
Liu Feng explained, “You weren’t qualified enough before, how could you just let you use the Yin Spirit Pulse?” ”

It was really not that they had deliberately not let him use it before, only afraid that they would not be able to withstand the impact of the Yin Xuan Spirit Pulse, for Liu Feng, who was higher in Xingjie, these shocks were completely unaffected, but they were not within the scope of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo.

Even the hanging ghosts and ghosts usually let them hide underground, and their later lives will become more and more interesting.

Not surprisingly, Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling would soon be promoted, and the amplitude would be much larger than before.

“But lately you’ve been using your mind to control the current ring.”

After all, you will have to use this current ring to fight in a few days, but this is an afterthought, Liu Feng can’t reveal this matter, otherwise it wouldn’t be interesting.

“Okay, you go to cultivation, and I’m going to go out for a walk.”

Why did I like to hang out lately, I have been closed in the room, immersed in cultivation, and when I go outside, I will observe many scenes, which may bring some inspiration to my next horror scene.

Control the current ring with the mind, so what exactly should I do to control the current ring with the mind?

Liu Xiaoling had tried many times, even if he had already made an alliance with it with blood, this current ring was still unfamiliar with himself, no matter what he let it do, it was still unmoved.

Liu Xiaoling looked down at the current ring on his hand and said to himself, “Ring ring, can you understand what I am saying?” ”

“If you understand, make some representations.”

Liu Xiaoling would not have thought that he would one day do such a childish action, this current ring is to be able to understand people’s words, and he will not always have no communication with himself.

But the current ring really reacted, and there was a glint of green streamers on the event, but after only two strokes, the ring did not react again.

This had already surprised Liu Xiaoling, who had no reaction when his consciousness spoke to it, but could react verbally to it.

“Ring ring, if you hear it, react again.”

Liu Xiaoling waited expectantly for the reaction of the current ring, just as he expected, it was time to understand the faint green light aimed at the flickering period.

“Ahahaha… Really, it turns out that this consciousness doesn’t have to be able to control it. ”

As soon as Liu Xiaoling discovered this effect, he jumped up happily, only by controlling the current ring, the remaining role would slowly develop.

However, if you are opposed to the target, the consciousness controls the current ring, and you still have to communicate with the current ring in front of the target, which is not very practical.

“Ring, you need sunshine now”

Liu Xiaoling waited for the reaction of the low-current ring, lest his negligence miss its reaction.

The current ring did flicker a little, after coming out of the system store, I had never seen sunlight, although sometimes there was a light illumination, but where is the energy brought by the sunlight exposure.

Do you really need sunshine?

Liu Xiaoling brought the current ring to the sunlight and found that the color of the green streamer was getting brighter and brighter, and it seemed that the energy of the current ring could also be seen from the outside, and the darker the color, the lower its energy.

Really nice and a baby.

Well, the current ring long leg ran, Liu Xiaoling stayed aside, staring at the current ring.

In it, the current ring has been in communication, in fact, the current ring is indeed very good to control, as long as it can be allowed to willingly do things for the allies, in the back is to continuously upgrade their level, even with the current charging space to expand, and its power also becomes stronger.

Trying to make the current ring emit an electric current, it chose not to look at Liu Xiaoling, constantly absorbing the energy brought by the sun.

The days passed quickly, and when the eclipse had arrived, under the deep pit of Mao Guo, there were constantly surging supernatural phenomena, but it was too far from the ground, and the people on the ground were completely unaware that there was probably a powerful force hidden under their feet, constantly rushing against the barrier and preparing to rush out of the gates of hell.

A project that has been banned from development has reached hundreds of years, and there is no strange phenomenon in the middle of the pit, so many people are full of curiosity about the pit, but dare not go to explore.

As they said, the official evaluation of the news is kept tightly because the rumors are that the project development funds are insufficient, and the news is not allowed to flow out.

After all, there is a wealth of gold there, and this temptation is too great to lure people to start the road of exploration, one by one, regardless of the words circulating in the world, you should feel that those who are only blocking those who are timid, and the brave will always be rewarded by heaven because of their courage.

In the air, the sun that was originally high and hanging high, was instantly covered by dark clouds, and the black clouds constantly depressed the space, forcing people towards the ground, although the usually lazy birds kept flapping their wings to hurry back to the nest, and the wild animals on the grassland did not care whether they could find food or not, and immediately turned to flee the scene, as if something was chasing them behind them.

Turning to strange signs, but still did not attract special attention, only that the weather suddenly turned overcast, and may even bring heavy rain.

“I rub, I came today, just bring me this kind of weather?” Oh, God looks at me unpleasantly, angry at Lao Tzu. ”

The man shook his clothes and squeezed the temperature on his body to prevent it from leaving.

Looking at this sudden change of weather, I was very angry in my heart, I had planned to go to the pit today, there is a lot of pure gold there, as long as I get it out, I can become the richest man in Mao country, no, the richest man in the world.

Heaven forbid!

Maybe the heavens are jealous of their own wisdom, the man thought.

A thin man who had been blown by the wind could not open his eyes, and could only open his mouth to drink the wind: “Bai Puton, are we still going to go down the pit?” ”

As soon as Bai Pudun heard this, the anger in his heart was instantly ignited: “What do you want?” This we rent these instruments, how much consumption a day you don’t know? ”

The two of them had already bet their entire fortunes on this pit, and the two were still quite wealthy before, but they wanted to have more wealth, and their eyes turned to this pit.

This body is still no one has mined, through the purchase of gossip to learn that there is endless gold below, but the mining is too difficult, it can not be mined.

The thin man pointed to the sky and asked loudly, “But you see, this ghost weather can keep these workers working?” “_

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