The black mucus on its body followed the path it had traveled, leaving a large pool of mucus, but 106 didn’t care, this mucus was equivalent to its secretion, and its body kept gushing out this black mucus, washing its body again and again.

Don’t find me, God bless, God bless!!

Of course, the people on this floor did not, they ran very far, compared to this world, they believe more in chance, maybe this old man can’t see people and leave.

However, 106 had already set one of his men as his own catch, how could he easily leave?

The timid crouched in the narrow space, their eyes tightly closed waiting for the chaos to end, but they clearly heard footsteps coming from outside.

I don’t know if it was the old man or someone else, if it was the old man he hadn’t gone yet, and the footsteps were getting more and more this way.

Oh my!

What to do?

The woman, hiding under the space of her desk, sneaked her mobile phone over and prepared to call the patrol room.

But why hasn’t it been picked up over there?

Listening to the footsteps that had come closer and closer, the woman already wanted to go crazy, tugging at her own loose hair, a little bit of her own lips, not letting herself scream in horror.

Please, spare me!

Don’t stop here with me, please.

The woman secretly prayed in her heart that the old man would not stop beside her, or she would really go crazy.

Bang….. Bang……

The usually familiar sound of footsteps was very harsh here, and the woman’s pale lips revealed her current frightened emotions, and she did not want to do so.

Most people have already guessed that the four men fell to the ground and blackened, and had something to do with this old man who suddenly appeared?

I didn’t want to be like that, but the terrible footsteps stepped step by step on this woman’s trembling heart.

Click….. Click…

Feeling that the old man had come in his own direction, what to do?

Patrol room phone… Finally through!

There were constantly asking about things, but how dare I say it? As soon as he made a sound, the old man knew his place immediately.

I can only wait for what will be found over there, and be able to guess the situation on my side.

It’s just that the call has been interrupted.

How can this be? The phone suddenly went off.

The woman only felt that her world collapsed in an instant, but he still did not dare to speak out, there was a fluke mentality, hoping that the old man could let himself go.

The patrol room did not deliberately hang up the phone, after all, there were already many people, that is, people on this floor, calling the patrol room for help.

Moreover, the patrol house had been reported to the captain and was ready to send someone to rescue him.

This is the process that takes some time to wait, but the people on this floor have been unable to resist the heart that is already about to jump on the throat eye.

Life is in danger, it will come to your eyes immediately, and if you have a slight mistake, you will die here, and the four men just now are already the end.

The first man was lucky enough to have been sent to the clinic, while the three security guards were still lying in the hallway.

However, the people present no longer had the heart to take care of the three security personnel, they could all die, how could they still step in to help others.

The woman hiding under the desk was still closing her eyes, truly waiting for the angel to come.

Only this time there were no angels, only demons.

And the demon had come to her desk, and 106 walked unhurriedly toward the space, sweeping all the documents on the table to the ground with a wave of his hand. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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