Trying to lead 068 to another place, 068 ignored their attack and directly pulled the metal material around it, pulling it into a strip of twisted into a replica exactly like himself.

The adult-shaped replicants had been scattered by the mobile task force by three, and three hundred other six small people were all scattered on the ground, and the size was so small that it looked like large ants were running on the ground randomly.

Towards the chase of 068, wait for 068 to recombine these villains into adult form.

The Rangers watched the live broadcast of the leader and looked at the buildings in the live broadcast: “Captain, they are going to Nissan Street!” ”

The captain said without hesitation, “Chase!! ”

The patrol van has arrived on Nissan Street, where the crowd has surrounded the wires and the mobile task force is trying to stop the 068 from destroying them.

Lest they extract all the steel reinforcement from these buildings in the next step, the vehicle just now has shown that 068 has started construction on the metal material of the complex point.

The captain looked at the scene and saw that there were so many people around, and opened his mouth and said loudly: “Everyone let Jean… Hurry up and do what to do!! ”

Looking at the many people still standing still, looking up at the scene in front of them, the captain felt tired.

“Do not go again, thinking that you are obstructing official business arrests!!!”

This roar really drove many people who wanted to see the lively drive away, and Ling Laxu hid aside, watching the captain of their removal, and had a plan in mind, and ran towards the second floor of the café.

Ling Laxun took his mobile phone from the second floor of the café to the location where 068 was located, looking at the things taken on the live broadcast: “Sure enough, it is still a high point of view to see things open.” ”

“You see, this thing suddenly appeared on the streets of Nissan, but the danger of this big thing is not yet known, let us find out.”

Ling Laxun did not know what was happening on the other side of Twentieth Street, so he once thought that 068 was just extracting wire material and did not cause substantial harm to humans.

The villains had reached the underside of the adult form, and 068 reunited them to form a large number of adult figures, and as far as the eye could see, there were already more than thirty adult figures, neatly arranged in the team headed by 068.

“No, what I saw was that there were already a dozen dead people on Twentieth Street, and this thing seems to have come from Twentieth Street.”

“I’ve also heard that there are some people who are already on the verge of mental depression, and when they are taken to the hospital, some of them have been confirmed to be mentally ill or depressed.”

“I rub, don’t I…”

“I feel that this strange thing, this thing happens as soon as it appears, it must be what it brings.”

The live broadcast has shared the video taken on Twentieth Street in the bullet screen, and the same on the Internet post began to talk about this terrible thing, and after 096, there will be a psychological and physical threat, no less than the harm caused by 096.

The adult form of 068 is the beginning of the car around it, the shell is made of iron, and the adult-shaped cooperation is very harmonious.

“Boom… Boom…”

“Alas… My car, put it down!!! ”

“Help, get me down, my car, don’t tear it up… You’re a dog stuff~”

The owner of the car originally stayed well, that is, waiting for the traffic light to prepare to go home, here always feel some danger, but before the green light came, only to see the adult shape of a hand will be waiting for the traffic light of the car up, the arms of the big taboo to tear the vehicle apart.

With the splitting of the body, the owner’s body involuntarily fell to the ground with the wheels, although the height was not very high, but after being lifted over the head of the 068, it was ruthlessly thrown to the ground, and the most important thing was that the wheel happened to hit his part.

“Ahh… It hurts me to death, save me…”

The owner of the car tore his heart and lungs for help, wanting to let the people around him who had not yet come to save themselves, and when they fell, they already felt that one of the tailbones had been cracked.

“Quick… Go and save him. ”


068 It is possible to let these people get close to themselves, send waves again, and let those present enter the illusion, and as their recent state of life is related, some people quickly enter the dream with malicious attacks.

“Uh-huh… I beg you to spare me, ah! ”

“Hey hey…”

“Don’t come here…”

Seeing such a scene, what else do you not know, is obviously the effect brought by 068, but I have not seen its action has become like this.

The captain looked up at 068 although he was very uncomfortable now, after all, he had trained psychological tactics before, self-healing, and soon came out of various scenes.

Those scenes specifically pick what human beings like and what they are most afraid of, a shock, a joy, a fear, two alternate, originally the ultimate emotional instantaneous change, a long time will make people’s psychological defense line collapse.

The captain instantly pulled several people next to him, led his teammates out of the interference circle of the wave, and ran to two hundred meters away before he felt the discomfort in his heart disappear.

The captain picked up the mobile phone and said the situation to the opposite side, just because he was not willing to save the others, the strength of several people was still very small, which required moving reinforcements.

Looking down at the team that had just attacked the Iron Man, the captain knew that it was the team that had fought against 096 last time, this time they appeared again in the Eagle Sauce Country, they could appear in the Eagle Sauce Country by surprise, when they disappeared in the Eagle Sauce Country, even the high-altitude surveillance could not capture their whereabouts.

The official also made a good hand to this inexplicable team, but according to this situation, they did not seem to have this meaning, and in two consecutive terrorist incidents, the other side did not send people to inform the official, but cooperated with the people in the mysterious side circle.

Yes… It was so uncomfortable that I hit a hard nail.

Two hundred meters away, there is no movement in 068, and you can faintly hear the sound of metal being pinched and the sound of people humming uncomfortably.

Before on Twentieth Street, I am afraid that this thing also used such a method, but this time it is specially attacking people’s psychological defense line, but it will not make people die, why did more than a dozen people die on Twentieth Street.

For the brain waves, the captain did not think of this above, so many things, how can it be thought of at once.

“Captain… That thing is coming towards this side. ”

Listening to the voice of the team members, the captain raised his head to look at the 06 who was striding towards this side, even if the other party did not show the appearance of teeth and claws, there was some fear in his heart, and the feeling of oppression came from the top of his head.

The captain’s first thought was to protect these people first: “Quickly evacuate, notify the clinic over there?” ”


The captain was relieved, but the damage caused by the Iron Man on the other side this time was afraid that he would hit the surface of the water that had just returned to calm. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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