Li Xiaomo saw 106 dead dragging the door frame, raised her leg and kicked at the door frame, using the vibration to shake 106’s hand away, she would not be stupid to kick away 106’s hand with her foot, as long as the black slime on her hand was contaminated, she would finish playing.

The door frame was constantly shaken by Li Xiaomo’s leg kick, rebounding 106’s hand that was clenching the door frame, and little by little, his hand kept getting out of the door frame.

Seeing that 106’s hand was about to leave the door frame, Li Xiaomo’s hand tightly pulled the lasso whip and pulled it to the open space to prevent it from making any other movements and delaying the containment work.

The task force captain said happily, “Take it in! ”

Finally this difficult guy was solved, and now only the injured people who were pretending to be in the pocket dimension were eroded by the black slime, and it was not known whether there was a place to whirlwind.

Looking at the fact that 106 has been pushed into this room by the members of the Foundation, this has been judged to belong to the safety level: “Hu ~ finally handed over 106 given, or really can’t hold on.” ”

Liu Xiaoling patted Li Xiaomo’s shoulder and said with a smile: “Xiao Mo, you are a great hero this time, the last few strokes, if it were not for you, we would all suffer.” ”

Li Xiaomo looked at the lasso whip in his hand and murmured, “I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it!” ”

The first time I used the lasso function of the whip, I did not expect that the final result was actually successful, which was somewhat unexpected, but it also explained the power of this set of lock whips, and after I continued to explore the function, its power would be even greater.

Watching the captain walk toward the two of them, “Captain? ”

“You two still have to go to the patrol room with me, and Jiang Shijing will be able to go home after he makes it clear.”

This has become a necessary process between Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, and every time after completing the task, a record will be taken.

Liu Xiaoling smiled and said, “Okay, let’s both go right away.” ”

I don’t know if it is after the completion of the task, the mood is particularly relaxed, and the conversation is very light.

Liu Yaling whispered to Li Xiaomo: “Xiaomo, we have completed the task this time, I think the circle of measurement will give us points.” ”

The arrears are really unhappy in the heart, and can only look forward to the task, hurry to pay off all the arrears clearly, and the current ring in the hand must also speed up and control it with the mind.

“It’s always going to give, but it shouldn’t be able to fill in the accounts we owe.”

Li Xiaomo unthinkingly tore Liu Xiaoling’s expectations to pieces, and the reality was that the two people still owed points to the mysterious side circle.

Li Xiaomo quipped, “Let’s go, let’s go on a day trip to the patrol house!” ”

The patrol room was no stranger to the two of them, and the last time the people inside had already known both of them, it meant that they had to enter the patrol room because of the end of the supernatural phenomenon.

However, this time, the captain should have no words to ask himself Xiao Lin was thinking about the last question, and he was afraid of revealing the information of the SCP Foundation.

The captain praised, “Cough… This two of you, otherwise this pocket dimension does not know whether it can come out or not. ”

The impression of these two girls in his mind was completely subverted, where did he still think that these two girls were soft and cute girls, simply the old man with a burst of intelligence.

“No, no, no… Or captain you are great. ”

As if they could die once praised, these two people had been pushing away the praise from the captain, and they were not willing to put this good voice on themselves.

The captain has always been a little confused about this, if the SCP Foundation took the initiative to find Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo to cooperate, it would not come so late, so that so many people died: “This time it is also the SCP Foundation that takes the initiative to find you?” ”

But the reality is that the Foundation came so late and had no means of being wary of 106.

The two quickly denied: “No, no, no… This time it wasn’t the Foundation that approached us. ”

If they were to take the initiative to seek cooperation again today, how big would their faces be?

Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling didn’t think that the two of them were strong enough to allow a mysterious organization to come one after another to find help.

“Why are you here?”

Li Xiaomo said unashamedly, “Nature is here for justice.” ”

He did not feel blushing at what he said, as long as there was a change in expression or a lack of heart, he could be found by the captain, and his eyes were very poisonous.

“Then how do you know that the old man is SCP 106?”

The captain would not be stupid enough to say that this was what they said blindly, Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling appeared earlier than the foundation, and there was no chance to be told by the foundation that this was 106

And they are in the pocket dimension, they say that the old man is 106, how can this not make him suspicious?

“Actually… In fact, the captain you should also know that Xiao Ling and I are both people cultivated by the mysterious side circle, and this time it is the task issued by the side circle. ”

Li Xiaomo now felt that her heart was beating very hard, accepting the observation from the captain minute by minute, and just when she was almost unable to support it, the captain chose to believe.

The captain looked at the transcript, suddenly felt that there was no great use, and instantly felt bored: “Well, well, you two go!” ”

The two men quickly walked outside, quickly fleeing this tense place, not because of fear, but because they felt unable to cope with the torture from the soul.

The two are riding in a carapace, happily preparing to return home, the task has been completed, indicating that these days are in the gap period, the two are thinking about how to go out, where to play and what to eat?

But when he returned home, he was destroyed by Liu Feng: “Xiao Ling, your mind has not been able to control the current ring and still want to go out and play?” ”

Did you just escape torture from the captain? Now he has to face the questioning of his own brother’s strength, he has seen his own brother’s hands, compared with himself, now he can’t even control the current ring, and his heart is empty.

“Brother, Xiao Mo and I have just returned from the patrol room.”

Liu Xiaoling pretended to be innocent and said, regardless of Liu Feng’s reaction, he only cared about saying today’s events, saying that he was colorful, and he was eager to move the scene at that time for Liu Feng to see.

Liu Feng had already seen the scene through the system panel, but Liu Feng did not intend to tell his sister and her girlfriend in case he understood that he had placed surveillance to restrain them in a deflected direction.

“Hmm… What are you two going to do next? ”

Liu Feng stared at Liu Xiaoling, and finally looked at Li Xiaomo, just as he had heard before that they were going to travel abroad, it became nonsense, and his eyes were full of threats, as if Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling said that if they said that they were going to travel abroad, they would be beaten and rubbed to the ground by Liu Feng.

“Brother, I decided to sink my heart and control the current ring through my own mind to the maximum level of it.” _

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