“0 machines did not find the target!”


“Plane 13 did not find the target!”

“Machine 23 finds target! Request Support! ”

The helicopter hovering in mid-air has been searching for the trail of 096, and it is now in the leafy season, and many places cannot be completely searched.

Just when everyone was already doubting whether 096 was out of the territory of the Eagle Sauce Country, they were still thinking about how to talk to other countries about this matter, until the 23rd machine came to the “target found” sound.

Thankfully! 096 did not leave the country, otherwise this matter would be much more complicated.

“Mobile Task Force Dispatch!”

At the sound of an order, the mobile task force sent fighter jets to the Gobi Desert, how it got to the Gobi Desert, no one knows how to do it, and the trace of 096 between them, the foundation does not know at all.

Grikon Weir also went with the mobile task force and reached the Gobi Desert, and Grikonwell chose to land and watch the anti-096 reverse.

Its face wasn’t easy to see, unless it was close, or staring at its videos and photos or something, and Grikon Weir just glanced roughly at where 096 was squatting.

It was now in a state of severe sadness, but its mood was still relatively stable, and when it thought of the forty-nine dead elephants, it only felt a chill.

Grikonwell looked up at the fighter hovering in the air, waiting for the Foundation’s unification order, no one knew if the fighter had any effect on the 096

According to previous surveillance, the Special Forces aircraft did not work against the 096, but instead caused the 096 to show its jumping attributes.

Regarding statistics, all the scp096-01 who saw 096’s face had no room for survival, so the extremely dangerous scp. containment failure will bring about the disaster of human destruction.

The performance of the fighter jet is much more powerful, and this time it is a specially trained mobile task force, which is hopefully much stronger than the last one.

Seeing that three fighters had already dispatched their own tubes, Grikonwell stepped back to avoid the madness that followed.

“Prepare at the same time!”

“Number One is ready!”

“Number two is ready!”


“Put it !!!”

Bang Bang Bang!!

Three fighter jets bombed the 096’s crouched position, and above the Gobi Desert, one mushroom cloud after another was formed, and the dust and fog hid the 096 inside, and no one could see the situation in the mushroom cloud.

Waiting for the dust and fog to dissipate, the three fighters rose to prevent 096 from suddenly jumping into the air.

“Wait for the target to appear!”



The end of the serial bombing is that everyone waits nervously for 96 in the mushroom cloud, but afraid to see its face, afraid to stare at the screen.

And no one paid attention to the fact that there was a video recorder not far away that was filming everything here, and everything was deliberately arranged by Liu Feng, otherwise how could more people see it and harvest the shock point.

“I was so clever, so coincidental, I was able to launch three fighters, what the hell is it?”

The photographer looked at the scene in the video recorder that was set up by the bracket, and his heart was always hairy, and he always felt that this matter needed to be hidden behind.

“If such a big scene can be broadcast live, hey, I can definitely get some attention from it.”

The photographer remembered that he usually did not use tubing often, although he did not use it often, but he usually uploaded some beautiful scenery, which has attracted less fans and attention.

“What about mobile phones? Data cable, haha, this time it’s up to you! ”

Even if you can’t get a large number of rewards like other live broadcasts, you can also make your popularity rise so lost.

Seeing that the phone was connected, the photographer decided to go into the camera himself and talk about this matter first.

“Cough, hello everyone, this is the Gobi Desert of Eagle Sauce Country…”

The photographer was not aware of the existence of 096, only thought that it was a joint drill of the team, and even the guard was not lifted, which gave him a good chance.

However, they should hide, in case they check it out, they will say that they don’t know that the team is rehearsing.

Looking for a place to hide around, the photographer saw a slightly larger mound and decided to go there and stay safe.

“Photography brother, even engaged in outdoor live broadcasting? Haha, laugh me to death. ”

“Maybe he couldn’t make money by doing a photography exhibition, and then he cheated halfway and came to the outdoor live broadcast.”

“The photography brother has just appeared on camera, and he is quite handsome, brother, do you have a female pot friend?”

“What is this live? I don’t understand, for the drill? ”

Photography brother is the photographer’s name on the tubing, these people are usually idle, and not like spending money to learn photography, usually follow the photography brother to learn photography skills, or is purely bored, and look at the photography brother usually upload pictures and videos are very good, just pay attention to him.

“Target survival!”

“The second round of attacks is ready.”

“Three, two, one, up!!”

The three fighters approached the 096 again and launched a series of bombing again, only this time forcing the 096 to stand up, but it did not roar, but moved towards the place where there was no bombing.

“Not to mention, this photography brother wants to be red heart is still quite high, actually found such a realistic, cattle batch.”

“I’ve tipped you, but how much money does it cost to do this bombing, so realistic.”

“Sleeper, fuck, what’s that hell?”

“Did you see that too?” I thought I was wrong, I heard someone crying, this can’t be a science fiction world, right? ”

“What do you see? I didn’t see it, tell me about it, please!! ”

With the movement of the 096 body, some people have seen the trance figure, but some people can still see very clearly, a body more than two meters high, the whole body is the color of a white madman, and the arms are at least one meter and five, hunched on both sides.

It’s just that all they see is the figure, and no one can see clearly on the front.

That also hooked the curiosity of many people, from the boredom of the beginning to the curiosity of the present, the more you can’t see it, the more you want to know whether this thing is a human or a monster that really exists.

Yes, those people’s cognition is to place 096 in the ranks of monsters, in the Eagle Sauce Country, their film productions are known for heroism, setting all the villains as monsters.

The photography brother naturally also saw the white figure, he did not think that it was artificially designed like that, the real three fighter jets bombed wildly, and did not hurt this ghost thing in the slightest.

Isn’t this a monster or what? Whoever has a brain to smoke and spends a lot of money here to put on such a boring plot, there is definitely no crew around, not shooting at all. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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