“Sleeper, what’s in the back?”

“The White Ghost has just been destroyed, and now there are two more!”


Behind the four tomb robbers, there stood hanging ghosts and ghosts, and the four tomb robbers only felt the cold behind them, and did not dare to turn their heads directly to see.

Just couldn’t help the fear that bubbled up in their hearts, their eyes peeking back, their eyes against those strange eyes, frightening their teeth and constantly trembling.

The smell of blood that swept through the air filled the sense of smell of everyone present, and the disgusting smell hit the nose one by one, without any intention of fading.


The hanging ghost stretched out his arms, only to reach forward, his legs closed together, blood-red eyes, staring dead at the four grave robbers.

The hoarse cry, accompanied by the wind whizzing by the grave, the occasional chirping of strange birds, and the candle flame originally left by the tomb robbers had long been extinguished.

“… Yes!!! ”


The four of them were relatively slow to react, which reflected that their situation was very dangerous, and without hesitation, they ran together in the direction of Liu Xiaoling.

Because they knew that Liu Xiaoling had abilities that were different from those of mortals, and could protect them from this difficulty.

They don’t care what men are not men, as long as they live.

Hiding behind Liu Xiaoling, one of the tomb robbers said in a huff, “If you want to kill her, kill her!” ”

In the end, these four tomb robbers all pointed at Liu Xiaoling, trying to divert the attention of the hanging ghost and the ghost to Liu Xiaoling’s body, and one by one they hid behind Liu Xiaoling’s back.

Li Xiaomo, who was holding a mobile phone in his hand, could not see it, carrying the mobile phone, and his right foot kicked violently, and the four tomb robbers who were hiding behind Liu Xiaoling’s back were kicked to the ground by this fierce kick.


Liu Xiaoling couldn’t help but want to scold the mother, and he actually got these things when he saved them.


However, the hanging ghost and the ghost of resentment really went towards Liu Xiaoling’s attack, and as soon as the two ghosts approached, the wind around them suddenly rose, and the smell of blood became even stronger.

Enduring this unpleasant smell, Liu Xiaoling observed the hanging ghosts and ghosts in front of him, always feeling that the two of them had an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but he couldn’t say where he had seen them.

Liu Xiaoling muttered in his heart, this is not as foolish as the white ghost before, the surrounding cold feeling has gone up a ladder, Liu Xiaoling scratched a sweat.

The hanging ghost went alone to attack Liu Xiaoling, holding her back, and the ghost resented the four tomb robbers separately.

The previous white ghost was so easy to be stuck to the brain door by the Liu Xiaoling Rune, and the biggest credit was that the hanging ghost kicked behind the white ghost, suppressing the white ghost’s actions and not letting it continue to escape.

This not only allows the white ghost and Liu Xiao to fight, but also shows that Liu Xiaoling is powerful, killing two birds with one stone, and deeply winning the scheming of the two ghosts.

It’s just that these Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo are not aware of it, and Liu Feng’s plan is to reveal some information about their identities to them after they detect the identities of the two ghosts.

But that was a long time later.

Liu Feng looked at the system panel in front of him, everything was in the plan, this haunted incident of the ancient tomb in the West Lane was just a small episode, the most important thing was to let Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo go through two experiences.

Although it was much simpler to be set up by those two ghosts in this process, at least it allowed her sister and her girlfriend to see the powerful souls outside.

In the process of fighting with Liu Xiaoling, the hanging ghost did not dare to make a sound, for fear of being detected by the two of them, the hanging ghost knew that the IQ of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo was not generally high.

Thinking of hanging the ghost, he also took a deep look at the ghost and asked him not to stupidly scream there to scare the four tomb robbers.

The gains are not worth the losses, these are the four words of the final summary of the hanging ghost.

The identities of the two of them will be of great use in the future, and it is not so fun to expose them now.

However, the four tomb robbers had been frightened and could not get up, what it was like to be kicked to the ground by Li Xiaomo before, and what it was now, but their minds had turned a thousand times, thinking about how to escape.

The ghosts were not so foolish, spinning back and forth beside these four tomb robbers, constantly blowing air and setting off a yin wind.

The four grave robbers I obediently held up in the same place, afraid that the ghost would be angry and take his own life.

Just now, the four of them watched as Blackbeard was killed by the white ghost, and a deep shadow had been left in their hearts, that is, these two ghosts were even more yin qi released than the white ghost just now.

The four of them no longer felt that the two ghosts of Jiang were more advanced than the white ghosts, but the level they drew was bad news for them.

No matter how strong the other party is, it is a threat to them.

“Please, please, let me go!”


The four men knelt on the ground in unison to give the ghost a grudge, constantly prostrating their heads to let them go.

The ghosts grasp their cold hands to the grave robbers closest to them, and the ghosts will not have a benevolent heart, after all, they are tragic deaths themselves.

The grave robber who was caught by the ghost only felt the cold behind him fill his whole body in an instant, and the feeling of death kept approaching him, but he didn’t want to die yet.

The trembling body was curled up on the ground, shrinking its size, trying to make the ghost let go of itself in this way.

The hand that had been on his back slowly climbed upwards and finally moved to the position of the back of his neck, and at this moment, the scalp of the tomb robber felt numb, and he forgot what he had to do.

They may not know what they should do, and the captured grave robber finally closes his eyes and waits for death to come, knowing that he has been blocked in a dead end and that no one can help.

That bold girl, now she is unable to protect herself, she is entangled in the hanging ghost, she can’t care about this side, and she is just an ordinary person, how can she withstand this extremely evil ghost?

Quietly waiting for the ghosts to take their own lives, I heard that this yin ghost will absorb people’s yang qi and fill their stomachs like eating food.

The three grave robbers next to them did not dare to help their brothers, they were already sweating profusely, and they did not dare to wipe the droplets of water that wanted to drip.

Li Xiaomo quickly ran away with the live mobile phone, she could not watch this ghost take the lives of ordinary people, crossed her legs and flew over, kicking at the ghost who was half-crouched on the ground.

It’s just that the ghost had already made preparations, and Li Xiaomo had already sensed her purpose when she came, but he didn’t quickly dodge and waited for Li Xiaomo to approach. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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