The white ghosts did not have the patience to wait for them to take the initiative to attack.

Quickly moving his body in front of them, the blood-red fingernails began to dig deep into them, and one of the men did not dodge the attack of the hundred ghosts, and the blood-red nails scratched across the right side of her face.

The man covered his face in pain, howled loudly, and connected another piece, which had begun to extend and decay from the wound.

The speed of the flesh decaying was extremely fast, but after a while the stench of decay struck, and the layer of skin and flesh had been corroded, and you could see the bones of Senbai.

There is no way to save this man!

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo quickly got off the bus, but Li Xiaomo still stood aside, supported the mobile phone, and put the best angle in place for live broadcasting.

Liu Xiaoling decided to get close to the white ghost, even if these people were tomb robbers, but they would not be able to die, the man who had been scratched by the white ghost could not be rescued, but the remaining seven could not die again.

Liu Xiaoling’s two metal short roots had not yet struck, and the eight town charms of the white ghost began to change their positions, attacking in the direction of such a tomb.

The town charm struck extremely quickly, and when the eight towns were in one, the next moment they split into sixteen town charms and attacked everyone present.

The white ghost stood in the darkness of the night, looking coldly at everything in front of him.

The seven men watched these white charms approaching them, turned around and ran, no matter what was in front of them, and ran vigorously towards the open space.

Only two people ran into the middle of the West Lane Ancient Tomb Road, which is the forbidden place of graves, and touched the bottom line of the white ghost.


The white ghost roared angrily into the sky, and the lips that were originally white turned red, and flew towards the two people who had broken into the forbidden land, and the two thin hands grabbed the back of the necks of the two people.

The two men ran desperately, afraid that the white ghost behind them would kill them both, and Liu Xiaoling quickly followed.

“I rub, Xiao Ling took the initiative to find that white ghost, I see how this white ghost is so fucking strong?”

“Xiao Ling took out the rune, but he didn’t know if the remaining people would survive!”

“Just now, the man was scratched by the white ghost’s fingernails, and his whole face was rotten, if it was scratched on Xiao Ling’s white and tender face, he made a hammer.”

“Fortunately, I didn’t go to this ancient tomb in West Lane with my friends last time, fuck, this is sending death!”

“Caution in expeditions…”

The water friends watched Liu Xiaoling desperately chase after the white ghost, even though the charm was already exposed in her hand, but who was not afraid of it.

“Help, I beg you, don’t chase me… Ahh


Before the two people could wait for Liu Xiaoling to save them, they had already been chased by the white ghost, their bodies were moved by the hundred ghosts, their faces were facing the white ghosts, the distance between them was very close, and they could smell the smell of decay coming from the white ghosts.

The two kept swallowing, their eyes widening. The white ghost with fangs in front of him slapped his hands and feet desperately in front of him, trying to drive the white ghost away through this move.

The white ghost directly struck left and right, cutting off the necks of the two.

The two heads landed directly on the ground and rolled down to a very distant position, and they died quite painfully.

Liu Xiaoling, who rushed to the scene, looked at the scene and felt very glaring, and he actually came to the night.

There was something uncomfortable in my heart.

With his right hand blessed with a short metal root attacking in the direction of the white ghost, while guarding against the white ghost’s reflexive attack, Liu Xiaoling did not forget that the man had just been torn by his blood-red nails, and now his whole body was rotten.

Liu Xiaoling thought of using the metal short root to try the white ghost’s Dao Depth first, but he didn’t want to waste a rune.

The white ghost looked at the oncoming apparatus and quickly avoided it, the white ghost did not want to attack Liu Xiaoling, he had been warned by the hanging ghost and the ghost before not to hurt Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo.

Of course, it can’t be too obvious, otherwise it will be exposed.

The white ghost is naturally threatened by the hanging ghost and the two of them, and the hanging ghost path is in the two-star level, and the ghost path is in the first-star level, how can it be deeper than its path.

Moreover, the hanging ghosts are supported by a greater force behind them, that is, the hidden big boss of Liu Feng, and the white ghosts have to follow their arrangements.

However, the initiative to attack the eight tomb robbers was meant to be, which had already touched the bottom line of the hundred ghosts, and they would have to die even if they did not die.

The white ghost did not use its killer skill, the blood red nails, to attack Liu Xiaoling, and in the process of fighting with Liu Xiaoling, he always pretended to be inferior.

Seeing that time was running out, the white ghost quickly left the circle of confrontation with Liu Xiaoling and hurried in the direction of the remaining five people.

Liu Xiaoling couldn’t react to it, this white ghost actually didn’t fight with himself, but turned his head to track those people?

After shaking his head, he chased after him again.

“That white ghost was actually afraid of Xiao Ling, and he had been beaten when he first fought with Xiao Ling.”

“Great, my little spirit!!”

“It feels like the exorcism strength of Xiao Ling and Xiao Mo is getting higher and higher, which is far from the time of the 375 bus incident at the beginning.”

“That white ghost should have gone after the five tomb robbers!”


And the five tomb robbers, who had been chased by sixteen town symbols, were screaming, and they ran around the central tomb, forming a circular invisible wall with the central tomb as the center, blocking them from breaking out.

The white ghost wanted to let them come and go, and soon the white ghost came here.

With fangs on its face, it began to attack the grave robbers again, its blood-red fingernails grabbing at Blackbeard.

Blackbeard had been holding the yellow charm in his hand, and the sweat in his palm had soaked the yellow charm.

Seeing that the white ghost who was targeting himself had begun to act, Blackbeard gritted his teeth and did not make a sound, otherwise it would be himself who died.

Thinking like this, Blackbeard quickly unfolded the two yellow charms, waiting for the white ghost to get closer.


Blackbeard meditated in his heart, taking the distance between himself and the white ghost into his eyes, and pasting two yellow charms on the white ghost’s forehead.

Looking at his masterpiece, Blackbeard clapped his palm and proudly said, “Lao Tzu is still afraid of you?” Just waiting for the right moment! ”

The remaining four grave robbers breathed a sigh of relief as Blackbeard actually subdued the white ghost.

But before he was happy for three seconds, the white ghost that had just been fixed moved again, opening his mouth and biting at the black beard who was still laughing.


“Blackbeard, run!!!”


Blackbeard’s body was turned his back on the white ghost, so he did not see clearly the movement behind him, and by the time the accomplice reminded him, Blackbeard had no chance to escape.

The white ghost had already bitten his neck, the cold feeling pierced into his body, and within a few moments, Blackbeard’s yang qi had been sucked almost to the ground. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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