“Stop the attack of 068, and the second team will besiege the replicants!”

“One team and three teams fight left and right, don’t let it continue to hurt others.”


Those replicants are still very easy to solve, they do not have the same brainwave properties as 068, so they have no way to fight back against the siege of the mobile task force, and can only wait for 068’s rescue.

068 is not afraid of the attack of the machine task force, the replicator is destroyed, and then the replica creation is it, the sporadic wire villain follows the 068’s feet, and it is easy to dodge the attack of the mobile task force.

Seeing that the 068 replicator was able to dodge the attack, the mobile task force was a little helpless, the other party was running too fast, and the size was too small, and it was not particularly easy to attack.

“Magnetic field interference preparation!”

For the properties of 068, where will Kim already know its information, there is no such thing as a cautious thing, except for the attack of brain waves, as long as the brain waves it emits are interfered with, these three brain waves will not have other effects.

However, the magnetic field interference… No one is sure if it can have an effect in the 068 resurrection state, which was previously unmoved in the dormant state.

“Anti-magnetic equipment placement!”

The formation of magnetic fields in the process of magnetic field interference is the need for anti-magnetism, the brain waves emitted by 068 are disturbed by the interference of the magnetic field, but also need to clean up everyone present, the emission speed and power of the brain waves are not reduced does not mean that there is no at all.

The doctor passed the order over the walkie-talkie: “Notify the officials and ask them to send someone to clean up the people at the scene.” ”

Soon, the official sent a team to evacuate the crowd, the official was worried about how to talk to this organization, and now the organization took the initiative to find official cooperation, naturally winning their hearts.

“Quick… If you want to live and obey the command, hurry up! ”

“Inform the people in the buildings and ask them to evacuate quickly.”

“And those who have been injured, hurry up and take them away for treatment.” ”


Ling Laxu hid in the cracked cave and patted the dirt on his body, and quickly placed his mobile phone on the windowsill of the café on the second floor of the meat, even if he was pulled away, he could ensure the normal operation of the live broadcast.

The official team went out and forcibly evacuated all the onlookers, leaving only the mobile task force and the 068 team, many of whom watched the scene through the live broadcast of the leader.

“Sleeper, how many people did the official out?”

“The officials and this team didn’t even work together against this iron guy.”

“How on earth could this iron guy torture so many people like that?”


There have been crazy rumors on the major websites of those who enter the clinic, twisted faces, sharp snarls that can completely break everything, they can no longer control themselves, trapped in fear and dreams can not come out.

“Don’t catch me, hey, don’t touch me!!”

“Sister… Eat? ”


The voices in the clinic were already this kind of madness, and no matter how much they mentally relieved the fear in their hearts, they still couldn’t pull them out of the dream.

The captain followed these already crazy people to the clinic and saw the first batch of people sent in the clinic: “What? ”

In the face of the captain’s inquiry, the clinician said helplessly: “Not at all, neither the psychologist nor the drug treatment can make them quiet, they go on like this, not to say that the nerves can’t stand it, even their bodies can’t stand it.” ”

No matter what the reality is, even if they want to rush out of the dream, they can’t come out, and even the foundation has not yet developed a method of brain wave therapy for 068 shots.

“Doctor, the complex of 068 has been destroyed for more than half, but they can replicate and create very quickly, and even if the mobile task force continues to besiege them, there will still be more replicants.”

The Doctor nodded, there were materials about 068 that had passed through his own hands before, and the properties of 068 knew a lot about himself, but if he didn’t besiege those replicants, I was afraid that they would create more wire villains.

The doctor said in a long voice: “Let the authorities cut off all the electricity around them, metal… Maybe it’s too late to evacuate, so they can only stay where they are. ”

The member thought of the crazy people in the clinic: “Doctor, what about humans stimulated by 068 brain waves?” ”

“Alas… There are too many things they are afraid of in their hearts, so step up the development of a method. ”

The Doctor stared at the screen where 08 and the mobile task force were fighting, not so much a confrontation as a one-sided attack of the mobile task force, and 068 had been creating replicants, disregarding the places on his body that had been attacked.

Hopefully, this siege will suppress 068, and now external attacks can only stop its pace, but not their ability to replicate.

“Captain, above let the power supply near the disposal, need to make the emergency stop the power supply.”

Listening to the voice coming from the telephone handset, the captain frowned, knowing that as soon as the power supply stopped, it was a power outage in the whole area, which would cause many enterprises to suffer heavy losses.

Now, life is the most important thing.

“Well, arrange to go on, let the team strictly guard the surroundings, and if there is any change inside, report to me at any time, and I will go back immediately.”


068 With so many people attacking themselves, they also found that their brain waves were interfered with, turned to look at the mobile task force, and the movement in their hands stopped for a while.

Immediately throw the frame in their hands at the team members who are attacking them, and those replicants then learn its movements, and dozens of replicants lift the vehicle regardless of whether they can hurt themselves or not, and throw them all to the opposite side.


The steel crashed into the ground with a violent crashing sound, whether it was 068 or the copy physical force was very large, the vehicle could be lifted overhead and thrown violently.

The team members curled up in a ball and quickly avoided this counterattack, at first thinking that 68 would not fight back, perhaps forgetting how much energy it had.

“Second team, hear please answer!”


“Shell bombardment replicants, deal with them as soon as possible.”

As long as all the bodies created by 068 are destroyed, they have no great ability, at least they will not set off any big waves here in the mobile task force, destroy them, and then 068 will also create replicas, but the metal materials in this encirclement will always be absent.

They were all waiting, and although this method was the stupidest way to consume the longest, there was no way to do it.


Suddenly, the Nissan Street section was under fire, and the team members had minimized the impact of the shells as much as possible, but this was the city, even if they were very careful to land the attack point on the open ground, but the replicants had been unwillingly heading towards the building. _

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