This pit is really terrible, like a trap that I have placed, waiting for the people present to jump in, always feeling panicked, the thin man is still very sorry for his life, knowing that it is useless to have no money.

“Look at your instigation, no wonder you can’t get rich, follow my brother, don’t worry!”

Bai Putun boasted unashamedly, not at all feeling that what he said was wrong, and Ren County instructed the workers to start going down the pit, not at all, because the weather changed and affected their process.

“It’s not you looking at the weather, and I’ve heard about it here…”

Bai Puton looked at the man in front of him with an unbearable face, and overthrew him to the ground, but who could know that the thin man did not support his body, the slope around the pit was very steep, and the man who was subjected to the slope continued to roll down, completely unable to support his body to stop.

“Help, hold me, ah…”

Talk about the fact that the man can still scream at first, shouting for everyone to rescue her, and the workers working on the side hurriedly throw down the instruments in their hands to chase after the man who is constantly rolling.

If he died, who would he ask for the salary, and the crowd rushed to catch up with the man’s figure, and the two legs naturally did not have the wind and rolled fast.

“Hurry up and hook him with that iron fence, quick…”

“I can’t catch it, you are facing to the right… I’m left! ”

A group of people flapped their legs and chased after a person who kept rolling, and the group all rolled to the ground, rolling down the slope continuously.

There is a deep pit below, and if the body does not stop again, it will fall.



“Saudi, don’t drag me!”

“I don’t want to die… Yes! ”


This pile of people looked at their own bodies, rolling towards the slope of the deep pit, and did not feel that they began to roar into the sky, and the depth felt that their bodies were close to the edge of the deep pit, the slope was getting steeper and steeper, and if they did not stop now, there would be no chance to stop after that.

“Buckle the pit wall… Push harder, ah!!! ”

The thin man shouted into the air, trying to let the workers who had rolled down the steep slope like himself hear that his two hands were dead on the pit wall, and he entered the pit before the worker, so he knew what the deep pit wall looked like.

As long as you keep climbing up the wall, you can escape the clutches of this deep pit.

Not they were all piling up and rolling down the steep slope of the pit, and unfortunately, one man was crashing into the thin man’s face, and the pain made him have to let go of his hand clasped against the wall.


The two men rolled into the pit in an instant, and the two men were no longer visible, only their frightened voices were heard, and the trembling voices kept ringing, and after a while, they could not hear the roaring sounds.

Is this dead? Bai Pudun looked at the direction of the deep pit in horror, and in the process of pushing and shoving, he did not use much force, but it turned out to be this ending.

He looked down at his hands and realized that they were shaking uncontrollably.

Forcefully placing his own heart, what he fell down was not himself, and after he died, what was in the pit became his own.

Bai Putun felt that someone next to him had been staring at him, and turned his head to those suspicious eyes, and Bai Putun shouted that the group of people hurry up and start work.

No matter how bad the weather was, I still thought about the pure gold in the pit.

“Hurry up and put me in the pit quickly, or your wages will be deducted!”

Although the people’s hearts despised Bai Puton’s attitude too fiercely, who let the family be the gold lord, just now those people all rolled into the pit, there must be no return.

Flutter Ridge ~ Flutter Edge ~

This strange sound came out of the deep pit, and the crowd quickly fled from around the deep pit, waiting to see if anything appeared in the voice control, and they were afraid that they had heard it wrong.

But after that, there was no sound, and nothing appeared, and everyone thought that they might have heard it wrong.

He began to move the instrument in his hand, ready to go down the pit, while Bai Putun stood at the edge of the pit, carrying safety equipment on his body, lest he accidentally fall into it.

Bai Puton was not worried about the death of these workers, as long as he could carry the pure gold up: “Step up your movements, hurry up and work for me, or you will be deducted from your wages!” ”

It’s wage deduction again, hey!

Such a difficult project to let these people finish? The crowd was a little discouraged, looked at the instrument in their hands, and then looked at Bai Puton, who was standing on the edge of the deep pit: “Are you looking for death?” ”

“Just give us this salary, and want us to go into the pit, fuck you!”

“That is, just give this salary, this project is so big, I don’t know what is in it!”


Bai Pudun saw that these workers were going to rebel, and quickly said with a smile of reassurance: “Don’t worry, brother, isn’t this the tension on hand now?” The salary will increase for you, the treatment will be increased for you, as long as you can transport all the things in the pit, everything will be given to you! ”

This sentence did encourage these workers to turn around and continue their work towards their identities.

“Three… Two… One! ”

As the countdown was drawn, ten workers quickly fell into the pit and began to climb the pit wall, falling down section by section.

Bai Pudun was very much looking forward to the feeling of the gold being presented, and his eyes stared at the pit for a moment, but he felt as if there was some noise in his ears.

“No, they’re in trouble!”

This sound attracted the sigh of the crowd, these ten workers are not ordinary construction workers, but professional in the field of expertise, and their suffering means the danger in the pit.

But the focus of Bai Puton’s attention is to waste the instrument again, how much money it takes, and it is not good to see that his flesh hurts.

Bai Puton couldn’t stand the twittering of the group: “What’s the name?” Hurry up and follow!” ”

“Oh, don’t do it!”

“Gone, life matters.”

“Oh don’t go…”

Before Bai Puton could finish speaking, an unusual sound came out of the pit again, this time completely different, like the sound of flames burning endlessly.

Watching those workers flee one by one, regardless of these instruments, ordinary people can only save their own lives, and quickly turn around and run.

“Wow, huh”

The sound was very loud, hitting their eardrums, and a large monster jumped out of the pit, its mouth constantly chewing on something, and the blood that flowed from its mouth dripped on the monster’s body, a bloody piece.

And the cloth hanging from the corner of his mouth was the clothes of the two pit workers, and the ten people were obviously likely to be eaten by this monster.

The sound of the roar was the sound of this monster chewing things, a big mouth opened towards the crowd, biting hard, and the worker who was preparing to struggle and run, his head directly up to the sky fell the two workers next to his mouth into his mouth, and began to chew like a snack. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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