At the scene, some people are already in pain, all of them are howling, and some are even directly crazy, can’t help but do something, and the scene is chaotic.

The official team quickly sent someone to relieve the people in the building, which was the first thing the mobile task force let do.

“Don’t panic, one by one… Orderly, don’t scream!! ”

Even if the official order is to guide the people in the building to come out, there are still people who are already crazy who continue to obstruct those who are already on the verge of madness.

It is difficult to control it, and many people’s hearts have been occupied by dreams in this chaotic situation on the spot, and they cannot hear the command of the team, and even some people kill each other.

“Take me to the hospital, quick… I beg you… Don’t let me die here. ”

“You stay away from me, you crazy guy!!”

“Is there anybody?” Is there anyone going to rip this crazy guy away from me? Mother, even blocked me from leaving. ”

“Help, help, my head hurts!”

Even though the procession howled loudly above to get them to leave in order, these people had completely lost control of their bodies and either rolled on the ground in pain or got up and began to destroy the others.

The team members saw the captain who had come from the wind and dust and quickly said, “Captain, the official team has sent three more teams.” ”

Sent again? As soon as the captain arrived at the center, he heard the news, but he actually did not believe it, but turned his head to look at the crowd of people in the various buildings, and the clothes they were wearing officially the official team logo.

“Why was it sent again?”

The captain didn’t believe that the authorities would launch so many players without preparation, unless they already had a plan to deal with the Iron Man.

The team member pointed in the direction of the mobile SWAT team: “Captain, those people took the initiative to contact the official, and then the official immediately lined up these three teams, and there were three helicopters.” ”

Is this a mobile task force? Good domineering name.

However, they were able to take the initiative to contact the official, which was unexpected, before the official had to find their information anyway, but they destroyed all the information at a glance.

“Okay, got it.”

The captain looked at the official crowd of people wearing radiation suits, knowing that it was most likely from the mobile task force.

I see!

The leader of the mobile task force shouted, “Forced to move! ”

A loud sound was heard through the horn to the surroundings, and it was ten tons of metal material brought from the factory by teams and five teams, carried by large trucks, and drove quickly from Center Street to the factory.

There are trucks surrounded by front, back, left and right, and the organic mobilization above crouches on it waiting for 068’s followers.

They just want to lure 068 to other spacious places by attracting this, as long as there is no crowd flowing, there is no harm.

“All of them, lie down!”

The metal material transported on the truck is a thin wire one by one, which can be easily folded into a wire villain, which is extremely convenient for 068, as long as it can be quickly folded into a wire villain, this is its purpose.

The team members waited for 08 to catch up, and the brainwave radiation it emitted fluctuated with its mood changes, and ten tons of metal wire could make its emotions fall, and the range of fluctuations would be reduced.

The 068 ability to find metal materials was quickly touched, and it could feel that the thin wires were moving, quickly directing the adult figure to follow the truck and follow behind.

“Cluck… Cluck…”

On the central street, one after another more than two meters of adult figures running, and the “clucking” sound of the collision between the wire and the wire filled the street, which was very sharp.

The Adult Shape is only to track the thin wire on the truck, the truck is extremely fast, but the Adult Shape is also very fast, and the distance between them is constantly shrinking.

“Task Force Captain, 08’s mood swings are slowing down.”

Listening to the information reported by his own teammates, the captain of the mobile task force turned to look at the captain of the official team: “I hope you can stop the current in the western suburbs again, and let them not go out casually.” ”

The truck is heading towards the western suburbs, ten tons of fine wire is enough to allow 068 to replicate tens of thousands of adult figures, in the process of attraction the truck will gradually disperse, and eventually the truck stopped in the western suburbs will be less than a ton.

[Audience friends, hello, about the Iron Man tracking incident, I hope you don’t panic, don’t go out in the next time, the official team and another team will work together to successfully contain the Iron Man.] 】

[Iron Man, also known as scp06, emits three kinds of radio waves, the heavy one can make people die directly, and the light one falls into a dream. 】

The official team directly uses the news to spread the information, and the network of Eagle Sauce Country is very developed, and the live broadcast of the previous Ling Laxu has broadcast the line of 068 live.

Many people are also afraid of 068 while being interested, afraid that 068’s next action is to send out brain waves near themselves and endanger their bodies.

“Sleeper, no wonder in Twentieth Street and Nissan Street, so many people died, and there were so many crazy people, this is what I heard.”

“I’ve also heard that a lot of people die instantly, and those psychologists can’t guide them out now.”

“That’s awesome, my God.”

“But what I want to know now is that the team in the scene seems to have come out in the live broadcast of the photography brother.”


The Internet is talking about the official notice, on the one hand, afraid that 068 will endanger their own lives, and on the other hand, waiting for the official notice.

Although the 068 is not scary, the brain waves it emits can put people into nightmares, and even the places it runs to will bring people a mild or worse nightmare.

There was no longer a figure of 068 in the live broadcast of Ling Laxu, but everyone had not yet exited the live broadcast room, and they seemed to be bound together by this terrible situation.

“Task Force Captain, c useful!!!”

The Adult-Shaped Replicants of 068 and 068 have now been led towards the western suburbs, and now they are only close to besieging them, waiting for 068 to consume the remaining wire material, waiting for four minutes and thirty-two seconds, 068 will automatically go into hibernation, and its replicants will lose control of 068 and become a pile of waste.

The leader of the mobile task force said to the captain of the official team: “Let’s go our separate ways, let a team of them lead the official team to fire the brain waves of C-wave 068.” ”

The two captains didn’t say much, made eye contact directly, and then attacked separately.

The official team is a dispatch of three helicopters that quickly track over 068, carrying a motorized task force carrying a team of motorized task force members who are firing the brainwaves of C-wave 068. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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