When I reached the periphery of the deep pit, I was frightened by the sight in front of me, only to see an upright ghost thing crawling out of the deep pit.

Suddenly stopped the car, looking at the scene in front of him in shock, Ruan Man looked at the upper body of the thing that had already exposed the deep pit, but the black smoke was gushing out of its body, but when it came out of the deep pit, the smoke disappeared.

But the lightning did not seem to let go of this thing, hitting it one after another, but it cried out without the slightest pain.

Suddenly there is some understanding, what is this, it may be the weird thing that the project said when it was developed, but they can come out, they were not all closed in the ground before, why did they come out today.

I couldn’t figure it out, but I didn’t have time to think about it, that big thing was already active, his muscles and bones, his body that had not moved for many years, was now liberated, and he had to loosen his body well.

The people in the car only heard the large thing, only heard the bones on its body clicking, and the green fluorescent eyes suddenly became larger, and then they continued to shrink their bodies.

If this thing can shrink its own body, it may be able to enlarge its own body again, and if this thing becomes infinitely larger, it can completely destroy the entire city.

Ruan Man saw that the situation was not right, and said to the intercom: “Go! ”

They came in a total of two cars, seven people, Ruan Man and the driver changed places, and now in this situation, where else did they care about the identity of the matter, that thing has obviously found them.

If you don’t hurry up now, there will be no way to escape its shackles after that, and this night does not know its characteristics yet, which is enough to wipe out all these people’s army.

The car in front followed closely behind, the front one was an off-road vehicle, and the back one was an ordinary city car, passing the off-road vehicle in front, rising and falling with the fluctuations of the ground, and the cushioning force was enough to make them not vomit on the car.

The car in the back was not so lucky, from time to time there were high stone layers that stuck the bottom layer of the vehicle, coupled with Nguyen Man’s racing skills, so it was able to throw the car far away.

It’s just that Ruan Man didn’t want to be alone, and chose to drive slowly, waiting for the car behind them to come, but after the thing quickly became smaller around the deep pit, its flexibility also increased.

Although the larger its body, the more destructive it is, the smaller its body is, the more flexible it is, and the two different states will have different destructive advantages.

“Ahh… What to do? He’s coming after him! ”

“You’re going to drive!” Don’t keep looking back, just look ahead. ”

“What the are you talking about, can this ordinary city car be compared to Xu off-road vehicles?”

The city car had been followed by that thing, and the speed of Changsha had reached the extreme point of being feasible, and it could have been okay, a little farther away, chasing the monster behind some distance, but the raised stone layer on the ground once again stuck the bottom of the car.

A few people in the car already wanted to hammer it: what a fucking bad luck! ”

The driver of the city car said with a pale face: “Are we going to wait for death?”

“What can I do then? We didn’t have anything offensive on us either, and it wasn’t necessarily safer to go out than to be in the car. ”

Just now they all saw that shape, even if the thunder and lightning hit him, they wouldn’t howl out, if I was a person, this person might say hello to him.

But… This weird thing is now threatening their lives, how can they not be in a hurry?

“Bang Bang!!”

While they were still thinking hard, the car under them was slammed by something a few times, and their hearts were suddenly caught, and they thought that the strange thing behind them had caught up.

But when we looked up, we saw that it was an off-road vehicle hitting the city car from behind, and we thought it was through the collision to crash the city car through the stone layer.

Now where will you worry about whether the car will break down, as long as you can escape this disaster, it is not a problem.

The person next to him reminded Ruan Man that he was watching the action of taking strange things from behind? Then he looked at Ruan Man’s movements in front of him and was very anxious: “Team Ruan, that thing is about to catch up.” ”

Ruan Man only said this lightly: “Hmm. ”

Then he turned intently to the car in front of him, and he himself knew that his palms were full of sweat, how could he not be nervous? It’s just that one of so many people always has to deal with it calmly.

The city car in front of it had already passed through the stone layer, and then Ruan Man said to the intercom: “Go straight ahead with full horsepower.” ”

The off-road vehicle followed, and then seeing that the distance from the thing was somewhat elongated, Ruan Man slowed down the speed of the car a little.

The people in the seat already felt the speed of the car slowing down: “Team Nguyen, what are you?” ”

Now on the brink of death, why slow it down? They obviously did not understand Nguyen Man’s reasoning for doing so.

“It’s not going to die!”

Ruan Man said so surely, through the rearview mirror to see that the thing had caught up, Ruan Man general, turned his head to the right, and drove in a northeasterly direction.

And the city car has been divided into two roads, the speed of the city car is certainly not as fast as the speed of the off-road vehicle, so Ruan Man wants to use the off-road vehicle to attract the eyes of strange things, and then the front of the car turns to the northeast, which can ensure the safety of the city car.

The person next to him screamed instantly: “Are you crazy? ”

The northeast direction is mostly sharp and strong rocks, and the terrain is very complicated, if you are not careful, you will fall.

Ruan Man looked at him, did not explain, just looked at the rearview mirror, looked at the strange thing that was vaguely chasing after him, this is called unconscious uplift, he naturally knows the terrain there.

He had already studied the terrain here, otherwise how could he be sure to go to the northeast.

Now he was much calmer than before, the sweat in his palms had gradually receded, but the sweat on his back had turned cold, and the shirt inside was clinging to his back.

He drove very fast, saying that the car was on the undulating stones, jumping up and down, but it did not stop him from moving forward, and the strange thing also slightly reduced its speed a little due to the terrain, which was a very good situation for them.

Ahem, mockup!!

Looking at the itinerary that has been constantly widening the distance, Ruan Man took a look at the person who blamed himself, and now the face visible to the naked eye has turned red, and Ruan Man has not said much.

Ruan Man did not say anything to him, but asked the intercom about the city car: “How are you?” “_

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