He didn’t dare to move easily, afraid that the two holes would really make the birds pounce on him, but since he could choose to carry pure gold in the deep pit, he had already expected that it would be difficult in the process.

The two pistols around his waist were guns that Mao Guo had secretly conspired with, from bullets to jams, to their appearance, which was much more advanced than ordinary firearms.

It’s just that this is the last thing he can save his life, as long as the two holes make the birds take a step forward and pounce on themselves, he will pull out the pistol and attack them.

The male hole made the bird throw the thick arm in his mouth directly into Bai Puton’s body, and the bright red blood directly splashed Bai Puton’s body.


Where had he seen such a thing, although his heart was quite bad, but the treacherous mind was for wealth, this arm was still hanging warmly on Bai Puton’s chest, and with his scream, he quickly stretched out his left hand and threw away the arm hanging on his chest.

His hands were stained with the man’s blood, the smell of blood had been spread all the way to his nose, he couldn’t help but want to vomit, looking at the blood in his left hand, Bai Putun directly wiped the blood on his left hand with the soil to wipe it clean, this blood had already made him almost collapse.

“Don’t come here! Other… Don’t come over, you go! ”

“If you come over again, I’ll shoot!!!”

“Go and die!!!”

Where did Bai Puton know that this male Kong Ling bird had been staring at him for a long time, but he was just teasing his emotions, watching the Kong Ling bird coming towards him step by step, pulling the two pistols from his waist.

Rushing the hole straight at the male hole Ling bird, Bai Puton had already loaded the bullet at the moment of pulling it out, even if there was a pistol in his hand, his panicked eyes and trembling hands had already leaked out his fear.

Bai Puton was completely unsure that he could solve these two hole order birds, this is not you dead or dead, the eyes are red, staring at the male hole order bird coming from the corner, and his hands are already on the hand board.

“Bang bang bang!!”

Five bullets were fired by Bai Puton, and this deafening sound somewhat pulled his thoughts back.

He looked up at the male bird and noticed that although the bullet was embedded in his body, it did not enter its vital parts, and there was no harm in this period.

Instead, it angered the Kong Ling Bird, and it accelerated step by step closer to Bai Puton.

No, no… It wasn’t what I wanted.

Didn’t you say that? These are two pistols capable of piercing anything?

Fuck, why is this thing alive and well?

Liar, !!!

He couldn’t hold back what was in his heart. In front of his own life, he ran his legs in the southeast direction, I am afraid that he is the fastest he has ever run, but it is also once!

The wind was so strong that his eyes were fascinated by the rubble, and he did not open his eyelids at all, to see the road in front of him, and the wind from the southwest blew it down, and his body was like a bucket on his body.

Regardless of the blood on his hands, he used his own hands to get out the rubble in his face and eyes, and his legs did not dare to stop, obviously feeling that his hole made the bird follow him.


Kong Lingbird had already flown upwards, waving its wings in the direction of Bai Pu Dun, and pushed Bai Pu Dun deep into the pit.


As Bai Puton’s body fell, his howl had slowly drifted away until he disappeared into the pit.

The two holes made the birds linger around the pit any longer, and the mutilation of these people had been wounded, or had been disappeared into their stomachs.

Two large holes made the birds fly in the air, and the huge wings constantly flapped the air, making a scoffing sound, and the already muddy air was even more polluted by their wings.

Black clouds pressed the city, accompanied by the rumbling sound of lightning, covering this Mao country, although the land area of Mao country is very large, but this time the deep pit opening has obviously made Mao Guo into their ranks.

And the people of this Mao country did not seem to think about why this black cloud pressed the city to come, only to see the pedestrians on the road hurriedly hiding from the road into the shop, and there was already a pouring rain outside, snapping on the ground.

“This ghost weather, it will change, the weather notice on this day is not accurate, and my clothes are all wet.”

“Why is this thunder so scary?”

“Isn’t this time of year thundering and raining, unseen guys!”

“Grass, who do you say?”

“Don’t argue, everyone is hiding here from the rain.”

“I’ll go, what do you see there?”

The man pointed to the sky, and the black shadow was exactly where the two holes made the birds fly, but they flew extremely fast, even if there was a strong wind and lightning, they could not slow it down and fly towards the central city of Mao.

The rest of the men looked into the air along the man’s hand and saw only a tail, but they habitually turned it into an invention of the state.

“Maybe the state invented something?”

“Why don’t I feel like that?” Looks like a monster! ”

“Oh, monsters, I’m still Ultraman!”

“Could it be aliens?” I always felt like there were aliens. ”

There was a lot of talking, and it was just speculation, and this thing could only be classified as an after-dinner talk, and the man who pointed to the sky fell into contemplation, because the two holes he saw were definitely not inventions of the state.

He didn’t know what it was, but it just felt weird, and they were traveling so fast that they could continue to fly in this combination of lightning and lightning, to the extent that the invention of the state could reach everything.

The person next to him saw that he continued to keep his head down, thinking about something, and put his arm against his chest: “Hey, brother, don’t think too much.” ”

The man reacted to this, put what he had just thought about in the back of his head, and gradually disappeared.

Maybe it’s just an illusion of his own, and the man can only comfort himself in this way, all by forgetting the thing.

The people looked up into the air, looked at the lightning, one after another in the air, the rain continued to increase, and the water on the ground had not entered their calves.

How has the water gotten bigger this year? It is conceivable that Mao Guo was originally a country of higher latitude, and in the rainy season it was only to reach the surface of their feet, but now it has reached their calves, and this rain has not yet decreased.

They were very anxious, and many people began to brave the heavy rain and run towards the end of the road.

And next to the deep pit, all the limbs were scattered, as if there had been a big war here, and it was messy here. _

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