Now this situation is very unfavorable to the other side, and the eyes may be their weakness, but…

It’s just that they don’t have the ability to hit these two hole birds now, and the two of them are too smart.

Now he could only retreat silently, and now most likely had provoked the other party, although he did not know what the excited look was before, but now including himself, all fifteen people were in extreme danger.

If you are not careful, it is likely to fall into the attack of these two large hole order birds, so the captain orders his team members to retreat.

This is not an escape, but a strategy, not to lose your life in vain.

Fifteen people retreated in unison, but their eyes did not leave the two holes for a moment, and the muzzle of the serial gun was also pointed at them, although they already knew that the serial gun was useless to them at ninety-nine percent, but they also habitually held it in their hands as a basis for their own survival.

Step by step, I thought that I would not be able to see these two large hole birds at the corner, and then these 15 people would be able to retreat completely.

Only when the first person retreated to the corner, the hole made the bird stand up and break the top of the floor fiercely, and even these two sentences of the mouth bird did not feel pain.

In particular, the male hole makes the bird pull the floor apart and directly unload the wall top of the head that blocks him from standing up, which he must point out, it is simply a thing that annoys him, blocking its normal play.

During this time, the cultivation hole caused the bird to quickly lie the nearest member on the ground, open its large mouth, and quickly stuff it into its own mouth, exposing its head to the outermost part.

Just as the birds have been stuck between the walls because of the holes, now both of them are free to move and put food in their stomachs.

This time, the male hole made the bird also open its mouth, and the food in its own picture was put into its mouth, but it was not that it could be swallowed by one bite, but also that it was constantly chewing on the flesh of the person, and as the female hole made the bird’s mouth drip continuously, the head rolled to the ground with its movements, until it rolled in front of these 14 people.

This is their team!

After a long time of companionship, they had just moved together, and now only his head remained.

The feeling of disbelief is followed by panic, because the next person to be used as food is likely to be yourself.

“Ah, go and die!!”

Some team members have completely been unable to contain the panic in their hearts, closed their eyes and released the serial gun, he knows the consequences of releasing the serial warehouse, but seeing his brother being hurt by this cruelty, he really can’t help the anger in his heart, and he will buckle the serial gun with his own will.

Similarly, the serial bullets that landed on the female hole made the bird’s body have no effect, and they all fell to the ground.

The team leader quickly snapped his fingers back to let his team members leave first.

And the female hole bird who was carrying two serial guns in his hand and was chewing all the time really didn’t know that this guy was actually a cannibal before he came.

And… And with this cruelty, I really can’t stand it, but I still have to ensure the safe departure of the other 13 team members.

“Team leader, go and die together.”

The 13 members of the team did not choose to leave alone, but continued to stay by the side of their group leader, fighting with the enemy, but the two holes did not stop because of their knees.

Bearing, the hole made the bird watch its space become larger, and then turned its eyes to the bodies of the 14 members.

He was so hungry that a large amount of food entered his belly, and he had to have a sense of protection to have a good mood.

And the 14 people in front of him are exactly what he wants to eat.

Slowly moving forward, its footsteps were too heavy, so heavy that they stepped on the hearts of these people step by step.

When these people want to pull the serial gun, this action has been made clear to the male hole to make the bird, and then the bloody hole makes the bird take a quick big step and scoop the two people into their mouths.

It had no female hole to make the bird picky, directly crushing the heads of these two people at once, but there were eyeballs falling out of its teeth.

The blood spilled out of its mouth, but it did not affect the male hole to make the bird eat, the feeling of food entering the abdomen, making it more excited, or smelling the bloody taste in its mouth, making its red eyes more and more dark.



Before it could finish chewing, it opened its mouth wide again and opened its mouth again toward the other two people who were already stunned.

Seeing the blur of flesh and blood in its mouth, I don’t know if it’s the body or what? It was already full of blood red, and this bloody taste was rushing towards these 12 team members.

Similarly, these two members of the team hanging on their mouths, the male hole made the bird raise its big head, these two team members entered its mouth in this direction, it was not picky at all, directly closed its mouth, and began to chew on the new meat and old meat.

At this time, these twelve team members had to retreat if they did not retreat, which was completely impossible to attack.


“What the fuck is this?”

“It… It actually ate the players, and it was eaten raw. ”

“Fuck me, will the female anchor also be eaten by it?” Or I wouldn’t have seen her? ”

“Oh my God, is this big thing going to run somewhere else?” I don’t want to die yet!! ”

This scene was recorded into the live broadcast by the live mobile phone hanging on the wall by the female anchor, originally the live broadcast account of the female anchor was not paid attention to by many people, but through this incident, many people came to her live broadcast room to watch this frightening picture.

Many people saw this scene and began to worry about their situation, whether the two large hole birds would eat these people again and then move elsewhere to start another fight.

This feeling will be very likely, plus now is the time of the storm, many people naturally combined with this terrible scene will not be sent from heaven to destroy the Mao people.

Under this trend, it is not impossible for these two holes to make the birds eat the entire city in an hour.

And the female anchor encountered the same situation, how the door can not be opened, serious motherland these 12 team members down the escape route, even if the group leader stops this hole Ling bird after it, but he is also a physical body, it is impossible to block for a long time.

The captain looked sideways, looked at his opponent, and realized that time was really passing slowly: “What? ”

As long as all these people flee, they should be safe!

The scene just now is simply bloody, although many bloody scenes have been seen, and will be put directly into the mouth and chewed, and into the attached scene, how can it be seen.

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