dr. You need to explore it slowly, and your plan is already good.”

As for the Doctor’s plan, Gricon Weir felt that the matter might really go ahead step by step.

Liu Feng watched the conversation between Grikon Well and the doctor on the screen, smiling at the corners of his mouth, watching the plot he set up all the way down, there was a feeling of manipulating everything, but it was only faint.

Liu Feng has set up so many horror scenes, has slowly withdrawn from the storyline, and has become a complete viewer, and is not afraid of these horror scenes.

“Haha… There will be something even cooler next. ”

Liu Feng will be the foundation members of the ordinary screen has been opened, which was not directly opened in the Eastern countries before, and finally Liu Xiaoling and the two of them through the consent of the foundation, the process of the foundation fight was filmed, and this time with the help of 096 shyness, the screen will have a greater effect.

Thinking of this, Liu Feng actually felt a little interesting, watching the growth of minus zero on the system panel, and his mood was even better.

“Brother, what’s the matter that makes you so happy?”

Liu Xiaoling in the corner of the stairs, he heard the sound of his brother humming, you can see that his mood is very good, for Liu Xiaoling, although the recent brother’s mood is not bad, but not to the point of humming, so I feel that something good has happened recently.

Liu Feng turned his head to look at his sister, from the last confrontation on the seashore, the bravery of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo had refreshed the impression of Liu Feng here.

The thought that he had planned to make the two of them retreat, and now that he had come into contact with the mysterious side circle and had been exposed to so many strange things, he could still maintain his curiosity.

“Little Healer, do you regret it?”

Liu Feng was also worried about whether his sister would feel tired and whether she would feel that this matter was too hard, but because of her face, she never said what she said.

Upon hearing that his brother may have to say long and short sentences together to tell what he wants to say, Liu Xiaoling quickly replied: “Brother, I really don’t regret it, and I think my life is full now!” ”

Although the inheritance left by his parents can support his life as a rich lady, those comfortable lives are not what he wants, and those are too boring.

“And that’s what Xiaomo thinks too, the two of us never start doing things on a whim.”

Liu Feng heard his little sister’s answer and nodded, which was a response.

No matter what the future holds, she will protect her sister and her girlfriend, at least there should be.

Their current cultivation has just begun, and it is not suitable for them to talk to them about life expectancy, about the mysterious side circle, and as the circle expands, they will gradually understand. _

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