Men take their things and slip away immediately, regardless of the reactions of others, they have already sent photos in the group, regardless of their thoughts, it is important to save their lives.

This photo was still sent by the people on the seventh floor, originally the brother wanted him to find someone to help, directly called the patrol room, but the next creation depends on whether the brother can stand up.

“Sleeper, is this man a man or a ghost?”

“These four people, just an old man”

“What old man, you didn’t see the text he sent?” I fuck, save your life, hurry up! ”

“It’s really not enough brothers, they slipped alone, they didn’t tell us, they slipped away, and their lives mattered.”

In the same way, these people are ready to find something and prepare to slip away, but how can 106 let them leave, and before they can wait for the big kill, let the prey escape on their own, which is not in line with the character of 106.

106 The Scriptures left all eight in place, and more or less a few of the eight people became crippled, and the remaining few were too frightened to say a word.

In the pocket dimension of 106, it is impossible for these living prey to find the correct escape route, and 106 puts them in place, just like the woman in the space under the work table, saying that they are in place and have entered their pocket dimension.

106 times quickly ran up, swept the entire layer once, the seven floors have become its territory, and this is the effect.

Then 106 began to go towards the sixth floor, and those on the seventh floor must pass through the seventh floor or go downstairs, 106 did not worry about them escaping at all, they ran into the pocket dimensional door, 106 Where is the reason not to take the prey as their own.

Black slime had appeared on the sixth layer along the 106 body, and the people on the sixth layer had more or less escaped, but a large part of the people had stayed where they were, because they didn’t know what was happening on the seventh layer.

“Haha… Haha…”

This piercing laughter suddenly sounded on the sixth floor, attracting the eyes of the people who had been eager to move.

Looking at the 106 in front of him, the person asked doubtfully, “Are you?” ”

A strong fishy smell filled the air on the sixth layer, and although the air in the sixth layer was highly mobile, people still could not dissipate the smell of the week.


A woman who really can’t stand the smell of really fishy smell and vomits on the spot, this scene completely angers 106, and it does not like others to disobey its thoughts, or to be disrespectful to it.

106 walked up to the woman who was vomiting, and slowly approached her step by step, and the woman seemed to find that the god of death was approaching her, and looked up at 106.

To the stagnant eyes of the upper 106, the woman kept retreating in fear, because there was a pressure of destruction in that look that suppressed her and could not breathe.

“No… Please spare me! ”

The woman couldn’t stand the disgusting smell and vomited again, only to spit until it was half cut off before 106 grabbed her neck.

The hand was like an iron pliers that shackled her neck, and the breath she inhaled was decreasing, and she already felt that her soul was already hanging in the air, and maybe the next second she was gone.

At first, the woman struggled to get out of the shackles of 106, and then she had no strength to break free, but fortunately finally gave up the desire to survive.

106 There was no soft-heartedness, a woman who had exceeded the range of its prey, had no interest in keeping her life, and directly strangled her to death on the spot.

Oh, my God!!

The crowd couldn’t believe what they were seeing that an old man could strangle a woman under thirty years old with one hand.

They panicked, and the god of 106 had revealed his desires, forcing these people to keep retreating, but they had no choice but to be attacked by 106 or thrown in the pocket dimension by 106.


The next second, 106 had all swept them to the ground, but before they could exhale, let their bodies arrange themselves, and the ages of ten to twenty-five were thrown in the pocket dimension by him, and those who were not within this range would be dragged out by 106 and thrown outside.

“Alas, the workers of Company x immediately went downstairs, it was all, and those who wanted to survive hurried down!”

At this moment, under this high-rise building, the official shouted at this high-rise building through the loudspeaker, so that the staff here, the patrol room has received emergency calls from no less than 60 people, originally wondered why did not call the clinic to go to the first aid, but call the patrol room, is this not nonsense?

Later, a person passed on the photo, only to find that things were not as simple as imagined, and the captain who had been mentally prepared knew that the old man in their mouth was not an ordinary person, and there would be more or less something that ordinary people did not have.

There are always 19 stories high up and down, and it is certainly impossible to rely on the notification through the loudspeaker, so the official sent a helicopter to let them notify layer by layer.

It is even possible to rescue the staff on the upper level through helicopters, the people on the 19th floor, this is not a joke.

The warning sound has been transmitted to all floors, the staff in the X company has all frantically crowded down to prepare to escape, the elevator has stopped, can only take the corridor, usually no one cares about the corridor, now become very crowded.

The captain did not expect that this notice would have a big change in the mood of the personnel, but if it was not notified now, the man would destroy the entire building: “Don’t worry, be careful of stampede!” ”

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were sitting in the living room watching the video on the mobile phone, and the video in the mobile phone was only taken on the outside of the x company, and no one dared to enter the x company to bear the danger.

“Xiao Mo, you look at this captain, I feel that he is so miserable, every day in the circling of various events, there is no time to rest.”

“Well, where is the duty?”

“But what’s going on inside this company? Being able to use so much power, even helicopters were dispatched. ”

“Surely it’s not a fire, alas, someone has passed on, oh my God, what the hell is this?”

Liu Xiaoling heard Li Xiaomo’s exclamation and looked at the phone with his head outstretched, and in the phone was a photo of 106, an ugly guy.

“Do you think this time will it have anything to do with us?”

Li Xiaomo shook his head: “The mysterious side circle has not yet given us notice, wait!” ”

Also, if it had something to do with us, the mysterious side circle would have given notice a long time ago.

However, what people did not expect was that Liu Feng set up to maximize the terror range of 106, lure out people’s terror psychology, and finally achieve the purpose of earning shock points.

Li Xiaomo saw a message and said in surprise: “Xiao Ling, there has been a murder in Company X.” ”

How can you not imagine that there will be a murder so soon, the official should send a team that has cultivated the mysterious side force to rescue it, this is the idea of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, but this is just a guess, the specific action implementation can only look at the official arrangement, as well as the notice of the mysterious side circle. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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