
The woman who had just closed her eyes forced herself to shut up and not scream, and when she was frightened by 106, she couldn’t help but shout out the fear in her heart.


Click… Click…

This voice is completely stepping on this woman’s heart, stabbing her heart with a knife and stabbing it into a sieve.

Even now clenching his lower lip, the sound of the upper teeth colliding with the teeth still sounded, and when the needle fell on the ground and the sound could be heard, the collision sound was particularly obvious.

But the woman could not suppress her fear, her hands were tightly tugging at her hair, and the pain of her scalp being pulled off still made her attention distracted.

She didn’t want to open her eyes, didn’t want herself to see that horrible scene.

106 will not be like hers, this person is 106’s first prey object, so she is about to become the first prey she has captured in this world, put into the pocket dimension.


106 Oh ho ho like a thorn in this woman’s face, mocking her self-righteousness, thinking that closing her eyes can avoid all this?

106 out of the right hand, the upper right is covered with black mucus, ticking down the lower arm dripping on the ground.

The black charcoal-like arm slowly approached the woman under the space, and even the woman with her eyes closed could feel the smell of the fishy smell coming to her nose.

Her heart was pounding, like it was stuck in the eyes of her throat, bouncing up and down.

Finally the woman opened her eyes, and what came into her eyes was a black foot standing in front of her, knowing that it was the old man’s foot.

Her eyes had unconsciously been staring upwards, and 106’s eyes and the woman’s eyes just met, and 106 smiled slyly at a woman.

Wretched! Disgusting! Terror!

The woman instantly gave 106 these six words, but then 106 grabbed at the woman’s calf.

106 wants to attack the person’s muscle tissue and turn her into a cripple so that she can pack it into her pocket dimension.

The woman watched as these hands kept getting close to her, her body kept shrinking back, but the space under the desk was only so big that he couldn’t keep shrinking back no matter how he said it, and finally 106 grabbed her calf muscles.

A “click”, the crisp sound accompanied by the woman’s screams of pain, ran through the entire floor, increasing the fear of colleagues who were already in a state of collapse.

106 is a light grasp of people’s calves have been crippled, which shows how strong 106 is.

But ready to rebuild my pocket dimension, look up at the ceiling and then look at my feet, I think this place is quite good.

106 regards this great as its disk, but this is its prediction, it will start a conquest to drive out all the fools who do not fit into the range of its prey.

From the lounge to this woman’s desk has been walked by 106, which belongs to the pocket dimension of 106.

Then 106 opened again to find the second capture elephant, this time it did not slowly capture the elephant, because it wanted to clear out the fools in the building.

As long as it is not a life of 106 Prey Circle, it will be listed as a fool!

106 claims to be a high quotient scp, so those living objects that are not listed by themselves as prey, 106 are not visible.

It made the woman already in place, she was already prey in her own pocket dimension.

Continue down the west corridor, where there are piles of prey piled up and waiting for 106 to catch them all.

In the same way, one by one, they clenched their fists and bit their lips, afraid that they would make a noise and lead this terrible old man over.

They clearly heard the scream that had just been made, and knew that the woman had been in distress, and that the good villain was in someone else’s body, after all, it was a colleague who had been dealing with them for a long time, and their bodies were constantly trembling, afraid that the old man’s next target would be his side.

Click… Click…

This time 106 went at a noticeable speed, much faster than the last time, and it wanted to turn the building into its own use as quickly as possible, become its own pocket dimension, and drag more prey into it, allowing them to start the escape game in the tall building.

106 is the form of the elderly, but its weight is far heavier than the elderly, the foot on the floor, the sound of stepping, the whole floor is the sound of footsteps on the floor.

Sleeper! Did he die because of this?

There was a buzzing sound all over the ears, and the head was about to explode, even if it was constantly channeling his emotions, he still couldn’t suppress the panic that was about to burst out.


106 heaved as he walked, because it was almost reaching its prey spot, and its eyes became very bright as if it saw prey, and it hurried towards the storage room.

The black liquid shot down its body to the ground, and 106’s left hand was draped over the doorknob, ready to open it, but there was no intention of shaking the door.



The left foot of the body is directly carried to the door, originally 106 entered this storage room, it could have been directly penetrated without such a violent way, but 106 points hoped that he would see the frightened eyes of everyone, and that look could make its bloody collapse to another high-level.

Tell people to go straight back, but the storage room on this floor is not very big, there are eight people hiding inside, and there are some other tools that exist here The space is already very narrow, how can it be allowed for eight of them to retreat.


This eerie laughter sounded again, and 106’s eyes swept across the eight people who had shrunk to the ground, and it was good that they were all their own prey.

106 days of laughter, his cheeks bulged and his mouth cracked, revealing a dark brown mouth.

The crowd learned that this wasn’t human at all!

“Don’t you give it to me!”

“Get out!!”

“Hey, she just said you!!”


These eight people have been forced by 16 to go crazy, holding the surrounding things and smashing at 16, trying to force 106 away in this way.

The scolding and screaming were overshadowed, and this sound had already moved the people up and down the floor, and they did not yet know what was happening on the seventh floor, and the collective chaos was a rare situation.

“Do you know what’s going on on the seventh floor?” How is it so messy? ”

“I don’t know if it’s a fight.”

“It’s impossible, it’s like this, then the supervisor won’t care?”

“Oh my God! Breaking news, absolutely breaking news!! ”


“I’ve sent you a group, see for yourself, I… I have something to hurry up and go! “_

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