More and more people are famous for coming to this exciting live broadcast as an adventure, even fighter jets have been launched, how strong must the enemy really be? Many people watch the live broadcast with this mentality.

It’s just that when I saw this battle of life and death, I instantly changed my previous thoughts, where is the adventure, obviously I bet my life here, and in the process of fighting this ghost thing, I bear all kinds of accidents.

Everyone’s eyes were wide open, waiting with bated breath for the next scene, and no one knew what would happen next.


With a long roar, 096 looked at the man who gradually landed from a high altitude with a vicious expression, his eyes narrowed into a line, and the white eyeballs emitted a ghostly light, taking all the small movements of the man into his eyes.

It approached the position where the man was about to land, thinking that it was waiting for the landing of the man in the air, so that there was still time to fight.

096 did not act as he imagined, but took off at a very fast speed, ready to pull the man down.

The man also failed to react to 096’s movements, only to feel the cold breath sweeping in, with the overwhelming trend, he could not even block it.

Soon, three-two-one…

The man closed his eyes, silently reciting the countdown in his heart, and felt that something cold was suddenly holding back his neck, and the force of his breath had already choked all of his breathing, making it impossible for him to struggle to escape.

The cold feeling crawled all over the man’s entire body, and the pain hit his whole body, and he couldn’t help but roar out the sound pinched in his throat.

But 096 did not let him tighten the movement of his hand more and more at will, he could hold the man’s neck with one hand, and easily tear the man’s face with the other hand.

I couldn’t stand it, knowing it was, and the man started the self-detonating bomb.


With a loud noise, a blue fireball instantly ignited in the air, and then exploded, and the parachute hanging in the air was all pulled into the blue fire.

The blue light faded out, and the man who had just lived had turned into ashes scattered in the rock debris, permanently living with this Gobi Desert.

The 096 was well lowered to the ground, only the next second, it took off again, this time heading towards the fighter.

Did someone trigger the bottom line of 096?

The thought arose in the minds of everyone present, otherwise 096 would not have broken through its characteristics and launched another attack.

“Ahh… Go and die, fucking ghost stuff!! ”

“Yikes! Can you die at a glance? ”

The man sitting in the driver’s seat watched as 096 was jumping below, ready to attack the fighter jet he was in, but he was also very depressed, a ghost thing long that, don’t let you fucking don’t come out, don’t come out and don’t hurt people.

Just now his own teammates had been heroically sacrificed, that tragic method, the more the man thought about the depressed anger in his heart, the more he rushed towards the top of his head.


The roar came from the fighter with the sounder, and this loud sound came into the live broadcast, knowing that the ghost thing was attacking the source of the sound.

The Gobi Desert is nothing but a few piles of dry-colored grass, endless rocks, and nothing but empty.

The man controlled the fighter jet, constantly hovering over the Gobi Desert, aiming at the open space where 096 was located, firing a platoon of shells, whether there were shells after it or not.

In the dust rising from the ground, the mournful wailing continued for a long time.

“I rub, that ghost thing can’t die like this?” Guns and shells are not afraid, it has become a fine bar. ”

“Will it throw itself into the city, and we’ll all die?”

“When that person died, he already thought that he would not be able to live, and he did not want to implicate his teammates, alas.”

“Bring me the internet speed!” Ah, my offense Internet speed is great? ”


Usually these people are living a peaceful city life, where they have seen this fierce scene, even if there is, it is a fake scene rehearsed, and now with this real side, one by one is as excited as playing chicken blood.

096 screamed from time to time, the fighter flew too high, it could not jump to this high at all, but the abominable human was still on it, 096 was impatiently pacing the clearing, his arms pounding his own stinging head.

Anxious 096 began to fist with both hands, pounding the ground full of rocks, without the slightest feeling of pain affecting 096’s movements, like crazy to vent the tyranny in his body, tearing his heart and lungs to roar, only in this way, can he alleviate the mania of his body.

“Doctor ~096 is even less than the height of the third team, isn’t that the limit?”

The members kept staring at the screen, which had automatically blocked the figure of 096 to avoid seeing its face.

“No, no, Goofy is not a long-term solution, only the inclusion of 096 can be regarded as a real success.”

The doctor was not surprised by such a discovery, but the 096 is really special, as long as the fuel of the fighter jet runs out, it will always land.

Next, I am afraid that I was brutally killed by 096.

Listening to the doctor say what he was worried about, yes, this does not solve the root cause of the problem at all, as long as 096 is wandering outside, human beings are always in danger.

“What’s going on here?” This is such a ghost thing again, this is to force me to die!! ”

The grumpy voice came out of the office, the captain’s voice has been somewhat hoarse, these days have been staying up late to investigate the tragedy, want to give the case an explanation, but still the same clueless.

The tragedy has not been solved, and now there is such a thing, originally thought that this live broadcast can divert people’s attention to the tragedy, and now, such a thing has happened, which makes the captain how can not be anxious.

“Oh ~ for the first time, I felt how small people are!”

The captain spoke out of his bitterness, looked at the picture in the live broadcast, not knowing how fierce the battle on the other side was, took a deep breath, and then asked the team which team it was, and there was no support.

But what the captain learned was that none of the people sent by the team were the people in front of them, and even the fighters were not part of the team.

Big head!

However, what the other side said is obviously the tone of the Eagle Sauce Country, don’t say that it is a team from outside, this is simply nonsense, the border defense is very strict, how can such a strong team enter the territory.

“Mysterious side circle? Ah, it won’t be…”

The captain had been thinking about where this team came from, thinking about the mysterious side circle that had just come out before, where the power was extraordinary, but he had only seen the man, and the other people about the mysterious side circle had not yet seen it.

If it is a mysterious side circle, it seems that it really needs to be visited, after all, the official has been preparing to befriend them now, but it has been rejected by them. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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