“Seeing that you are in a hurry, I will slowly explain to you both how to use these two mysterious side tools.”

Liu Feng knew that his sister was a little anxious, but it was somewhat complementary to Li Xiaomo’s calmness, and it was quite good.

Liu Feng first took out the lasso whip in his hand and handed it to Li Xiaomo: “This is the lasso whip for Xiao Mo, this whip needs arm strength and physical flexibility as the basic support, and the lasso whip is also very suitable for practitioners of martial arts to hold, his skills are similar to ordinary whips, but you can whip the target or the lasso target.” ”

Li Xiaomo remembered what Liu Feng had just said, took the lasso whip, and caressed this beautiful whip body with his right hand, feeling very grateful to Liu Feng: “Thank you Brother Liu.” ”

Liu Feng smiled, and then handed the current ring to his sister: “This is a current ring, you need to reserve current, that is, in the sun or light will automatically convert into current, do not underestimate this current ring, it will become larger with its own upgrade storage space.” ”

Liu Xiaoling took the current ring: “How does it recognize the Lord?” ”

“You need to conquer it!”

She looked at her sister and her girlfriend in amazement, then smiled and said, “Fake! ”

“Drop your blood on the space ring, and it will automatically recognize the Lord, but the blood contract made between you cannot easily change hands.”

“When attacking a target, use your mind to control the current ring to unearth its power, and its power will bring out the target around you as long as it appears, of course, this refers to the perimeter, that is to say, when the target is two and above, the role of the current ring will be slightly superior to other mysterious side tools.”

That’s right!

Liu Xiaoling looked left and right at the current ring in his hand, and then looked at the lasso whip in Xiao Mo’s hand, and then recalled that his and Xiao Mo’s points were only six hundred, not enough to change two mysterious side tools, and it seemed that the level of these two was not low.

“Brother, are our points enough?”

Liu Xiaoling said, and also held up the current ring in his hand.

“Of course not!”

As soon as they heard Liu Feng say that it was not enough, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s expressions were like a balloon of gassing and instantly collapsed.

“However, I took advantage of one of my privileges to credit the lasso whip and the electric current ring in the mysterious side of the mall, and I need you to return those accounts later.”

“Of course, I only have the privilege this time!”

Oh, my God!

Does this mean that he and Xiao Mo have these two mysterious side tools, such powerful tools?

“Thank you Brother Liu!”

Liu Feng did not pause, he left and walked out of the villa, he was going to find the spirit, to write but to imagine the script of the horror scene.

Seeing that Liu Feng had disappeared into the villa, Li Xiaomo asked, “Are our points cleared?” ”

“I think it is, and in the future we have a points base, and then we both add points to it, hoping that we will be rich points in the future.”

[Notice: Because of the advance purchase of the current ring and lasso whip, the mysterious side circle decided to clear your points to zero!] 】

Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling looked at this news, and their flesh hurt!

The two of them also knew that this point was not easy to come by, and the six hundred points they had accumulated for such a long time now told themselves that they owed someone an account, and they felt a little uncomfortable, that is, they wanted to quickly return the account.

Finally, Li Xiaomo said, “Let’s go to cultivation!” ”

Liu Feng also said that he would have to continue to cultivate to complete the tasks assigned by the mysterious side circle, and the two of them finally chose to cultivate decisively.

Li Xiaomo returned to his villa, took out the scaleless ghost dan and advanced dan given by Liu Feng, and then put the lasso on the table, sat on the ground, and ate the scaleless ghost dan.

In an instant, I felt that this Spotless Ghost Dan was absorbed by his own body, and what was blocked in his own veins was pushed to dissipate.

After waiting for half an hour, Lei Xiao did not wake up, feeling that his body was light and fluttering, and even his spiritual strength had improved a lot, because he had exorcised the ghosts in the ancient tomb of the West Lane all night, although he had made up for his sleep in the middle, but his mental strength had been very poor, and now he felt very refreshing.

“Oh my God, the effect of this Scaleless Ghost Dan is really strong, I just don’t know the effect of this Advanced Dan.”

Li Xiaomo poured the Advanced Dan into his hand, and ate all of his brain into his stomach, and within a few moments, it was like a small flame suddenly appearing in the Dantian, not only did not have the tendency to extinguish, but it continued to grow.

I don’t know if this is a good phenomenon, but I really cultivated according to the method given by Brother Liu, and there should be no mistake.

Li Xiaomo continued to wait for the cluster of fire to grow, and his whole body seemed to be placed on a stove, forced to be steamed, sweating profusely, as if some debris was discharged from the inside out.

Previously, because the Spotless Ghost Dan had already discharged the things that were blocked in the veins, the role of the Advanced Dan had shifted to the Dantian consolidation, and the food was getting bigger and bigger, and from the Dantian had been transferred to his own internal organs.

That hot temperature would not hurt Li Xiaomo, it was like polishing her physical fitness, and after she had adapted to that temperature, Li Xiaomo felt that there was a pair of hands behind her pushing herself towards the cultivation of martial arts.

That speed was not hurried, relying on Li Xiaomo’s own physical qualities, as well as the previous vaginal cultivation method on Liu Feng’s notebook, Li Xiaomo began to force his body to absorb it by that qi.

But that qi is constantly shifting, the heart, the liver, spleen, lungs and so on, as long as the qi can reach the place, it will continue to interfere, but everywhere it goes feels very comfortable.

Li Xiaomo did not force himself to absorb this qi anymore, and lay quietly on the carpet, waiting for the qi to disappear automatically.

It wasn’t until eight o’clock the next morning that Li Xiaomo woke up to find that his body was sticky and the qi in his body had disappeared.

Obviously, she felt that her physical quality was much better than before, originally Li Xiaomo practiced martial arts, her physical quality was already much better than ordinary people, and now after eating the Spotless Ghost Dan and Advanced Dan, her physical quality was greatly improved.

Holding his hands tightly was stronger than before, and Li Xiaomo was naturally happy to find this situation.

Seeing the lasso whip on the table, I picked it up and walked into the backyard to start practicing martial arts.

Click… Click…

Whip after whip, making a sound in the air, followed by a pale blue edge.

At first, Li Xiaomu would still be surprised, but after that, she was used to the appearance of the light blue edge, her body and the whip body had cooperated very harmoniously, and the flexible body and the constantly changing shape of the whip body were completely controllable by Li Xiaomo. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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