Blackbeard felt that his body was still weak, who knew that the yellow charm of the heavy golden flower was useless?

The fortune teller said at the time that he had a rich life!

, now dead!

Blackbeard only felt that his breathing was getting harder and harder, and he inhaled more and more and less.

The whole body can move slightly except for the eyeballs, flipping its own eyeballs, looking at the white ghost next to her, and staring at itself with a penetrating smile.

Blackbeard’s whole body became pale without Yang Qi support, and his head collapsed softly on his neck, lifeless to speak of.

The remaining four watched their eldest brother being killed, one by one, panicked.

No matter what tomb robbers do not rob tombs, and do not care whether they are rich or not, they turn around and quickly run towards the entrance of the ancient tomb in West Lane.

As long as you leave this place, as long as you leave this ghost place, you may still be alive.

What more money do you want? What other treasures are there? Fucking dead spent.

The four men threw everything behind their heads, fearing that they would be caught and killed by the white ghost.

One roar after another, releasing his fear.

“I rub, four people are dead!”

“Does this feel still alarm the authorities?” I was hesitating whether to call the pressed phone. ”

“I feel that this white ghost is so powerful, but the little spirit is more powerful than it!”

“Come on… KO this white ghost off!! ”


The water friends had never seen a powerful ghost who could quickly kill people and expose their methods in a brutal way without scruples in the live broadcast.

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s previous live probe live, mostly with intimidation or prelude preparations, but this time the white ghost’s method of killing was really fierce.

Liu Xiaoling decided to abandon the use of metal short roots and instead use the charm to suppress the white ghost and continue to kill.

Suppressing his voice, he flew towards the white ghost, who reacted extremely quickly and once again dodged Liu Xiaoling’s fluttering.

Isn’t it, this white ghost’s strength is clearly above himself?

But why do you keep hiding from yourself?

He didn’t put any spells on himself, and besides, he was a powerful ghost, he was just an ordinary person, could this ghost be afraid of people?

Could it be the charm in his hand?

Liu Xiaoling skimmed the charm in his hand, looking for an opportunity to stick it on the white ghost, otherwise the white ghost would continue to jump and kill the lives of those tomb robbers.

Although the details of these grave robbers are not very clear, it is not wrong to exorcise ghosts!

Mercedes coming from the patrol car.

Four rangers, including five captains, were hurriedly shouted over.

God knows all five of them want to hit people!

After so many days of being busy with the follow-up to the scp682, it was just five hours before the work summary was completed.

What now? Now this thing is coming up again.

“Captain, how can this Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo encounter so many ghosts?”

The captain watched the live broadcast, but four people were already dead!

“Don’t talk so much, I’ll drive!”

The captain stroked his forehead in his heart, these two girls really must have a powerful ghost appear wherever they go, and it just happened that they were caught up, or did they take the initiative to go?

The captain believes it is the former.

In the live broadcast, Liu Xiaoling and the white ghost were fighting, and the courage of these two girls was really unexpected.

“Captain, the white ghost has been destroyed?”

Next to the central tomb of the West Lane Ancient Tomb, Liu Xiaoling had already pasted the charm she injected with mysterious side power on the door of the hundred ghosts’ brains, and the mysterious side power on the charm instantly showed light.

The captain heard these words from his team members and quickly pulled his thoughts back to the live broadcast.

Although Liu Xiaoling’s kung fu was not exquisite, it was better than the charm with mysterious side power in her hand, as long as it was attached to the door of the white ghost’s brain.


“My head… Slut!! ”


The white ghost was already overwhelmed by the previous coldness, and the bright light quickly entered the white ghost’s body, covering all parts of the body from the brain door, the pain was unbearable, and the white ghost couldn’t help but howl.

It was not willing to be wiped out by Liu Xiaoling, an ordinary person, even if he did not have the depth of the path of hanging ghosts and ghosts, he was always stronger than these ordinary people.

How dare she?

How dare you kill yourself?

The more the white ghost thought about it, the more the resentment in his heart swelled up, but before he could strike, he was suppressed by the power of the rune, and the white ghost could not move all over his body.

In an instant, the white ghost had turned into a wisp of black smoke and disappeared into the ancient tomb in the West Lane, and the sixteen town charms that fluttered in the air to chase after the remaining four tomb robbers were also destroyed.

The captain saw this scene through the live broadcast and slapped his thigh: “Sleeper, did this guy really kill this white ghost?” ”


The four accompanying people did not want to look at the way their boss looked now, and there were such uncalm moments, as if they had seen a great thing.

“Captain, let’s be calm!”

The last time they partnered with the SCP Foundation to house SCP682, the captain believed more in luck during the waterfront matchup.

Yes, he just felt that luck had allowed Liu Xiaoling to dodge 682’s ruthless attack.

But through this time, the captain had to say that the last time he looked away, the two girls in front of him were not as soft and cute as they appeared to be, which was definitely no less than a man.

“Captain, I have a hunch…”

Looking at his team members who wanted to stop talking, he said darkly, “Say!! ”

Avoiding the eyes of his captain, he said with a trembling voice, “I think we will have a constant fate with Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo!” ”

This sentence is indeed the same as the captain’s heart, since the bus incident, the names of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo have been mentioned by people around him from time to time.

As long as there are two of them by name, there is definitely something big going on.

“Alas, if you come, you will be safe, so hurry to the ancient tomb in the West Lane.”

The captain had a conjecture in his mind that perhaps the mysterious power testing talents that the official focus on cultivating could not withstand the role of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo in this kind of confrontation.

I don’t know why, I feel that the two of them are progressing much faster than the talents of the mysterious side forces cultivated by the government.

But the two of them also said that they were cultivating according to this method, was there a problem in which link?

Forget it, don’t think about it much.

The patrol car speeding on the highway turned in the direction of the ancient tomb in West Lane.

Liu Xiaoling looked at the place where the white ghost had just stood, and there was no trace of it.

This is eliminated by yourself?

It’s so simple!!

Liu Xiaoling was inexplicably excited in his heart, and he always felt that his mysterious side strength level was soaring.

“I rub, that white ghost is gone?”

“How do you feel like there’s something going to happen later?”

“The little healer is so powerful!” _

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