Looking at his little sister’s movements, Liu Fengguan smiled: “Don’t worry, you will always get used to it in the future.” ”

Liu Xiaoling froze for a moment, how to listen to the other meanings hidden in the elder brother’s words, and thought carefully without coming up with specific things: “Brother, how did you get into the mysterious side circle before?” ”

For this point, Liu Xiaoling is still very curious, and the elder brother is just a year older than himself, how does he feel that he has changed a lot now, not a gloomy feeling but calm, giving her the feeling of wisdom.

Liu Feng would not tell his true information, at least not now: “Cough, a coincidence let me know the mysterious side circle, but also out of curiosity.” ”

“You also know that our parents left early, and I am such a sister as you, so we will have more contact with things, at least we will not go hungry in the future.”

Starving? Mom and Dad did not leave a lot of inheritance, according to their own and their brother’s consumption level, it is indeed quite high, but it will not starve.

Forget it, it is useless to think more, and his elder brother will certainly not do anything to himself: “Brother, what is the best state of cultivation?” ”

Liu Xiaoling had expectations for the direction of future cultivation, and now looking at his own 0.7 star level, although he looked less, the process of cultivation required a lot of energy, which was not something that time could make up.

Liu Feng heard the question asked by his sister, and the hand that had originally turned over the book stopped: “Silent movement.” ”

Silent and silent? Liu Xiaoling thought silently about these four words, but still couldn’t think of what they meant.

Can’t say that Liu Xiaoling’s brain is stupid: “Brother~”

Liu Xiaoling shouted at his brother in a playful manner, and Liu Feng raised an eyebrow: “In fact, it is very simple.” ”

Liu Feng closed the book on his lap and placed it on the table in front of him, and crossed his hands on the table: “Movement, whether it is the mysterious side power of your cultivation or the martial arts cultivated by Xiao Mo, it is the movement of relying on the body. Especially Komo’s martial arts. ”

“Sound color, that is, face and figure, martial arts requires strength and physical flexibility, but it also needs to hide their attack and defense under the surface and prevent the other party from detecting it.”

Liu Xiaoling nodded, “What about cultivating the mysterious side power?” ”

“Presumably, when you attacked these things recently, did you feel very difficult?”

Liu Xiaoling nodded truthfully.

“Normal, this was the case at the beginning, and the higher the cultivation star level after that, the more dissipated, and the call of the mysterious side power would not be too difficult.”

“Brother, do you think that when I reach the peak of cultivation one day, will I be able to see the big guys in the mysterious side circle?”

Liu Xiaoling wanted to know what the big guy in the mysterious side circle looked like, generally speaking, to be able to support such a huge circle, how strong his strength should be, and he was the starter of the side force, which was admired by the excavation power.

“Perhaps, the big guy is not very easy to come forward, maybe you see him one day, but you just don’t know his identity.”

Liu Feng thought to herself that she was the big guy in her sister’s mouth, and she saw herself every day, which reflected her own words, and it was not a reminder.

However, Liu Xiaoling did not think much about it, and always thought that the elder brother was the middle level of the side circle, and the identity was also not simple.

Liu Feng thought of something, and then looked at Liu Xiaoling fixedly: “I ask you a question.” ”

Seeing the look in the old brother’s eyes, Liu Xiaoling only felt a burst of hair behind him, and always felt that the elder brother wanted to calculate something: “What… What’s the problem? ”

“If it were a horror game, would you reject it because it’s scary?”

What’s the problem?

“That is to say, if there is something that makes you afraid all the time, will you form a state of paralysis to protect yourself?” 」

“No, after all, terror is also a threat to one’s own life or because of psychological resistance to this thing, paralysis, this must be how strong the tempered character can form such numbness.” 」

Liu Feng nodded, in fact, there was still some worry that the release of the next SCP would not strengthen the psychology of these people, so that they did not feel afraid.

Liu Xiaoling threw the peach core in his hand in the trash: “Gone, brother! ”

Knowing that she went to find Li Xiaomo, did not talk much, holding the book on the table, and all her mind was thinking about which SCP horror scene she was going to set up to intimidate humans, these two are probably not too much fun, so there will be more SCPs to escape in the future. ,

I just don’t know if they can accept these horrors, they can imagine the chaotic appearance of the crowd, panicking for their lives, and then going to the shelter, the process may come to a small accident, or another small surprise.

Liu Feng groped his tiger’s mouth, this action did not know when, has formed a habit, as long as he thinks about the problem, he will unconsciously touch his tiger’s mouth.

Thinking that I had seen scp068 on the Internet before, scp had vacated and been placed in this world, and everything could be parallel to the original world.

This time it is time to rest again, these scenes need to be more terrifying than before, otherwise they will not reach the peak effect, and the panic is exactly what Liu Feng is pursuing now, even if there is any accident in this process, he can correct it by himself, and there is no big mess at all.

Tianhai City? Let it calm down first, after all, scp682 is quite harmful to it, as for the Eagle Sauce Country, Liu Feng once again set his sights on it.

The officials of the Eagle Sauce Country are now working on befriending the mysterious side circle, and now they can roughly guess that there is still a mysterious organization in the world, an organization that is even more hidden than the mysterious side circle.

Even the big countries in the East now only know that there is a SCP foundation, but do not know the specific information, these marginal things can be leaked, but these substantive things must always be kept secret, otherwise how mysterious and half-mysterious.

Liu Feng entered his room, sat down at (Zhao Hao) desk and began to think about how to set up the next scp, set the horror scene to consume the frightening point, and the energy consumption in the design process was also very large.

scp068, Liu Feng began to think back to the video he had watched before, there was nothing about scp in the network in this world, all of which needed to rely on the previous memory and the imagination of the present.

The dormant phase, self-replication itself is indestructible, Liu Feng now only thinks of these related words about scp068.

Scp068 aka wire villain, just like its name, its size is very small, but it can be self-replicating, of course, the conditions of self-replication need to meet certain conditions to be completed, otherwise the world would have been the world of wire villains long ago.

How did it break through the SCP Foundation? Even if the characteristics of the wire villain are all arranged, this plot arrangement needs to be redesigned. _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – 凵

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