Liu Feng thought for a moment, and then did not speak, his eyes flowing back and forth between Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo.

“Say, what’s the matter?”

After Liu Feng passed through, after being in contact with Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo for so long, he could also guess Liu Xiaoling’s thoughts.

Both of them put their emotions on their faces, and Xiao Ling’s girlfriend was slightly more mature than Liu Xiaoling.

The twenty-year-old girl has a lively temperament.

“Xiao Mo, you go to my room and help me take that red book down, thank you dear ones!!”

Liu Xiaoling deliberately branched Li Xiaomo apart, and then pulled Liu Feng to the side: “Brother, the spotless ghost Dan you gave me last time, can you give me a little more?”

Liu Feng frowned, Liu Xiaolin should know that after the first use of the Scaleless Ghost Dan, its effect was very small, it can be said that there is no effect.

It was for Li Xiaomo, it turned out to be so, no wonder Li Xiaomo would be separated.

I’m afraid that Li Xiaomo’s process of cultivating martial arts was blocked, and Li Xiaomo was definitely unwilling to ask for something from himself, but he may have complained to Liu Xiaoling.

Liu Feng was not in a hurry, so he deliberately embarrassed his sister: “Didn’t you use it?” ”

“Well… Brother, I tell you the truth, I asked for Xiao Mo, she was too stubborn, even if the cultivation process was blocked, she would not reveal it, if I didn’t ask her today, she told me. ”

“Hmm, got it!”

Well? Did the brother agree with him?

Liu Xiaoling looked at Liu Feng, but the other party did not turn his head to continue looking at himself, nor did he want to explain to himself.

Just when I wanted to ask my brother what he meant, there was already a sound of “dada” coming downstairs from upstairs.

“Little Healer, give you, the red book you want.”

Liu Xiaolin looked at it and added the elder brother, but he still had no expression.

What a shock!

Liu Feng looked down at the two of them, “It just so happens that you are both here, follow me to the sofa.” ”

Well? Does the brother agree!

Just know that the brother is the best.

“You two are cultivating, I also know the progress, first of all, Xiao Ling, your cultivation has been 0.7 star level from half a month ago, and it is still 0.7”

Then Liu Feng turned his head again and said to Li Xiaomo, “Xiao Mo, you just entered the martial arts half a month ago, and you are still here.” ”

Liu Feng’s words were to the point, making the two little girls present blush.

For half a month, neither of them made progress.

Liu Feng knew that this was a situation with no way out, self-study had increased the difficulty, and the situation of the two was understandable.

But the next scp fear scene is set down, and the strength of the two people is not enough.


This is the next SCP that Liu Feng wants to set, and the 106 attack targets happen to include Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo.

Liu Feng, at first, wanted to avoid this age group, but after thinking about it, if 106 did not take the initiative to attack, let them attack 106 without harming them, which would be unfair to 106.

And the two of them are tool people, the main purpose is to earn scary points, if the two of them and 106 against the process is very intense, then the scene will be more exciting.

Therefore, Liu Feng must now rush to improve the strength of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo.

“Brother Liu, I’m sorry!”

Li Xiaomo said “I’m sorry,” not to make Liu Feng look at him, but to feel sorry for his expectations, after all, he had written such a thick book on the methods and techniques of martial arts cultivation, but he had not really started yet.

“Don’t say I’m sorry, I didn’t say this to make you blame yourself, but to give you something?”

Stuff? And your own share?

Liu Xiaoling is a more cheerful personality, and quickly eased up from the self-blame just now.

“Brother, what?”

Liu Feng did not answer Liu Xiaoling’s question, but turned back to his room and quickly came out again: “Well, one is the Spotless Ghost Dan, and the other is the Advanced Dan.” ”

Three bottles were placed on the table, one bottle of Advanced Dan was given to Liu Xiaoling, and the next two bottles were handed to Li Xiaomo.

“The red bottle is filled with advanced Dan, although its weight is not much, but it can promote your advanced speed, this is only for beginners to eat, for the late advanced process can not be pulled up to promote growth, you must know this!”

Liu Feng looked at the two people and nodded, and then said to Li Xiaomo, “That black bottle contains a scaleless ghost Dan, there is only one in it, but it can open up all the veins of your body and remove all the dirt that is blocked in your body.” ”

The two people were surprised and couldn’t help themselves, after all, this thing is really wonderful!


Liu Xiaoling couldn’t help but laugh out loud, and then quietly covered his mouth.

Looking at this young man’s uncontrollable look: “If you want to laugh, laugh.” ”

Liu Xiaoling flew directly into Liu Feng’s arms, and then hugged Liu Feng’s neck: “Brother, I really love you to death, it is really charcoal in the snow!” ”

I thought that my brother would only give that dirty ghost Dan, but who could have imagined that there was also an advanced Dan.

“Well, if you want to thank me, cultivate well!”

Although this sentence is said to Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, the purpose of what they do is nothing more than to let them improve their strength, and the only thing they can help is this, and the real main force is themselves.

If they don’t seriously study cultivation themselves, then these things are not of great use.

“Mm-hmm, got it, brother, love you to death!”

“Thank you Brother Liu!”

After saying these words, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo hugged together, happy like a child.

“Okay, you two keep talking, I’ll go out.”

Liu Feng went out just to find the streets of Tianhai City to see which place had the most people between the ages of ten and twenty-five.

Looking at the Advanced Dan and the Scaleless Ghost Dan in his hand, Li Xiaomo said, “Xiao Ling, we have to work hard!” ”

“It’s that we haven’t made a little progress in half a month, and these times are really precious.”

Li Xiaomo suddenly thought of something: “Alas… By the way, Xiaoling, the mysterious side circle has not recently released ten tasks to us, and now it makes me panic! ”

“That said, except for that time after scp682 there was none.”

“Do you think the next time we release the mission?” After all, the last two times it was Eagle Sauce Country. ”

Liu Xiaoling shook his head: “I don’t know, who knows how the side circles are distributed, and this terrible incident is not the foregone prophet’s, right?” ”

Neither of them knew that the big boss of the mysterious circle was Liu Feng, and they were still seriously guessing who the supreme leader of the side circle was.

After Liu Feng left the villa, looking at the long-lost street, he had not come out much since he fabricated the mysterious side circle and the foundation. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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