Yongxiang Street.

There are many people between the ages of ten and twenty-five in the crowd, and this place will set the next horror scene should be the most suitable.

Having found a suitable place, Liu Feng was not in a hurry to go back, it was now the noon diners, and it was not too late to go back after eating.

The environment is slightly quiet, that is, the left hand and right hand side of the willow wind, the left side is the palatial palace restaurant, and the right side is the romantic and quiet Graceland.

Without thinking, Liu Feng directly raised his legs and stepped into the blue-and-white restaurant on the right.

The soft saxophone music fills the entire restaurant, and the heart can’t help but feel excited, slowly occupied by joy, and the light blue light shines on the neat tableware, reflecting a gentleness.

The décor is romantic and quiet, giving people the illusion of arriving at the Aegean Sea.

Most of the people who come in and out are elites, and they walk very fast, unlike the leisureliness of the willow wind, they are more like they come here for dinner.

But they have nothing to do with themselves.

Liu Feng slowly surveyed the environment of his restaurant, and then heard a gentle voice in his ear: “Sir, hello…”

Before she could finish speaking, Liu Feng pointed directly to the outdoor outdoor seats.

Liu Feng is wearing casual clothes today, and through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the outdoor open-air seating environment, which is very compatible with the style of clothes he is wearing today.

Liu Feng likes to be quiet, seeing that the outdoor outdoor seats are empty, I feel that this place is also quite suitable for eating, looking at the crowds coming and going outside, there is no private room.

Leaning his back against the back chair and beginning to immerse himself in his thoughts, he was interrupted by the noisy people behind him.

Liu Feng frowned, but did not look back at the people.

A guess also knows that they have just entered this restaurant, and the reason why Liu Feng chose outdoor outdoor seating is because there is no one here and the environment is very quiet.

It didn’t seem like that now, and their arrival was accompanied by a noisy sound, hitting the otherwise calm restaurant high and low.

The waiter also obeyed his duties and reminded the people in a very good manner: “Hello, sir, please keep quiet, there are other people eating now.” ”

The man said directly and arrogantly: “Shit is quiet, isn’t the restaurant used for eating?” Roll, so many things! ”

The waiter did not dare to refute them again, and with a look of daring to move or dare not speak, he retreated to his original position.

After Liu Feng ordered the meal, he waited slowly, and the process of waiting for the meal was a pleasure.

Of course, except for these messy people in the back.

They had already seriously affected Liu Feng’s dining mood, and in line with the principle of gentlemanly civilization, Liu Feng stood up and turned his head to look at them: “Shut up! ”

Well, he doesn’t have a gentleman’s demeanor, at least for these people!

This voice was obviously not from the rest of their group, and they turned their heads in unison to look at the willow wind that had suddenly stood up, and obediently closed their mouths to his gloomy eyes.

Probably in the villa, the yin power released by the willow wind and the yin spirit pulse nourished.

Liu Feng was so angry that he exuded the breath of “no one should enter, Lao Tzu is not good”.

But after only three seconds of waiting, the people became noisy again.


Liu Feng had been scolding the mother in her heart, but

After all, this is a public place, how can these disciples cooperate with themselves? What about such civilized people talking?

I’m a civilized man!

However, Liu Feng would not let them go so easily, they had already angered themselves, and they had to extinguish the anger in their hearts.

Inhale and inhale!

No, Lao Tzu couldn’t help it!

“Have you heard that there is an ancient tomb over there in West Lane?”

“I’ve heard about it, I’ve heard there’s a lot of treasure out there.”

“Yes, I asked you to come here to discuss this matter for you… You get the idea! ”

“Do you want to do this night?”

The others nodded.

“But… Have you not heard the rumors there? ”


The crowd was silent for a while, and then someone said, “Didn’t you also say the rumors?” And this is our old line, do so many years have not encountered, afraid of what? ”

Some people had hesitated because of the rumors, heard the man speak, and then all nodded their heads.

“Well, after eating, let’s go back and get ready, and then we’ll meet at half-past seven!”

Liu Feng cultivated the mysterious side power, able to hear the conversations of those people clearly, suppress the irritability in his heart, and listen to their conversations.

West Lane Tombs? Liu Feng was not familiar.

However, when he wanted to drive these people away, he even disturbed his own eating.

Waved to the waiter and motioned for her to come over.

“Sir, what’s wrong?”

“You should be able to do VIP here, right?”

Yes, Liu Feng just wants to do the VIP here, with the supreme service.

The waiter heard Liu Feng thinking about becoming a VIP member, and his eyes lit up, and he quickly said, “Yes, sir!” ”

“Well, give me a top VIP, do it now!”

I rubbed it, not expecting to be an invisible rich man, the waiter thought.

Looking at Liu Feng is like seeing money, you must know that the consumer group of Yongxiang Street ranges from the elderly to children, but most of them are mainly young people, and the shops here are every inch of gold.

Naturally, the consumption level here is not low, and there are not many people like this who have just come here and directly do VIP here.

The waiter naturally worked here for a long time, and watching the willow wind was also very raw.

However, he still didn’t think too much about it, and directly called the restaurant manager, who was naturally a high-ranking person to greet him.

Pay the money directly with the card, pay with one hand, and take the VIP card in the other.

Liu Feng looked at the comer’s badge: “Are you a restaurant manager?” ”

The other nodded.

Liu Feng pointed to the people at the back table, “Just blast those people out of me, and it’s permanent!” ”

This… The store manager, looking at Liu Feng, then looked at the people at the table, and shouted directly to the security guards outside, so that the people were driven out.

West Lane Tombs? It seems that these people are just in time for their own guns.

Liu Feng took his mobile phone and began to search the ancient tomb in West Lane, the rumors about this place were really frightening, but they were all made up.

Others don’t know, Liu Feng naturally knows, most of the powerful ghosts in this world are his own hands.

Those powerful ghosts didn’t exist at all, and those wild ghosts were just some scattered beings.

Since the rumors are so strong, how can they be worthy of their minds without creating a surprise?

The ancient tomb in the West Lane, people privately rumored that there are ghosts wandering here constantly.

In fact, there are many treasures in the ancient tombs in the West Lane, and those tomb robbers do not dare to pass easily. _

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