“Okay… Everything that should be done is done, or you know ~”

“Yes, I did it.”

The cold eyes of the hanging ghost skimmed over the fat man’s face, no matter what he had in mind, as long as he did what he had to do, as long as he didn’t exist, this shock was probably to make him dare not live peacefully for the rest of his life.

Seeing that the results he wanted were already there, the hanging ghost left silently.

“Uh-huh… Scared me to death, slot, I almost died! ”

The fat man knelt on the ground for a long time afterwards. Only then did he realize that the hanging ghost had left, and his entire body fell to the ground, picking up the mobile phone and arranging loudly to the opposite side, releasing the fear he had just made into the anger of the present.

This farce disappears in the night…

When Liu Feng woke up, he realized that he had just wanted to talk about the wire villain, and he actually slept, laughed a few times, and then wrote a few lines in his notebook.

Contained in a preserved insulated box made of tetrachloroethylene and special glue, Eagle Sauce Country Branch ~ SCP Foundation,

Liu Fengcao wrote these words down, he just thought of these, the rest needs to be constantly perfected, in general, can configure this horror scene, but it needs a buffer period.

Liu Feng knew that the people of the Eagle Sauce Country were now in a state of panic, but when everyone was about to let down their guard, they put this horror scene out again, thinking about their expressions, – Liu Feng only felt cool.

However, looking at the reminder of the system panel, Liu Feng was surprised by the move of the hanging ghost, and did not expect that it had just gone to scare a person, and without moving his hands, he had scared the other party half to death.

He put all these little ghosts under his command into Tianhai City, and let them move freely to scare others, although the scare point was not as fast as those big horror scenes, but it was growing steadily.

[Here is xx express, this is the scene of the crime, the other side is about two meters, similar to the human body structure of the unknown object, with a very large aggressiveness, we look at the death of the team members with suspicion, and it is similar to the death method of the tragic case a few days ago. 】

The news is accompanied by photos taken, before in the photography brother’s video did not see the death of the team members, and when this news came out, the photos were also made public, this news has been frantically reprinted by major websites.

“Don’t say, the forty-nine people who died tragically were really similar to the way the two men died.”

“That’s a coincidence, isn’t it?”

“I don’t care, I just listen to the official.”

“This can explain why the officials have not spoken for the past few days, after all, it seems that the truth about the tragic case has not been found out before.”

When netizens saw this news, they automatically linked to the last incident, the successive terrorist attacks on Eagle Sauce Country, and everyone was like floating on the river, unable to grasp the place where they could live in peace.

[It has been confirmed: these 49 tragic victims were indeed killed by unknown objects, and the evidence is published as follows!] 】

This heavy news pushed everyone’s panic into another abyss again, even if 096 had been successfully contained, no one knew what terrible object would strike the Eagle Sauce Country again in the next moment.

Netizens looked at the relevant materials uploaded by the authorities, and forty-nine people were determined to be killed by unknown objects on the Gobi Desert, and the two cases had been completely clarified, and the officials still did not dare to relax.

One day can not be united with a strong organization, one day can not be relaxed.

“How’s it going?” Can you get in touch with that man? ”

The captain said to the patrollers who had returned from patrolling, and he was very hopeful that they had found the man, and that the captain was Grikonwell.

The patrolman shook his head: “Captain, the other side is very vigilant, he seems unwilling to cooperate with us.” ”

Captain He Zeng did not know the man’s thoughts, and his attitude could already be seen on the Gobi Desert.

“Okay, got it.”

Alas, forget it, the matter is over, and this matter has been shelved for a while, the captain thought.

And Liu Feng is waiting for this moment, as long as the fear in the hearts of the people in the Eagle Sauce Country gradually dissipates, then the wire villain should also play.

This time Liu Feng was unexpectedly a little excited, shifting his gaze to the system panel, looking at the decreasing shock points, the speed of consumption was very fast, but he had become accustomed to it, and this point of shock point was still able to afford it.

Wire man, you have to surprise me!

Liu Feng thought to himself, these six thousand stories about the SCP Foundation, the horror scenes will be set up one by one. ,

The SCP Foundation, which has just successfully sheltered 096, is now focusing on rectification, and the Foundation has been busy sheltering 096 these days, without sending someone to restore the foundation floor.

0······· Ask for flowers,;; , The fund equipment in the foundation is completely beyond the reach of the outside world, and it is very troublesome to recover, spending a lot of manpower and material resources to create a new one, and it is not impossible to alarm the SCP contained in the foundation layer.

“Dr. Scp096 has been fully placed, and the foundation floor is being restored.”

The Doctor nodded, then looked up and said, “Send someone to see the other SCPs and don’t let them escape like 096.” ”

This time 096 escaped, the foundation was all on guard, the destruction caused by 096 has been very large, if other sco escape, really dare not imagine the next consequences.

……………… 、、、

“Doctor, does the 068 of the third floor still have to be relocated?”

Before 096 escaped the foundation, it was originally planned to move 068 from the third floor to the first floor, and now the foundation floor is being restored, and this arrangement needs to be re-examined. ,

“Wait until tomorrow, the fund is roughly restored for one floor, and then the 008 will be relocated.”

The PhD did not feel that 068 would have any chance of escaping in the insulated box, nor did Dr. Doctor prevent the relocation work arrangement regarding 065.

“These days of living every day is muddy, and finally the rain has passed!”

“Since the last time I saw the unknown object, I found it good to be alive.”

“Every day there are nightmares, please ask Heaven to give me a chance to live again!”

“The matter has passed, don’t think about it anymore, just work and sleep and eat?”

With the passage of time, the fear in my heart has slowly dissipated, but I am afraid that something will happen next, but these two days have been peaceful, everyone has let down their guard, and life has returned to its original track.

Liu Feng stood in front of the window sill, watching the activities of these people through the screen, thinking about the activity trajectory of 068 that he had set, probably this night, these beauties were shattered again.

I don’t know if the Eagle Sauce Country will “thank” for the big surprise he set for them, and then he will wait for the shock point to grow, and begin to cultivate the side strength, it is time to upgrade from the four-star order to the five-star order. _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – 凵

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