After playing back and forth for nearly two hours, Li Xiaomo felt that his whole body was drenched, the power of this set of rope whips was obviously much stronger than that of the ordinary whip, and now his martial arts value was not enough, and after he cultivated his realm in the future, after improving, he would definitely improve again.

Li Xiaomo looked at the whip body woven between red and black, and an inexplicable sense of excitement surged into his heart, his hand stroked to the position of the lasso, his eyes suddenly froze, and he threw the whip out fiercely.


This loud noise shattered the tiles in the back garden.

Li Xiaomo looked at this change in surprise, and marveled in his heart that the power of this set of rope whips was too high, even if he only relied on his own fighting skills and the flexibility of this whip’s body, he had already reached this level.

Then, if your own cultivation level improves in the future…

The degree of progress is unlimited, Brother Liu is indeed right, the value of these two baby flowers, even if he and Xiao Ling are now owing points to the mysterious side circle, as long as they can make good use of this treasure, are they still afraid that it will not come?

It seems to see a beautiful scene in the future, Li Xiaomo laughed loudly, this expression is very rare in Li Xiaomo’s face, but at this time he was too happy and couldn’t help but show his excitement.

Liu Feng, who was wandering outside, received the drip prompt sound of the system, and Liu Feng did not hesitate to call out the system panel, and the tethered panel belonged to himself, and others could not see the system panel.

【Eagle sauce country scp fund and eagle sauce country official has found a treatment plan! 】 】

This prompt is almost the same as the point of his own pinch, the horror scene set up in the Eagle Sauce Country has been completely over, and the next step is to open the horror scene in the Eastern Powers.

This night is about to start the operation, the escape route of the scp106 and the position point have been thought out, but in what way to play the battle?

Liu Feng saw a boy lying on a park seat and playing with his mobile phone down, it was just a lot of fun, and he didn’t know if anyone next to him had stolen him.

Liu Feng looked at him for a moment and found that the child was playing a game.

Liu Feng poked at the little boy who was playing the game and opened his mouth and said, “Friend? ”

“If you don’t want money, you don’t want it!”

Hearing the other party reply to this sentence, Liu Feng really wanted to laugh, is this game really so fun? But think about when you are in that world, sometimes you will play a game, that feels really cool!

What about games? Nowadays, people like to play games so much, so let’s have an escape game.

3d fruit in the end is not as good as immersive stimulation, realistic horror effects, and IQ to consider all kinds of levels down, this should be OK!

Liu Feng got up from his seat, and secretly decided in his heart, and when he led, he also patted the boy who was immersed in the game: “In a few days, there will be an immersive game!” ”

In fact, what Liu Feng wants to say is that you can, but after thinking about it, this child is still so young that he can’t let people mislead the past.

Willow Wind hurried back from outside. To his little sister is meditating in the living room, opening her eyes from time to time to stare at the electric ring on the coffee table.

Because the carpet was laid on the ground, there was no sound in front of it, and it was originally an empty living room, and the voice of the willow wind suddenly sounded: “What’s wrong?” ”


Liu Xiaoling jumped up violently from the sofa, his feet and legs were constantly fluttering, his eyes were dead closed, and the next second he waited for began to counterattack Liu Feng.

However, when she opened her eyes, her legs could not be retracted, and Liu Feng’s right hand directly blocked it, rebounding Liu Xiaoling’s body and falling on the sofa.

“Brother? You’re scared me to death!! ”

“What are you doing?” One moment open your eyes, the next you close. ”

“Didn’t you say to control this current ring with your mind?” I kept thinking about the electric current ring in my head, but it didn’t move. ”

“You definitely don’t just have the current ring in your head, this control current ring will take a while.”

In fact, Liu Feng had no way to say how to help Liu Xiaoling control this current ring, the two of them were already spilling blood to become one, and the communication between the two of them was unknown to outsiders.

As soon as he heard his brother say that it would take a while to control the current ring, he felt a bitter panic in his heart: “It will take a while!” ”

“Don’t worry, don’t worry! During this time, cultivate the mysterious side power well, did I give the Advanced Dan to eat? ”

“Not yet.”

Liu Feng listened to his sister’s words and nodded, “When you go back to cultivation, you will eat Advanced Dan first.” ”

After returning to his room and locking it, he himself did not know how long it would take him to set up this horror scene of pressing cb106, just a quiet environment to meditate on the escape game.

Ah, escape games!

Scp06 is dormant at first, and finally Willow Wind again places pocket dimensions, tall buildings, attempts to escape, and prey, and on paper, the word escape is emphasized.

It should be almost, right?

The last two parties begin to consume scare points to set up the scCP106 horror scene, and all of them have to be set up for the sc106’s containment, match venues, pocket dimensions, and escape routes.

Ah, this is all a scare point!

Looking at his own shock points on the system panel, he had already consumed 100,000, and the balance was only 100,000.

This time the horror scene setting of scp106 consumes more scare points than before, and the remaining 100,000 scare points will remain advanced five stars.


Liu Feng raised his eyes again and looked at the window to find that it was already five o’clock in the afternoon of the next day, but this time turned over had no impact on him, and his energy was still very strong.

The SCP Foundations of the Eastern powers are discussing the end of the scp106 dormant state, which has been dormant for three months and is about to wake up.

The awakening of 106 means that there is insecurity on its side, and the physical restraint is completely meaningless to 106, which used to be placed in the containment room and suppressed in the containment room with a strong stinging light.

However, this is not a long-term solution, the foundation has been trying to develop a method to permanently shelter 106, but the development is constantly exploring, and there has been no result.

So in the 106th coming Sue, the Foundation began a small meeting to discuss the disposal arrangements for the 106.

The Doctor looked at the information material about 106, which is like a trafficker who turns people between the ages of ten and twenty-five into his pocket dimension and becomes its prey.

The Doctor fumbled his jaw, the bizarre 106 shuttle function.

It is able to go out through a solid matter connected to any solid matter it originally entered, that is to say, when 106 enters a tall building, it can come in from the wall and also from the ceiling. _

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