Thinking about it, Liu Feng buried his head between his arms and lay on the table, motionless.

The wire man is only 1.8 cm tall, its material is also metal, and the side looks like a flat iron sheet, which looks no different from the wire used by those workers usually.

But it has a soul and a mind, and that’s the only difference.

Continuing to ponder the information about the Wire Villain, blocking out all the information from the outside world, now he only knew that he needed a quiet environment.

The night of Tianhai City is really noisy, especially in these twenty streets, where all the young people release their stress, which is also the place where the hanging ghost has recently stared.

Lots of people, very good.

Just in time to be able to show his skills here, the master exiled himself to Tianhai City, allowing himself to blind humans to earn fright points.

Most of those Daoist monks on the road are pit and deceitful, and few can really exorcise ghosts, and those who can defeat hanging ghosts seem to have not yet been discovered.

The two-star level, although this level is not as high as Liu Feng, but it is already higher than Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, and this level creates some strange scenes.

The hanging ghost was now on the roof of the building, looking at the noise on the twentieth street, none of which had anything to do with himself, although those were also done before, but Liu Feng gave himself the opportunity to survive naturally to cherish.

“Drinking… Come, 507 celebrates the company to get this project this time, haha~”,

“Come… Drink. ”


This street is full of noise, but the hanging ghost has already targeted the fat man who eats at the organizing bureau, and the fat flesh accumulated on his face is even bigger when his mouth is cracked, which looks very obscene.

The hanging ghost has been eyeing these people from a long time ago, but the fat man is the leader, and everything must be counted from the leader.

Therefore, the hanging ghost is going to start from here, and the master has said that it is going to be scary, and it must vary from person to person.

“Hey hey…”

A hoarse voice sounded from the hanging ghost, and his eyes stared at the fat man with his arms shining, and he was saying filthy words in his mouth, and the people next to him did not dare to say a word.

The hanging ghost was killed by the power before he died, and after becoming a ghost, it was much more convenient for the whole person.

After three rounds of drinking, the fat man’s people around him left one after another, and the fat man got up holding the same fat yellow cat.

It was dark outside the store, but it was already a common thing for fat men.

Looking at the house in front of him trembling all the time, the fat man pointed to the (aife) house in front of him: “You, don’t give me any more dangling!” “,

The tone of the command, except that the house did not listen to him, and was still shaking, and the fat man saw this, striding towards the front, until he reached the wall, and kicked the wall while spitting out the fragrance, and for things that did not listen to his own words, the fat man had always destroyed, including people.


The fat cat in the fat man’s arms stared through the rounds, looked at the abnormality around him, quickly howled, and fluttered in the fat man’s arms, and the fat man couldn’t stand its commotion and directly threw it against the wall.


The fat cat does not care about the pain in the body, and runs away, just like there is a wolf chasing it behind him, regardless of the safety of his master, he runs for his life first.

“Dog stuff, white-eyed wolf, fed for so long and still can’t feed it, yuck!”

The fat man was scratched by the cat a few times, and the wine sobered up a lot, but looking at the obstructing wall, his heart was unhappy, and he violently kicked at the wall again.

“You ~ still ~ me ~ life ~ come!!”

The fat man naturally heard this voice, but he thought it was wrong, the fat man’s legs still couldn’t help but tremble, desperately retreating, squeezing his fat body in the corner, facing outward, afraid that in the next second there would really be evil ghosts pounced on him and kill him.

The fat man’s eyes drifted ahead, his fingers clasping the protruding pimples on the wall, pinning his hopes on it.

“Give me back my life!!”

The voice of resentment suddenly crept into the fat man’s ears, and this time he was sure that he had heard it, his legs trembling uncontrollably, completely devoid of his domineering position at the liquor bureau.

The fat man swallowed his own spit in fear, and his small eyes stared ahead for a moment, but he had not yet noticed the appearance of the evil ghost.

Is it gone?

The fat man let go of the pimple in his hand, waited for a while, found that there was no abnormality, raised his hand and patted the dust on his body, and did not feel that he was very embarrassed now.

Thinking that he had just scared himself half to death, he spit into the air: “Scared Lao Tzu? Are you good enough? Wait, Lao Tzu dug up your grave and sent someone to whip your corpse to see who beat whom! ”

There was no longer the cowardice in his eyes, and he raised his legs and walked outside.

The fat man tugged at his clothes, and the cold wind blew his brain door: “It’s really unlucky, this can catch up.” ”

“Hey squeak ~ la~”

This voice is not the sound of the wind blowing, this fat man is very sure, originally walked freely, a look of not being afraid of heaven, now hearing this voice, his fat body kneels on the ground. Close your eyes, not wanting to see this terrible scene.

“You black-hearted guy!”

This voice was completely different from the previous complaints, a poisonous accusation crackled and hit the fat man’s head, only to feel dizzy, but he was held up.

The fat man looked up at who was so kind, and now there was someone? It’s finally here!


The fat man saw only a pair of cold eyes staring at him, so close to him that he thought he was going to die.

The place where the hanging ghost had just been held up was painful, and it had gradually turned black, and the handprint was very obvious.

“Please… Please don’t kill me, I’m wrong, I’m wrong, do you want money? Brother, no, Dad, I’ll give you the annual burning of the Coin as long as you let me go…”

The fat man was so frightened that he didn’t care about the pain in his body, and he kept prostrating his head and confessing his mistake to the hanging ghost, and the tears and snot flowed down, and the usual rampant appearance completely disappeared.

The hanging ghost naturally knew that the man in front of him was just a set of behind-the-back sets in front of him, and who knew what kind of moths would be created when he turned around.

“You’ve been too comfortable lately…”

The hanging ghost, no matter how scary he was now, drifted straight forward to get closer to the fat man and put his index finger against the fat man’s face: “Do you know how wrongfully they died?” ”

These are just speculations of the hanging ghost, from the reaction of the fat man just now, you know what he has done, and staring at this man for several days in a row knows that although he does not directly carry human life, it is also an indirect destruction.

Such a person, the hanging ghost seems to be the most disgusting.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, I went to make compensation, I went to arrange, I begged you, as long as you let me go, I promised any conditions… Whining. “_

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