They even more perverted that it would be more exciting if there were more powerful ghosts in the future.

Liu Xiaoling looked at these four tomb robbers, and they all came to their own direction and prepared to move their positions, but they were hugged by the four tomb robbers with their legs: “Big Sister Big Sister, please, save me!” ”

Listening to their helpless pleas for forgiveness, it felt a little funny.

Liu Xiaoling forced himself not to laugh, but he couldn’t help it, he felt that this shouldn’t be, but he had also seen their mighty appearance, and the gap between them and now was so big that he felt very funny.

The captain received a cry for help from Liu Xiaoling’s eyes, and then covered his face and coughed: “Cough… The four of you go with me! ”

A trip with the captain is equivalent to being interrogated, and the eight of them who entered this kind of tomb without permission to rob the tomb is already a theft, although they have not succeeded in stealing, but there is this thought, so it is “honored” that they were invited away.

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo did not shy away from the request to make a record, as the four tomb robbers were invited to the patrol room.

Although they had been frightened by those ghosts before, the four people immediately panicked at the thought of entering the patrol room: “Captain, I was forced.” ”

The captain said in a hard tone, “There is no need to discuss.” ”

The group was taken to the patrol room, after which the tomb in West Lane had been completely blocked, and no one could enter it.

After Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo finished recording, they came out, and they didn’t care about the tomb robbers, until they just learned that these eight tomb robbers were doing a lot of evil, no wonder the four of them were unwilling to come to the patrol room, that is, they were afraid of finding out his old bottom.

By the time Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo came out, it was already more than seven o’clock in the morning, and the two of them forcefully suppressed their desire to yawn, thinking of hurrying home to catch up on sleep.

On the way, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo began to think about the points, after all, now that the task has been completed, they will wait for the points to be issued.

Li Xiaomo took the lead in breaking the calm situation: “Xiao Ling, don’t you think those two ghosts today are somewhat familiar?” ”

“I think so, but I can’t remember where I’ve seen it?”

What Li Xiaomo wanted to say was whether it would have appeared in the live broadcast of the spirit detective before, but those ghosts had been destroyed and could not appear again.

To put it another way: “Maybe there is something similar to it.” ”

Before the two of them returned to the villa area, Zimu Linghuan had already released a message.

[Notice: Congratulations on completing the West Lane Kofun Exorcism Event released by the side circle! 】

Liu Xiaoling pointed at the Zimu Ling Ring: “Xiao Mo… Check it out! ”

“We have points!”

A little happy, Liu Xiaoling calculated that he had earned four hundred points twice before and after, and what time he had earned two hundred points.

When you get home, you have to ask your old people about it, but you don’t know if these points can afford to buy props.

“Xiao Mo, I kind of doubt that we have enough points.”

In case it is not enough, how embarrassing it is, I went to the supermarket to buy something, I liked a lot of things, and finally when I settled on the counter, I found that I did not bring my wallet, which is exactly the same as this feeling.

“Go back and ask Brother Liu!”

The two inexplicably regard Liu Feng as the root cause of all the problems solved, and the two people do not know what Liu Feng is doing.

“Xiao Ling, do you know what your brother is doing in the mysterious side circle?”

Li Xiaomo was very curious, and he didn’t know what he was doing when Liu Feng stayed in the villa from time to time, or closed in his room.

“I don’t know what he does, and your brother’s strength has also been seen, it’s really good, maybe he’s the one, just instructing others how to do it?” And then the kind of big guy who doesn’t have to do it himself. ”

It is not Liu Xiaoling who praises his brother, since the recent period of Liu Feng’s style of doing things has changed greatly, and his elder brother has become much calmer.

The two did not speculate too much about what Liu Feng was doing, and returned to the villa area to go to Liu Xiaoling’s home first and began to look for Liu Feng’s figure.

Liu Xiaoling saw that his elder brother was actually leisurely reading a book on the recliner, and ran to the position of the recliner: “Brother…”

Liu Feng raised his eyelids, and then lowered his eyes to look at the book in his hand, Liu Xiaoling saw that his brother had ignored himself, and covered the contents of the book with one hand.

Liu Xiaoling said excitedly, “Brother, our task of driving away the ghosts of the ancient tomb in West Lane has been completed!” ”

Willow Wind nodded, then said, “Well, not bad. ”

Then he pulled Liu Xiaoling’s hand away and continued to flip through his book.

Liu Xiaoling was not happy: “Brother!! ”

This sound was very loud, and the shaking willow wind trembled: “Xiao Ling, you must be gentle!” ”

Li Xiaomo, who had just been silent, said: “Brother Liu, Xiao Ling and I just want to ask, how can the points issued in the side circle be exchanged for props?” ”

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo really did not know how to exchange the points for the tools on the mysterious side, Liu Feng heard this and closed the book, raised his right hand and touched his sister’s head, messing up her hair.

Liu Xiaoling quickly stepped back, his hair had already been punished tremendously, and the chaotic appearance was very uncomfortable.

“Well, don’t mess with you, points for props, need to pass through me here!”

Liu Feng waited for a while, then said, “How many points do you have now?” ”

“Healer has four hundred points, I have two hundred points.”

Liu Feng nodded, “It is true that you can change, but do you two want to change separately, or merge to change together?” ”

“Is there any difference between the two?”

“It is that the points are equivalent to the small vault, and the points obtained by the two of you can all go into the vault, and when you want to buy the mysterious side tool, you will consume the points in the vault, that is, the points of the two of you will be consumed together.”

Liu Feng looked down at the two people who were nodding, and then asked, “Of course, you two can also choose not to consume points one piece, but this has a disadvantage for a moment of consumption, that is, your points will be more or less lacking, when you want to buy the mysterious side tool, maybe your points are not enough.” ”

“Brother, let’s discuss.”

“I want a piece!”

“Me too!”

Sure enough, it was his girlfriend, and he thought of a piece with himself, Liu Xiaoling and Liu Feng said: “Haha, great, that old brother, I and Xiao Mo will consume points together, after all, people have a lot of strength.” ”

“Well, I’ll keep an eye out for you today on the mysterious side tool.”

“Okay, brother, then let’s go!”

Liu Feng knew that the two of them had not rested since it was more than seven o’clock yesterday, and had been tense their nerves, and now the matter was finally over, but the scp scene would be triggered, and Liu looked at his sister and her girlfriend with a little deep meaning. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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