“Sleeper, it stinks!”

“Hurry up and call the security guards and get it out.”

“Oh, who are you?” Hear no? Hurry out. ”

A tall and mighty man walked toward 106 with his coffee cup, and he could not stand the stench of the old man who had stayed where he was, and the smell of this fishy smell had made him not in the mood to drink the originally strong coffee.

“Oh, did you hear that?”

The man said, and also poked the folder in his hand 106, only because 106 turned his back on the man, he did not see 106’s original listless love, and now suddenly became excited.

Looking at this old man who did not even turn his head to take care of himself, thinking that he was in a high position in the company, who was not giving himself three points of face outside? The old man ignored himself to see how he could clean him up.

“Say what about you?” What a rudeness! ”

The evil voice echoed in 106’s ears, but it did not disturb the excitement in his heart at all.

Didn’t you let yourself turn around?

106 Ran turned around, and stared through his eyes at the man who had just poked himself, this man just fit his prey range, and the man was only twenty-five years old.


The sudden laughter startled the crowd, who had thought that 106 was a madman, otherwise how could it appear in the office building of this well-known company, but now it was office hours, and if their superiors saw that they did not go to the office, and the onlookers would be fired here.

After thinking about whether it was worth staying here, someone began to prepare to leave.

But how 106 was willing to let them go, many of these people were in line with the range of 106 to catch prey, and the gods of 106 only swept one out of these groups

106 said with its hoarse band, “How can you leave?”

The hoarse voice with the sound of Cacaton stuck on it, which is particularly uncomfortable, that is, this sound makes everyone frown.

Isn’t this old man crazy?

But this thought was just a thought in the mind, and the next second the man who was still accusing 10 was strangled by 106 and could not move.

Hey, what’s going on?

It was a blink of an eye, that tall and mighty man was actually subdued by this old man?

Many people can’t believe what they are seeing, but it really happened.

“Security! Security! ”


“Old man, you don’t have to be sed!”

The women hurried to shout security, while the young and vigorous men thought of a hero, and they were ready to subdue the old man who appeared inexplicably.

Regardless of the stench of mucus on it, rolling up his sleeves and preparing to dry, a man who went down first, just touched the back of 106, and quickly screamed.

His hand had quickly disappeared from his fingers, and the next second it turned black, and then the black quickly spread to his wrists and his arms.

“Ah! I put my arm in my hand, fast block fast… Send me treatment!! ”

As soon as the man saw that his hands and arms had turned black, he panicked, and the people around him were already stunned, and they didn’t know what was going on, just touching the old man’s back.

Someone handed over the injured man directly to the treatment, and when the security guard came, they held electric batons in their hands, and the electricity was always a powerful weapon in their hands, as if it could solve all the troubles.

“Alas, the old man hurried home, and this place delayed the work of others.”

Most of the security guards are men in their forties and fifties, and 106 has no interest in them, ready to capture those who have just paid attention to themselves, but these three security guards are not ready to let 106 go. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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