Liu Feng took a deep breath and slowly lowered the excitement in his heart.

As long as people have greed, they will produce a series of things, such as encountering some monsters or something in the process of pursuing money, which is not a frequent thing, but it is just a line with a fork.

Thinking that the Hell Gate of Mao Guo had been set up, Liu Feng opened the lock of the door and walked slowly towards the living room, these days to continuously improve the skill level of his sister and her girlfriend, 106 is Kan Kan can catch each other’s attacks, Mao Guo’s Hell Gate monsters are too many, according to the current skill level of the two of them, it is completely the share of being hanged.

Hearing the sound of the door being opened, Liu Xiaoling reacted quickly and turned his head to look at his brother who was slowly going downstairs, and looked at his brother who had not been out for a long time: “Brother! ”

Liu Xiaoling stared at his brother, feeling that his momentum had risen a lot, although he was very cold before, but it was not as good as he felt now.

Liu Feng looked at his sister and stared at himself all the time: “What’s the matter?” ”

Looking at her with a confused look, Liu Feng couldn’t help but want to ask this sentence.

Am I mistaken?

But it feels really strong a lot, even the surrounding breath temperature has dropped a lot, but there is no problem with his brother talking!

Liu Xiaoling quickly returned: “It’s all right. ”

Of course, there is something that can not be said directly, Liu Xiaoling lowered his brow and thought about his brother’s actions, more and more he felt that his brother really changed, before he obviously entered his room or some temperature, but now how do you feel that this person is very cold?


Liu Xiaoling often tried to shout at Liu Feng to see how he reacted.

It’s just that Liu Feng still turned his head and waited for Liu Xiaoling to speak as before, which is exactly the same as the previous habitual action, and finally Liu Xiaoling still couldn’t help but ask: “Brother, you have changed!” ”

I’ve changed? Liu Feng asked himself, then raised his hands and began to grope his cheeks, not finding any difference, and then looked at his sister doubtfully.

“I’m not talking about the change in appearance, but about the surrounding atmosphere.”

Liu Xiaoling circled around Liu Feng and said in a deep tone.

Liu Feng was very curious, and wanted to hear his sister’s evaluation of his own changes: “What has become of it?” ”

“It just feels like this person used to have temperature, but now it feels like you’re like an ice cube.”

Liu Feng raised an eyebrow, he didn’t notice a change in the breath around him, was it related to his own ascension to the five-star level?

“Do you think it’s good or bad?”

For this question, Liu Xiaoling was like not answering, it was simply a sending proposition, but he could not escape Liu Feng’s eyes, Liu Xiaoling said weakly: “Still the same as before, good degree.” ”

When it’s over, I’m going to make my brother angry.

Waiting for Liu Feng’s accusation, but waiting for the back of the old brother’s own head.

Is that all right?

“Hey hey, brother, you’re so nice!”

This sentence is not a joke, since Liu Feng’s parents left, Liu Feng is Liu Xiaoling’s parents, both father and mother, even if their parents have left a huge inheritance for the two of them, it is not greater than Liu Feng’s responsibility to supervise Liu Xiaoling.

Liu Feng deliberately said, “Knowing that I am good, then let me worry less about dim sum in the future!” ”

For her sister and her girlfriend has become accustomed to taking care of it as a responsibility, although it is only a year apart, the willow wind in Dahe’s body is several times different, plus the willow wind is now much more mature, so let Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo and their two girls rely on Liu Feng.

“By the way, how many star levels has the mysterious side power cultivated to?”

To his brother’s inquiry, Liu Xiaoling said weakly, “0.9 star rank.” ”

Later, afraid of Liu Feng’s rebuke, Liu Xiaoling quickly added, “I have really worked hard in cultivation, but this mysterious side power improvement speed is too slow, so long, I know that I have only improved 0.2 star level, although it is very small, but later… It will definitely improve in the future. ”

Liu Feng also did not expect that Liu Xiaoling would actually say so much in a row, laughing quietly, and then said, “I know that it is difficult for the mysterious side power to cultivate.” ”

Liu Feng deliberately bit the word “difficult”, but it was not difficult, otherwise it would consume so many frightening points to improve the one-star level.

Liu Feng finally concluded: “During this time, I have improved the level, and I will step up my efforts in the future.” ”

Liu Xiaoling was afraid of losing face in front of such an excellent brother, after all, the difference was only one year, and the strength was much different.

“Well, I’ll step up my cultivation.”

Liu Feng was thinking about whether to reveal the Yin Spirit Pulse to his sister, the Yin Spirit Pulse, although the speed of improvement brought by the not rushing frightening point was fast, but the strength was also not bad.

Can bring Liu Xiaoling enough Yin Xuan power, only after the two of them continue to improve, the number of shots in the future will be less and less, and even they can only be the big boss behind it.

Thinking like this, Liu Feng decided to do this: “Little Ling? ”

The atmosphere that was originally silent was suddenly broken by Liu Feng, and generally Liu Xiaoling took the initiative to develop a topic, and rarely his brother would provoke the topic: “Well, brother? ”

There must be something!

Not to Liu Xiaoling’s surprise, Liu Feng really wanted to say something: “Tell you something, do you feel that our material is cooler than the outside world?” ”

Shady? Indeed, especially after entering this villa before, I felt the coolness drilling into the body from the bottom of my feet, but then I gradually got used to it, but there was always some temperature difference.


“Because there is a broken yin spirit vein under our villa.”

Yin Xuan Spirit Pulse, how to feel so mad, as soon as you hear this name, it feels like people are trembling, this world has everything, there is this yin and evil thing is not surprising, but the thing that his brother said, actually lies under the villa every day, and he eats, drinks and plays in the villa every day, so think, Liu Xiaoling directly lifted his legs up, away from the ground.

“Cough cough… It’s useless, this Yin Qi Spirit Pulse is not what you think, you lie in the villa every day, and you don’t see any harm from you, right? ”

Liu Xiaoling thought back, and then shook his head, not to mention this sound, it didn’t hurt himself inside, so what is this thing doing?

“The power generated by the Yin Fire Spirit Pulse is called the Yin Fire Force, and after you can absorb the Yin Fire Force, your star level will increase much faster than before, but it is only auxiliary and not absolute.”

“Wow doll!!”

This news is definitely a good news for Liu Xiaoling, under his own villa, he can get a good thing at hand, and his brother did not say it earlier. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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