I thought it was a team drill before, but now I think it may not be, but the photography guy doesn’t want to leave, and such exciting things are more exciting than what you see through live broadcasting.

“Saudi Arabia, these stupid things, they think I’m acting? Sand sculpture!! ”

The photography brother looked at the news that popped up from the bullet screen, looked at the bullet screen with different comments, and felt a burst of anger in his heart, it seems that the live broadcast should go on forever, so that those who are forced to see the authenticity of this live broadcast are clear.

“Doctor, the bombing doesn’t seem to work.”

The Doctor stared at the video coming from the battle and nodded hard: “Third bombing ready!” ”

After the doctor said this, he felt that a lot of the power in his body was being withdrawn, but he had to give the order.

“Prepare for the third heavy bombing!!”

“Number One is ready!”


Bang bang bang !!!

The entire Gobi Desert has been shaken by the shells, and the 096 has reacted again, its environment has been disturbed, but as long as it has not touched its bottom line, it has not erupted.

Moving his legs to the east side, but because he kept moving, 096 felt a little uncomfortable, and the final crying was mixed with a vague voice.

Crouch down again and cover your face with your hands.

“I saw it! I saw that ghost thing. ”

“Could that be human?”

“You put one on me to try, blow you up to pieces, and put it on people, can’t the three fighters see it?” That’s supposed to be the top attack mode. ”

“God, what a ghost it is, but it doesn’t feel like a ghost.”

“Is it a monster brought in by superheroes?”

Everyone has found the figure of 096, driving more people to join the live broadcast of the photography brother, watching the final result, after all, with the previous Thorn Cliff madhouse thing, people’s acceptance ability has improved slightly.

Curiosity still let them continue to buckle the bullet screen, while brushing gifts to reward the photography brother, let him persevere, after all, the photography brother is a poor egg in the impression of everyone.

The Eagle Sauce Country has been suppressed by the tragic deaths of forty-nine people during the day, and the official saw that there was a live broadcast that could pull more people away from talking about the tragedy and turn to other people, naturally it would not be blocked.

Now only by diverting the people’s attention can we be free from oppression from all sides.

For the results of the investigation of the tragedy, still do not know anything, the official sent a lot of manpower to participate in the investigation, but still have no clue, just like this tragedy appeared out of thin air.

“The target survives, the bombing is ineffective, and each is ready to switch attack methods!”

This is the sound conveyed in the intercom. The people in the broadcast could not hear it, the sound of the bombing stopped, and the sound of crying came again in the live broadcast.

“I rub, who cried?”

“I don’t know, the live broadcast is coming, it will not be the shadow brother scared to cry, haha, instigating bags, this can be scared to cry.”

“No, I remember that every time I went to a place it was quite remote, no!”

“It was the ghost thing who cried!!”

Everyone was speculating about the origin of the cry, and for a moment did not notice the change in the screen.

Suddenly, the bomber began to lower the altitude distance and began to hit 096 with paralyzing water, but this process needed to be aimed at 096, and it happened that 096’s face would be seen, which was equivalent to a suicide challenge.

However, there is no way, Plan I has been ineffective, and can only use the developed paralyzing water to control it.

Similarly, this paralyzing water and special filter are the same batch of special test products for 096, which have not yet been officially approved, which is forced by reality to use these things.


The sound of flying leaves turning on the fighter jet became louder and louder, completely suppressing the sound of 096’s crying.

“Six machines ready… Launch! ”


I saw that the mobile task force members who were half suspended from the fighter plane at the door of the fighter were hanging weapons similar to long guns in the neck position, but the long-range firing distance was farther than that of the long guns, and the sound fired was completely different.

It’s just unfortunate that the members of the No. 2 fighter have already touched the bottom line of 096 when they are aiming at 096, knowing that they have become scp096-1, and they are not ready to drag their own team members, after all, there are not only themselves on the fighter, but also other team members.

In case 096 jumps to this height and drags the fighter down, it’s not just a life.

“Brothers, I’m gone!”

The man finished saying this to the walkie-talkie and jumped down, naturally he did not choose to commit suicide, he opened the package he was carrying, and the parachute immediately unfolded.

He chose to play against 096 alone, even if there was a glimmer of opportunity.

“I saw that people and monsters are fighting, and this is purely a part of abuse.”

“I rub, why does this little brother have to come down alone, don’t you know how powerful people are?”

“Sleeper, that ghost thing let me see what that is?”

“I think this brother already knows he can’t live, or he has the ultimate weapon hidden in his body.”

“Don’t let me down, you don’t want to die.”

Men take advantage of the air to shoot paralyzing water, perhaps 096 is really paralyzed, and the air battle has never stopped shooting, and they do not want their teammates to sacrifice.

“Uh-huh… Hum wow”

After 096 paused for a minute, the whole body stood upright, seeing this result, everyone knew that the fierce shooting just now had no effect on 096, and could not wait, the man shot out the paralyzed water in his hand again.

I’m dripping obediently, this fucking eyes? Isn’t this something that is pasted, this time he obviously looked directly into the eyes of 096.

But I didn’t expect 096 Qu’s face, the chin fell long on the neck, and the red marks climbed on it one by one.

096 knew that the man was still staring at its face, roaring wildly in his direction, the slender body began to run fast, the arm was shaken as soon as possible, and the paralyzing water that was shot on the body went deep into its cortex one by one, but it had no effect on 096.

The man touched the self-detonating bomb in his hand, this was the last chance, the underground 096 himself entered a state of tyranny, its voice had pierced the ears of the people, attacking their consciousness, and there was nothing but fear or fear in their heads.

“This man is going to die.”

“Heavens, isn’t there a weapon that can subdue this ghost thing?” I’m going to cry. ”

“Until the last moment, maybe things will be reversed.”

“Only I found this man’s clothes?” He was supposed to be wearing the uniform of the organization to which he belonged. ”

“Less nonsense, not a uniform can be anything, a lot of words.”

No one paid attention to the uniform that the man had mentioned, and his mind was all on the ghost thing that was running extremely fast and the man who was gritting his teeth and waiting for 096 to catch himself_

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