And even the ugly thing of the previous sp682 can be accepted, and the ghost thing is bad?

I waited quietly for five minutes, surrounded by the continuous roar of vultures, and the fierce winds kept blowing, but no other dirty things appeared.

Suddenly, the two girls, the eight people began to panic, wondering if they had come to rob the tomb like them, or if they had been sent by the official to make a detailed work.

Blackbeard tightened his sleeves and shouted, “What are you two doing here?” ”

“Uncle, we are here to explore!”

Liu Xiaoling was naturally not so stupid, directly speaking out his purpose, in case they were all scared away, what to do?

I always felt that these people were not a good thing, but there was Li Xiaomo in front of me. These are not enough to be afraid, after all, the men who move up are afraid.

Blackbeard, with a look of disbelief, scanned the two men up and down, then said, “Adventure? You two are so well fed! ”

The skinny monkey on the side also looked at the two people, silently pulled Blackbeard aside, and muttered, “Blackbeard, why don’t you tie them up?” ”

To be able to come to such a frightening place in the middle of the night, even he, a big man, felt afraid, not to mention these two little girls.

There must be deception when things happen!

So it’s better to start first.

The two finally agreed and prepared to tie Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo first.

The two nodded to the other six men, took the shovels and ropes behind them and began to move.

They didn’t believe that the two little girls would have much ability, and only thought that they had come to explore after seeing the rumors on the Internet and feeling that it was more thrilling here.

The eight people began to surround Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, and began to play with the murder weapon in their hands, trying to scare the two girls.


Li Xiaomo looked at the cat foot kung fu of these eight people and kept rolling his eyes at them in his heart.

As far as this kung fu was concerned, he still wanted to rob the tomb, and the grave swallowed him almost completely.

Although he had been complaining about them in his heart, his face was still serious and ready to meet their attack.

Just afraid that they would hurt Xiao Ling, thinking like this, Li Xiaomo’s eyes froze, he heard the sound of a murder weapon waving in his ear, his left foot supported the ground, and his right foot began to rotate and then flipped over to attack the comer’s sneak attack.

The other party did not seem to know that Li Xiaomo’s kung fu was so high, and he was directly kicked to the ground by Li Xiaomo’s right leg.

The few remaining people saw that Li Xiaomo’s kung fu was so high, and the fight was still so fierce, one by one, they did not dare to step forward.

After all, their kung fu only relies on brute force, without a little skill, and they still think that the two are just girls without chickens, so they have the idea of tying them.

The eight people’s originally tense hearts instantly relaxed, and they began to hold the shovel and continue to knock on the second barrier of the central tomb.

Li Xiaomo didn’t want to waste money with them, and directly kicked the two people closest to him to the ground, as for the strength of the kick, it was directly a mouthful of blood on the ground.

Those so-called brothers can only watch as they are thrown to the ground, and they cannot come forward to help.

“Two aunts and grandmothers… You say you want the guys to do it for you! ”

Looking at these eight people in front of him, Li Xiaomo said in a cold voice, “You continue to do your business, we stay by and watch.” ”

Liu Xiaoling added: “Rest assured, we are not interested in what is inside the tomb!” ”

Sure enough, the man obediently went and began to dig the tomb.

Bang Bang Bang!

The sound of a shovel smashing against the stone pierced through this slightly normal environment, and the second barrier cracked from the center, like a dense net scattered in the night, scratching at the eight people with teeth and claws.

“Alas, exhausted me…”

“Oh… No, no, stop for a moment! ”

Blackbeard looked at the accomplice who was already approaching, and ordered, “Rest for five minutes and then continue, otherwise we won’t be able to finish before dawn!” ”

Then he turned his head and looked again, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, who were standing and playing behind them, but they didn’t know what the two ancestors were here to do.

Before he could think about it, the candle flame placed not far away flickered on and off again, and the two vultures disappeared.

Then there was a slight wail in the central tomb, and then again on all sides, one moment very close and the next far away.

Is it the beast?

But the first reaction was to reject this idea.

Is it really that thing? The eight of them reunited again, looking around in horror.

Li Xiaomo pulled Liu Xiaoling into the car and waited for the thing to appear.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew from the ground, and the people present covered their noses and faces to prevent the sand from entering.

Waiting for the gust of wind to sweep by, I saw that eight white town symbols had been set up around me, and from time to time they were swept up by the breeze, and the sound of whistling rushed through this strange situation.

This time it’s really coming!

The thought suddenly hit the already calm water, shattering all the calmness into pieces and slicing through the bodies of eight people.

Liu Xiaoling looked at the eight town charms, which suddenly appeared, quietly holding the two metal short roots of the other drug supervisors.

When encountering a white figure, it suddenly appeared in the clearing, and its hair was very long and long, and it was already able to drag it on the ground, and the long hair covered its face, I don’t know if it was a man or a woman.

The white ghost’s eyes were shining all over his body, and his long fingernails were blood-red, illuminated by candlelight, reflecting a dazzling light, this sharp pain.

It’s just that it keeps chanting something in its mouth, and if it listens closely, it still can’t hear what is being said, and the white ghost’s first purpose is to kill the eight people who have already had their heads on Venus.

The white ghost lifted his hair with his own hands, and a pale face slowly revealed, and his fangs were constantly revealed with his chanting.

“Fuck me, the rumors about Tibetan tombs are true!!”

“I saw him look like, I fucked, I feel like it’s all buzzing in my head right now!”

“Those eight people are really decrepit, but they are also looking for death to rob the tomb themselves, they did not check and encountered this white ghost, the weather is too good, there is no way.”

“The camera is pointing at those eight people, and I want to see their faces!”

“This white ghost doesn’t know what kind of strength it looks like?”


Li Xiaomo naturally turned the camera to the eight people, except for the black beard and the skinny monkey, the remaining six people were curled up together, their hands wrapped around their heads.

The skinny monkey was also afraid, but it was important to save his life, and he had to stick the yellow charm on the white ghost’s body: “Blackbeard, don’t you have two yellow charms in your hand?” ”

Blackbeard’s heart was constantly trembling, and the yellow charm in his hand was like a hot potato, thrown at the skinny monkey: “This… You go and post it! ”

The skinny monkey looked at the yellow charm on his body, picked it up and threw it at Blackbeard: “You go and paste it, hurry up, or we will all die!” “_

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