Silently counting three two one in his heart, when Li Xiaomo’s toes were about to kick at the ghost, it quickly took half a step back, and the hand that had originally been attached to the tomb robber turned to Li Xiaomo’s calf.

Li Xiaomo watched as the hand of the ghost was about to touch his calf, and as long as the ghost touched the person, it would cause pain and drop a palm print.

Quickly turning around, Kankan dodged the ghost’s attack and took two steps back again to prevent the ghost from attacking him in close quarters.

Li Xiaomo had temporarily solved the danger of the tomb robbers, but it was only temporary, and no one could grasp the disposition of this ghost.

The frightened grave robber knelt on the ground for half a day before he felt that the cold behind him had moved away from him, but the fear in his heart could not be dispersed for a while.

After he was stunned for three seconds, the ghost came towards the four of them again, for Li Xiaomo could just hide and hide, in case he hurt Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, when he returned to the Tianhai City Villa, the master would hold them both accountable.

“Sleeper, Xiao Ling is so powerful, so is Xiao Mo!”

“Just that swirling kick is handsome, the feeling of exploding!”

“How do I feel that these two ghosts are avoiding Xiao Ling and Xiao Mo Baby?” Am I the only one who feels this way? ”

“These two ghosts are much more powerful than the white ghosts, and this has been haunting them.”


The water friends did not suspect that Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling paid someone to cooperate with them to stage this live drama of the spirit detective, after all, after watching the two of them live broadcast for such a long time, there were many strange things to watch, how could someone spend a lot of money to create this live broadcast.

“I bet that in less than half an hour, the authorities will send someone to the ancient tomb in West Lane.”

“Cut, I bet you two packs of spicy strips, I ask you dare to?”

“Oh, I can make you guess right.”

The shadow of the patrol car has entered the live broadcast, the car is running very fast, and when it finally brakes, it makes a sharp noise, in order to hurry to the West Lane Tomb, the patrolman driving the car has been forced to collapse by the captain.

The captain quickly pulled off his seat belt, jumped out of the car, the action in his hand never stopped, took out the pistol pinned to his waist, and roughly understood the front and back of the matter through the live broadcast on the road.

The captain took the lead first, followed by four rangers gradually approaching Li Xiaomo’s position, in a large sense, Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling had the same purpose, but the two of them had one more mysterious side circle.

The captain skimmed the mobile phone in Li Xiaomo’s hand and asked, “What’s the matter?” ”

“The white ghost has been killed, and these two ghosts are not easy to entangle.”

Li Xiaomo summed up the situation in front of him in one sentence, fought with the ghosts, and had not yet discovered its ultimate strength, which felt that they had not completely used up their own strength.

Maybe it can be said that to intimidate the dead. Say it’s a trivial matter.

The hanging ghost and the ghost looked at the time of the same, the four thieves were scared enough, the two ghosts secretly communicated with each other, and finally decided to disappear.

It’s just that this way of disappearing also has to produce the opportunity to disappear through the attacks of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, otherwise it is too humiliating to be a ghost, and you can even escape alive?

The ghost rushed in the direction of the hanging ghost, and the two ghosts converged, they wanted to take the last big one to push the live broadcast of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo to a higher level.

The hanging ghost always feels that he and the ghost have become a fixed actor to set off the master’s sister and the master’s sister’s girlfriend.

Without thinking about it any longer, the two ghosts attacked in unison towards the pile of people, and the stench of blood and blood rose again, wave after wave, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo pulled the tomb robbers beside them left and right, and the patrol officers quickly unfolded.

Liu Xiaoling held the metal short root in his hand and said to several people who were already frightened, “Stay where you are, don’t move!” ”

Relatively speaking, a few of them stayed where they were, and they had already helped Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo attack the TV station and the ghosts.

Li Xiaomo handed the mobile phone to the captain and joined Liu Xiaoling in the battle between the three of them, Li Xiaomo knew that the strength of the hanging ghost and the ghost was not bad, only Liu Xiaoling alone to resist the attack of the two ghosts, it is very likely to be defeated.

The combination of the metal short root and the spring knife is simply perfect, and the hanging ghost and the ghost are repelled again and again, and the two ghosts do not dare to move forward easily.

Just as Liu Xiaoling waved the metal short root in his hand again, the two ghosts showed each other a look and chose to take the initiative to approach the metal short root in Liu Xiaoling’s hand.

In the place that the camera could not see, the two ghosts made a slight trick, appearing to be that the metal short root hurt them, and then the two ghosts quickly turned into two wisps of black smoke.

Liu Xiaoling looked at the place where the ghost had disappeared and patted his hands, as if there was something there that should not be touched: “Huh… Finally wiped them out, otherwise they really can’t stand it? ”

For his own strength, Liu Xiaoling already knew that it was not that the other party was afraid of himself, but that the other party had room to attack.

It’s just that Liu Xiaoling can’t figure out why the two ghosts have to leave room for them.

The captain stepped forward and asked, “They’ve been defeated?” ”

Just seeing that thrilling scene, I have to say that the heart and liver are trembling, if it were not for Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo in front of them, this group of people would have to die, including themselves.

“Well, but I don’t know if there’s anything else going on.”

What’s next? The captain thought in amazement.

But I just turned to think about what I saw in the live broadcast, at first it was the white ghost who led it, and then these two ghosts appeared.

Counting Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, and then the patrol brought by the captain himself, the four tomb robbers who were as weak as chickens, a total of eleven people, quietly waiting for the next movement in the central tomb.

Just wave after wave of stench of blood had disappeared, leaving the bodies of four grave robbers lying on the ground, Blackbeard’s eyes staring at the dead.

The four living tomb robbers gradually became conscious on their legs, and slowly got up from the ground, especially the mad man who saw his own tragic death, especially Blackbeard’s cracked pupils.

Crawl together in groups to the place where Liu Xiaoling is standing, seeking Liu Xiaoling’s protection, only there will be safety.

Wait a moment, and there will be no other sounds except a few embarrassing birdcalls and a breeze blowing.

“What are they doing? Waiting for the bird to lay eggs? ”

“No more sound, let’s go!”

“These four people died, I don’t know how the authorities will deal with it?”

“In fact, I don’t think it’s a pity that the four people who died are not sorry, since they all have thought of robbing the tomb, they must have heard the rumors about the ancient tombs in the West Lane, and since they all heard about it, it is not to send them to death.”


The water friends in the live broadcast room talked about the four dead tomb robbers and did not worry at all about whether there would be any new changes in the future. _

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