Listening to what his sister said, Liu Feng nodded with satisfaction and asked in the direction of Li Xiaolong, “What about you?” ”

Li Xiaomu called out the lasso whip, and then asked Liu Feng to look at his efforts: “Lasso whip.” ”

“Well, you two are free to move.”

It is not that Liu Feng has been forcing the two girls to cultivate and realize their heroic dreams, but the next horror scene, each time higher than the other, the difficulty is greater than the last, I am afraid that this time they can also feel that if it is not the weapon in their hands, they will also be overthrown by 106, and even caught in their own abdomen.

You always learn to face all difficulties alone, not that I am always staring at you behind your back.

“You know what? I was the one who was attacked by this old man, my legs were crippled, and the doctor said that my leg recovery probability rate was less than 20%. ”

“Hey, my brother is lying in the intensive care clinic right now, and I don’t know when he’ll wake up.”

“I fuck, the time I came out of its mysterious space, it was like a devil, and the space tormented my soul.”

“What’s going on all this time?” How did Tianhai City become so turbulent? ”


The three people in the villa area of Tianhai City were now cultivating separately, and the outside world seemed to have suddenly exploded, and all the information about the fishing ship of 106 flocked to all corners of the network, being used as a tea talk, and those live videos were brushed over and over again.

Those present recalled the previous 106 destruction scene, and the dark eyes seemed to be staring at their own bodies, constantly forcing themselves to retreat.

In the video, 106’s body flies quickly to the body, and the dark hands continue to tease the muscles of the prey, twisting it fiercely… These videos have been defined as masochistic videos that can unconsciously pull the viewer into fear and start looking for their own way to survive.

However, people on the outside world are so painful, that fear collides with their psychological defense line, the happiest is the willow wind, the frightening point in the system panel, constantly rising, the increase has become steep.

The scares here come a little faster, but what should be the next horror scene?

If the left hand is attached to the mouth of his right hand, constantly groping, his eyes are constantly looking out the window, hoping to find some inspiration and create more horror scenes.

Liu Feng looked at the air and said silently, “Scp, it’s old-fashioned!” ”

The same routine has continuously expanded the reception of people’s panic, and the panic caused by it will become lower and lower, unless the horror scene known can be more thrilling and stimulating.

But where there are so many horror scenes to set. What about an organization?

But Liu Feng had never imagined that there was anything else that could play to the horror side, and he remembered whether he had seen or heard of terrorist events before?

Liu Feng fell asleep as he recalled, completely into a deep sleep, but his mind was still constantly moving, and he entered a dream.

A huge deep pit, sitting on the surface, is already surrounded by desert, and the deep pit with the big mouth of the black east and east can not see anything inside.

Listening carefully, you will also hear the sound of flames burning and lava flowing, and the willow wind slowly moves forward to see what is inside the deep pit, but the foot slips, and the willow wind falls into the deep pit.

The willow wind lying on the bed trembled unconsciously, as if it was not a dream, and it was really this trembling that pulled the willow wind in the dream back.

I have to say that the stroke just now frightened Liu Feng to suddenly wake up.

I pinched my eyebrows, looked at the clock for three hours, and I had no clue in my head, how is this good?

But just how the pit feels inexplicably familiar, the right finger can not be tapped on the desktop, thinking back to the past, it is likely to see the scene of the deep pit, frame by frame filtering, and finally recall the game of the gates of hell.

The game of the gates of hell is also imagined from the real pit that exists, and I remember that this deep space seems to be to explore the center of the earth, and then dig the hole at a super depth to lead to this deep pit today.

I just don’t know if there is such a huge pit in this world, Liu Feng constantly flipped through the walls of various national borders to search for deep pits in his brother’s country.

Under normal circumstances, the deepest pit will not exceed 3,000 meters, not only is the strength not allowed, but also do not know whether there are creatures under these three thousand meters, even if it exists, then whether it is a mail or an enemy, these can not be grasped, so many countries dare not explore the center of the earth.

Fortunately, Liu Feng really found a super large pit in Maoguo, reaching a depth of 12262 meters, which is already three thousand meters 4, only after this deep pit has been delayed for decades, no one dares to continue to explore the core of the earth, and this project has been stranded, but Mao Guo claims that the research funds are not enough.

Only insiders know the main reason why this deep pit stopped, in the space below 12262 meters, there is something unknown, screaming inside, trying to break through the barrier with the surface.

It’s just that this news has been forcibly suppressed by the authorities, otherwise outsiders will know.

But I don’t know how the outside world knows, and I actually know that there is a large amount of pure gold in this deep pit.

At that time, when the project was ordered to stop, the gold was completely untouched, all lying in the pit, but no one dared to go and occupy the deep pit of the rich and invincible country.

Liu Feng looked at the introduction on the network with the help of the system panel, otherwise how could he possibly see the key central information of Mao Guo, not to mention the world’s particularly powerful hackers who climbed over the wall to plunder the information, which were all false and could no longer be false.

This deep pit is simply for yourself, fully possessing the characteristics of the Hell Gate, and to the 12262-meter deep pit, such a large space, of course, there must be a small world inside.

Liu Feng only felt that the blood in his whole body was constantly clamoring for his excitement, and when he saw this photo of deep space, it was as if he saw countless swords under the sword into his pocket, just like a charter wife, lying down to collect the frightened point.

The location has been determined, the pit is big enough and deep enough, and it takes more horror scenes to break through the surface and put people into fear.

This is a whole new world, and the number of scare points that need to be consumed is no less than the number of scare points added up after the previous setting of the Eastern Power SCP Foundation.

Is this time a series of horrors, or a centralized horror?

Successive horrors, that is, similar to the failure of the SCP Foundation to contain them, and the horrors in their style are no less than the suffering of Mao and even other countries. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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