The member in charge of the 068 tester came to the doctor: “Doctor, 068 has been safely migrated, but you need to sign the test application for 068.”

Say, hand the application form in your hand to the doctor, and show the doctor the current status of 068.

Taking these things, the doctor took a cursory look at it, and this 068 has always been a smooth SCP has not produced much of a sensation, and its containment method is very simple, but if it is released, in today’s world, multiple 068 replicants will soon be produced.

“Very good, this 068 has been in the insulated box for a long time, but how is the progress of the test?”

Even if 068 is stable, it cannot be said to be 100% stable, and changes will always occur.

The member looked down and thought, then said cautiously, “The test has entered other containment methods, and the feature aspect has been basically completed.” ”

“Very good, that’s it.”

The members got the test application form and began to enter the test transition, 068 is in a special situation, the need for tests in the insulated state to prevent its resurrection, and now it has been dormant.

As soon as it is stimulated by an electric current, it will wake up from its dormancy and begin to move on its own at the same time, its body joints are almost the same as those of humans, if its body is made of metal wire of unknown materials, it can be said to be another species of human.

After resurrection, 068 will search for the surrounding metal materials, of course, even those that are not in its sight will be effortlessly pulled into its own replicant.

The 068 body is very good, but with the resurrected replicant, then the replicator stays behind 068 like a creep and starts the next step of replication.

Of course, when 068’s replication reaches 102, this is the upper limit of replication, and it will converge into an adult, that is, accumulate into a tall human form, which is two meters high.

It is also possible that there is no more metal nearby that will allow 068 to create its replicant, and when one of these two may occur, 068 will run to this important position in the adult form as the host and start firing those three waves.

This looks like this power is great, not referring to its appearance, but the three waves it emits, and then 068 will look for metal to create replicants, but even if the subsequent replicants reach 102 small people again to gather into adult shapes, they will not emit those three waves.

Unless 068 takes the initiative to jump out of an adult-shaped replicator and come to other adult-shaped replicants, it is equivalent to giving life.

“Ding… Successful opening! ”

“Do you want to enter the scp06 quiz?”

The members decisively chose “yes”, this move has become accustomed to it, the test for 06 has not stopped, but its application process has always required doctoral control, so its test is in a regulatory state.

【How to make the 068 self-shield off the surroundings.】 】

Members enter the purpose of this test, a variety of test methods can not make the 068 person automatically invalid, if you let the 068 replicant, the entire world’s metal will be pulled down by it, twisted into its own replicant.

Even if the metal material is a big lump or has been made into a strong cannon by humans, it will be pulled down by 068 without hesitation, which will confuse the rules and order of the whole thing.

“Melting? Probably yes. ”

The two members cooperate with each other to adjust the warm melting state, no matter what metal will have its own melting point, even if you don’t know what the 068 material is generally speaking, it is metal.

“Try it.”

Even though the temperature has reached more than 1,000 degrees, the laboratory temperature continues to rise, and 068 still has no melting phenomenon.

Looking at 08 in the test room lying quietly in the insulated box: “What is the temperature in the test room?” ”

“It’s reached its peak, and it seems that the temperature melting is not valid.”

The laboratory was frustrated, but think about it, if 068 is so easy to be destroyed, how can it be taken into custody until now, for this potentially dangerous sp, the Foundation is committed to destruction, if it can not be destroyed, and then choose the shelter method.

Looking at the extremely high temperature does not work for 068: “Then use the method of magnetic field interference, right?” ”

“Be careful, don’t let the current get into the insulation box.”

The magnetic field has been formed in the laboratory, and the use of magnetic field interference with 068’s metal exploration ability can reduce the possibility of 068 replicating villains in the world, but this is only speculation, and all these results need to be tested before they can be determined.

“, or no!”

Looking at the data analysis transmitted by the test, the brainwave response of 068 has not changed, which means that the magnetic field has no effect on 068.

In the dormant state, the magnetic field still does not react to 068, and it is not known how 068 reacts in the resurrection state.

Seeing through the glass what was going on in the test room, another member suddenly noticed something unusual in the test room: “Don’t move!! ”

This scream was heart-wrenching, and the team members who were grumpy looked up at the test room and suddenly found that 068 had come out of the new insulated box.

My heart instantly scolded the world over and over again, how could it be in the test room? There is absolutely no current flowing through, but they have overlooked the previous 096 layer of damage to the gold will be a layer.

“Quick! Go notify Dr. !! ”

096 has been taken in and now there is another 06 custody failure?

Whether it is the Foundation or the Eagle Sauce Country, in this process to produce greater destruction, 068 is not as lethal as 096, but its destructive ability is no less than 096, the same brain waves it emits have a bad impact on human beings.

The members came to the Doctor’s side and panicked, “Dr. Doctor, it’s not good, 0689 is resurrected!” ”

The doctor “meh” stood up from his seat, and then quickly ran towards the foundation floor, the current passed 068, he would become fire, and began to move on its own, this process it will take the initiative to find metal materials, its search ability is equivalent to 096’s perception.

It is these terrible characteristics that make 068’s quiz application always in his own hands.

As soon as the doctor entered the first floor of the foundation, he opened his mouth and asked, “Where is 068 now?” ”

“It’s still in the testing room, but according to the data analysis, it is already in a state of resurrection.”

Everyone understands what 068 will face after the restoration, but 068 is still exploring metal materials, and although there are special shielding materials in the SCP Foundation device, it is a piece of cake for 068.

“Notify the security system and put all relevant metal materials into the shielding room.”

The first floor of the Foundation is on alert again, but the Doctor is worried that 06 will first destroy the Foundation and then go to the surface, where the metal material can easily be copied by 068 into a villain. _

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