Now 068 has broken through the circle and turned to the center, and the difficulty of containment can be imagined.

The people in the center more or less saw 068’s actions on Nissan Road through the live broadcast of Ling Laxu, which invisibly destroyed people’s spirits, and they did not know whether those who were devastated by 068’s brain waves could recover.

“Run! Here comes the Iron Man. ”

“Ahh… Wait for me, please… Don’t leave me alone!! ”

“Sleeper, don’t care about the money, it’s important to escape first… You give up! ”

“Please… Ah, the head hurts…”


The center was already in a mess, and everyone was desperately squeezing into the elevator, watching the elevator not work, and then coming down toward the escape route.

All of them are ignored, just to escape, but there are too many people in the center, the floors are mostly buildings, even if they are all squeezed in elevators and escape passages, they cannot evacuate such a large flow of people.

The crowding process has prevented many people from fleeing the scene, and the sound of scolding and grinning is noisy in the corridors of various buildings.

Many people have not escaped, and have been blocking elevators and corridors, all of them not showing weakness, pushing and shoving those who are hindering their departure.

068 in the adult form and their replicants are all scattered towards the center, to extract the wire material to copy more replicants, 068 station center to radiate waves.

068 There are more and more villains, more and more excited, the more intense the fluctuations of the brain waves it emits, and the greater the impact, from the beginning of the two hundred meters, now reached within a thousand meters.

Looking at the small human form behind him, 068 once again gathered them into adult forms, one after another, and the members of the Foundation could not count the replicants of it, even if the siege was no longer effective.

068 can emit radio waves, and will also use the natural strength advantage to attack the person who blocks it from emitting brain waves.

“Task Force Leader, what to do?”

In the face of the members’ inquiries, the captain of the mobile task force muffled and thought of a way to use the magnetic field to interfere with the brain waves emitted by 068, the effect was not what was expected, but it would stimulate 068 to flee the scene, making the siege work more difficult.

“Four teams and five teams to support!”

The 068 humanoid duplicates are too many, even if the guns held by one and three teams are enough to destroy these replicants, but the speed of their replication is not inferior to the speed of destruction.

Those replicants alone have already made the second team do their best, let alone 068.

The leader of the mobile task force thought of treating the symptoms rather than the root causes, but it was better to start with 068: “What happened to the research on 068?” ”

The team member quickly replied: “C-wave interference with 068 brain waves is being developed.” ”

“Let them speed up, these five teams can hold out for a while.”

The captain of the mobile task force knew that the siege now had little effect on 068, let alone only temporarily, allowing it to stay in this place without continuing to destroy the place.

The team members rushed to say, “Task Force Leader, Doctor Joint Official.” ”

The Mobile Task Force Captain narrowed his eyes: “Fang? This is not clear with their cooperation. ”

Previously, when targeting 096, the official of the Eagle Sauce Country did not extend a good hand, but before cooperating with the people of the mysterious side circle, it did not cooperate with the official and did not have much effect.

“Well, you stay here and I’ll get in touch.”

Cooperation with the official is not a sentence or two can be clearly said, these are all known, but the mysterious side circle in the Grikonwell is uncertain, and there is no notice above to cooperate with the mysterious side circle, this time to cooperate with the official, some do not understand.

Even the C wave that is currently being developed does not know whether it can interfere with the 068 brain waves, it is unknown.

In the foundation developed 08 for so long, has not been fruitful.

The Mobile Task Force Captain directly fluctuated with the official contact: “Hello, this is the Mobile Task Force. ”


There is no echo from the other side, I have not known what the other party is doing, and the second is that this team has appeared inexplicably, what does this mean?


“Oh well, hello hello, you… You called, what’s the matter? ”

The other side did not seem to expect the mobile task force, and actually took the initiative to contact them, after all, after looking for so long, they did not find their information, and now they actually took the initiative to make friends, which was somewhat flattered.

“The official team hopes to cooperate with the mobile task force to successfully contain the sc068.”

The task force captain has fully stated the purpose of this time, but has no interest in the disclosure of the foundation’s information and lets the other party know.

“Yes yes yes, we also have this idea, so that the official team and your organization cooperate, we immediately send people to the scene.”

Whether it is the last scp096 or this scp068, their attributes are all unknown, that is, there is no difference between them and what ordinary people know.

It seems that the mobile task force knows something about this strange monster, and the officials are also anxious about the continuous invasion of this monster into the Eagle Sauce Country, and want to drive them away.

Even though the official team has been sent before, and the crowd has been released at the scene in the past, this time the official team means that the weapons are about to be unveiled.

“Okay, I hope we have a good cooperation!”

“Happy cooperation!!”

As soon as I hung up the phone, someone next to me asked, “How’s it going?” What does the other person say? ”

“Finally… Finally the other side contacted us, and they said they would cooperate with the official team. ”

The person next to him sighed and then said, “Then we have to show sincerity, after all, this iron man is also very powerful.” ”

“Yes, but we are not right about Iron Man, the other side said it is called cp068, which is a series with scp096, right?”

The person next to him heard that, frowned, and then asked, “cp?” ”

I have to say that their focus is right.

“I think the other side knows sp096 and scp068 very well, otherwise they could have come to the Eagle Sauce Country to attack them in the first place?”

Familiar? This mobile task force was unfamiliar with the official team, had not heard of this team beforehand, and was like an organization that had fallen from the sky and came to the Eagle Sauce Country with 096 and 068.

“Do you think there will be more power behind the mobile task force?”


The two had been speculating about the identity of the mobile task force, but in the end they had found nothing.

“Leave it alone, as long as the other party takes the initiative to cooperate, it means that it has extended a good hand, and it is too late to ask later.”

The official dispatched three teams in an instant, plus three helicopters and guns and ammunition, all blessed, this time it was all about focusing on it.


The official team all headed toward the center and arrived at the scene very quickly. _

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