It took a long time for someone to reply: “There is no such thing in the back, Nguyen Team, what about you people?” ”

Just a moment of urgency to flee the scene, did not want to be caught by the fast-moving thing, but also very much listened to Ruan Man’s words and drove forward all the time, even if the car was stuck under the stone layer, they did not have time to worry too much.

“We’re not on the same path as you, and the two of you can distract the eyes of that strange thing.”

The speed of the off-road vehicle is not as fast as before, and from time to time I look at it, and see if there is any tracking after this.

That kind of thing is a beast, its size can change with his thoughts, and its speed is inversely proportional to its size, but its ability is also powerful.

It’s just that these people who have seen this kind of thing have always been living in the attempt, the most is the high-rise buildings, Xia now told them that there is such a monster or an alien object intruding into their country.

Except for Ruan Man, these people all thought that they had suddenly come to Mao Guo to harass them, but Ruan Man knew that it was most likely from the deep pit.

Ruan Man whispered, “! Is this secret really going to be revealed? ”

The person next to him heard Soft Buried muttering, “Team Nguyen? What do you say? ”

He also thought he had something to say, but Ruan Man shook his head, this soft burial did not know what to say, if this secret was revealed, what the consequences would be, he did not dare and could not predict.

Ruan Man looked back and found that the beast was gone: “It’s okay, let’s go!” ”

Speed up the horsepower and prepare to go towards the official base of the deep pit city, this thing does not know whether to use the official team, but as far as the current situation is concerned, I am afraid that the strength of the official team is far from being able to resist the attack of this guy.

This is simply hitting a stone with an egg, and I don’t know how to die when the time comes.

It’s annoying!

Ruan Man scratched his head while driving the car, thinking hard about how to solve the problem.

In fact, when he got off the car, he found that the black particles in the air had almost dissipated, although there were still some, but not urgent, before more, and there was a tendency to gradually dissipate.

When I saw the black smoke emitted by the beast in the deep pit, I was afraid that it was the origin of the black particles, but how the weather was still thunderous all the time.

Ruan Man frowned unconsciously, always feeling that this matter was very tricky, and he didn’t know how the central city was now.

“Hey, what’s going on over there?”

“It’s still raining, but it’s getting a little less, but what about your side?”

Ruan Man sighed and said, “As you expected, it is the matter on this side of the deep pit, and it is very likely that the secret cannot be hidden.” ”

Sparta’s first reaction was that his mind was blank, and he was doing something, once he revealed what he was facing at the meeting.

It’s just that this trend is definitely a force to cover up these things: “Is there no other solution?” ”

Now what is needed is the solution, as long as these things can be solved on the myopia, people will not delve into the real reasons after expiration, but if they have been in a state of affairs, people will not be able to stop themselves to explore the reasons behind it.

“When I was in the pit, I saw a big thing that allowed him to get bigger and smaller, and his attack power was not low to me, but he hadn’t really made a force yet.”

Ruan Man recalled what had happened around the pit before, and still felt as if what had happened at the scene was fake.

It’s too fake, like a scene created in a virtual game, but saying that the car has been scratched is enough to prove that the previous situation is real.

“You don’t think this kind of unusual thing happened in the central city and the deep pit strong city, this year…”

Before Sparta could continue counting, it was Nguyen Man who interrupted him: “Don’t think too much! ”

Things are still in the initial stage, you can’t imagine things too complicated, one by one to solve, now need patience.

“I first use the local team to defend this big thing, don’t let him get close to the deep pit city, and then if the situation is complicated, I will apply for the official team to shoot.”

Ruan Man said his plan word for word, he had already thought twice when the off-road vehicle fled, if things continue to develop, only by the official team, quickly help the team, no matter how bad it will be much stronger by the local team.

If the official team is never easy to do, it can only wait for things to develop to determine the final direction.

Sparta had just listened to the description of the provincial beast described by the soft burial and had probably drawn an image in his mind, and he could not help but have some concerns: “This is also OK, but can the local team beat those things?” ”

“Do your best!”

Ruan Man could only say these three words, he had no bottom in his heart, the SUV could escape its chase, but it used four wheels to avoid his chase.

Originally, he was still confident that he came to the deep pit city to solve the problem of black particles in the air, and although the problem of black particles was solved, the culprit did not seem to be easy to solve.

For some reason, I feel that this time things are very tricky, unlike the usual events in the process of happening, basically structurally: “You must be careful!” ”


Ruan Man hung up the phone, walked into the room, and looked at a circle of people who were pondering: “I believe that everyone knows what we just encountered, right?” ”

Although he said this, his eyes were fixed on the previous people, and he saw that those people nodded, and then he began to continue: “What defensive plan do you have?” ”

In Nguyen Man’s view, this is already the most stupid method, but as far as the current situation is concerned, it has to be like this, and the defense can support the safety of the people in the deep pit city.

How can it be possible to take an active attack method, the characteristics of the other party in addition to being able to become larger and smaller, do not know anything, this is simply a stunned Qing to ponder the strength of the opponent, if you rush forward, is not to send death?


“That… I don’t know! ”

“You say? You said! ”


Ruan Man turned from his left-hand side to his right-hand side, with a cold smile in his eyes, and then questioned the questioner, whether they could say it or not.

When he was finally ready to reprimand, a person slowly spoke: “First of all, we don’t even know how to defend the other party’s information?” ”

“And the local teams are also teams, can’t we go as a wall of flesh to resist the invasion of the other side without considering their safety?” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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