The two of them were already lying on the ground with their faces completely open, their eyes fixed on the top, as if something above them made them hate.

What did not enjoy money before death was service, and you solved their lives in such a way that it was touching, and it was really unwilling.

However, no one pays too much attention to the life and death of these two people, their own lives are about to be saved, and they can still have the heart to care about others.

Originally lying on the ground, these people watched the male hole make the bird return to the top of the deep pit, all standing up, ready to run in a southeast direction, but the wind was too strong, even if they did their best to pedal the ground, pushing their bodies to the southeast.

Only the wind was still exerting her power to form the cabinet, and the direction in which they were running, only the southwest and southeast roads could escape towards the place where they thought it was safer, but this strong wind was obviously blowing in the southwest direction, so they could only choose to flee in the vertical direction of the southeast direction.

But who could have imagined that this wind was too strong, even if the vertical directional people fled, it would reduce their running speed a lot, and the rubble on the ground swept up against the wind, and these tiny rubble fascinated their eyes and rubbed into the eyes of the small stones.

He obviously felt that his mouth was full of stones, and when he was hanging, he obviously felt the burning pain in his throat as he swallowed and pulled as his spit swallowed.

But at this critical moment, who can remember to spit out these stones, merge them with the howls of swallowing, swallow them into the stomach, and temporarily forget the pain in their throats.

The male hole makes the bird, back above the pit, is to welcome the female hole to make the bird wake up, maybe you bring the thunder effect, the wind sweeps the thunder and lightning, tearing the dark clouds apart fiercely, if it was fear before, then now it is darkness.

The dark clouds once again continued to press people’s breathing, constantly pressing the ground to increase their fears, repeatedly tormenting in their hearts, and constantly crushing their psychological defenses in this endless surge.

The blue-purple lightning split from the air into the deep pit, directly aggressively inside, although you did not see your deep pit, it was instantly illuminated by this blue-purple lightning, and then it was relegated to a dark environment.

One after another, the blue-purple lightning bolts split directly into the deep pit, and before the previous lightning bolt ended, the next one entered it again.

These people present, where have seen this kind of scene, are too scared to flee, of course, they can’t escape.

This thunder and lightning could be directly draped on them at any time, as long as they stayed where they were, slowly moving, hoping that they could escape this fate.

And the tendency of this thunder and lightning seemed to only split into the deep pit, and so far no other lightning had split on the ground, and they relaxed their breath.

Being killed by lightning, being thrown in the air, being eaten by birds by this hole, all kinds of death methods have made them feel that death is very close to them.

“What to do? Such a big thunder, such a big wind. ”

“Fuck me!”

“How come there is another one?”

“Run! Otherwise we’ll all be eaten. ”


They were so surprised because the female hole Ling bird had broken out of the seal of the deep pit, touched his double thorns, and slammed the deep pit, a huge head protruded from the deep pit, followed by two pairs of huge wings, blood-red eyes surveying the surroundings, as if seeing the male hole Ling bird, and finally jumping out of the deep pit completely.

Quickly flying in the direction of the male Kong Ling bird, the two Kong Ling birds merged together, looking down at the group of workers who were already too soft to be able to look down at this group of young creatures.


The female hole made the bird scream loudly to the ground, and there was a slight smell of excitement in this voice, as if she saw something familiar to her, and the smell of flesh emitted from the human body made the eyes of the female dinosaur bird that had just come out of the pit suddenly brighten.

It had been a long time since I had eaten this delicious thing, and looking at this living meat word hole made the bird unable to hold its own body, directly from the air downwards, ready to catch its prey.

The female hole made the bird spread its wings, its fiery red eyes stared at its prey, and its mouth opened to prepare to lift its own food, no matter whether these people would run away or not, it was too hungry, looking at the flesh of these white flowers was already hungry.

Subsequently, the male hole made the bird and the female hole make the bird both swallow these workers into their stomachs, and the Cixian hole made the birds not even have time to chew, so they swallowed all these flesh into their stomachs.

“Ah, my legs… It hurts me to death! ”

“My day, don’t do it!!!”

“Please, don’t eat me, eat them, just don’t eat me.”

“Ah, I~”

The screams were no longer enough to release their pain, the bloody limb spilled on the ground, and it was not known who had fallen from this limb, the wide-eyed heads rolled to the ground one by one, and the female hole made the bird eat meat and was also very picky, she did not eat the flesh head.

The male hole makes the bird eat everything, picks up the female hole makes the bird drop the head, puts it into his mouth, and chews the brain plasma to spurt it out instantly.

The milky white brain plasma squirted on the ground, and Bai Puton was completely stunned, this is his own kind, he watched them being eaten like that, only to feel that his stomach was constantly flooded with acid.

Bai Pudun held his stomach with his hand and pressed the discomfort in his stomach: “Vomit… It’s disgusting~”

His mind was now full of scenes of his head being crushed by the male hole causing the bird to crush it, and the brain plasma spurted out with its chewing, and he held his right hand and kept moving back.

His eyes were fixed on the two birds, lest they suddenly invade him.

The two holes made the bird want to eat the right pleasure, the huge wings were pressed, the workers who wanted to escape, constantly rubbing on the ground, but not until they died completely, the hole made the bird want to eat fresh flesh.

What to do?

Bai Pudun felt that the flesh in the bird’s mouth was like his own, his body was constantly shaking, his body had slowly become cold, his head was blank, he did not want to die, but the situation in front of him was very unoptimistic.

Suddenly, Bai Puton’s body froze, and he already felt a pair of eyes staring at him, which was obviously the feeling of digging himself over.

Unconsciously, he was already playing with goosebumps, and he had thought that he could get away with this difficulty, but now he seemed to be dying here.

Sleeper! I just want to make a fortune and come out with so many things?

Even if I die here now, I’m afraid no one will collect the body…_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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