The team member said anxiously: “The door has not been opened…”

They already had the heart to destroy it, but they didn’t have props in their hands, how could they kick the door open like those martial arts films, this door was specially set up for anti-theft, and how could they easily open it.

The group leader said, “Get up, I’ll come.” ”

The back is really critical, this group leader also does not care whether the male hole makes the bird attack his back, they all say that the back is the most vulnerable to being attacked by the enemy, and now the group leader can not care so much, directly stepped forward and lifted the powerful right leg high, slammed into a door that was still not moving.


With a loud noise, this force had already used ten percent of the strength of the group leader’s body, but the door still had no intention of opening.


How could this force not open this door?

We all know that the long leg strength of this pan group is very strong, and this struggle captain seems to be a little dissatisfied with his reasoning, and then he raised his right leg again and slammed into the door.

The left and right legs slammed backwards on the door handle, and the hole in the bird behind them gradually approached them, while the four members of the team who formed the encirclement gradually retreated, their eyes always guarding against the attack of the male hole order bird, but there was also a female hole Ling bird behind them.

What should I do?

What to do??

It is that their psychological quality is strong, who has seen such a terrible scene?



This is the four team members have been touched by the male hole Ling bird’s body, in an instant by the male hole Ling bird’s mouth, their bodies are constantly struggling in the air, but no matter how hard they struggle, they can’t escape the male fear bird’s mouth.

It lifted its head slightly, and the citizen member had slowly slid into its mouth, and he still contained the meat juice he had just chewed.

The smell of blood quickly surrounded the four men, who had just seen their own team members chewed to death by him, and now they were on themselves again.

The male hole makes the bird have only two slender legs and huge wings, if you look at it from a distance, you will see the extreme incongruity of its body, its wings are too large, a pair of wings can be displayed, you can cover the two houses,

The male Kong Ling bird rarely stands and moves, with the help of the flick of the wings to collect the prey in his belly, but this time the floor is too high, and the male Kong Ling bird can only use its own legs to seize its own food.

When the team leader heard the faint shouting of his own teammates, he saw that his teammates’ bodies were already in the mouth of this male hole order bird, but this was not engulfed at all, and one of the team members had been rubbed by the male hole Ling bird’s back alveol.

The sound of the back alveolar hitting the bone irritated everyone present.

The needle beak of the large hole made the bird still hold three team members, their faces were like dead ashes, but they did not want to be eaten, and their whole bodies were frantically struggling.


The group leader quickly shouted out this sentence, hoping that the three team members could struggle a few times in its mouth, maybe they could really survive, and they could eliminate this guy, which would also benefit.

“Stab it in the eye!!!”

The captain knew that the male and female holes had made the birds close their eyes tightly to avoid the attack of the bullets, most likely because of fear, and now the three of them were in the mortal situation, and these had to fight, maybe it was possible to succeed, the group leader thought.


The three members of the team in the front mouth of the male hole made the bird react quickly, talking about their upper body with their scalps, and reaching for the bayonet pinned between their legs with their hands.

The three team members looked at the male bird that was preparing to chew on themselves, and the bayonet was already tightly held in their hands.

Raising the bayonet in his hand high, he stabbed fiercely at the nostrils of the male hole Ling bird, but it was not that they were unwilling to do it, their legs were pressed tightly by the teeth of the hole Ling bird, and the length of the body could not reach the eye of the attack hole Ling bird.

The futile struggle may cause the male hole to speed up the chewing speed of the bird, and the situation is very bad for them.

“Go and die”

The three bayonets stabbed at the nostrils of the bird in unison, and the remaining six people were also stared at by the female bird of Kong Ling, looking at them with a dark look.

The next moment, the female hole made the bird’s body pounce on them, and the bayonet in their hands did not play a role, and the female hole made the bird’s wings fall to the ground at once, and did not spew out the blood as expected, but was attacked by the wings of the two holes, their last life-saving tool.

The male and female holes caused the birds to quickly chew the ten team members into their mouths, and the sticky blood flowed down their mouths to the ground.

From time to time, the two licked the delicious blood at the corners of their mouths, which obviously could not fill their stomachs.


And the captain who had been waiting for their news downstairs had never heard the sound of the walkie-talkie, and they had hinted that as long as they had not come out for more than two hours, this meant that these people had been killed.

“Go back!!”

The captain arranged for his men to begin to send the ships back, and the captain kept pacifying the remaining two hundred men in the corridor.

“Wori, all fifteen of these team members were eaten…”

“It’s disgusting… I think I saw the way primitive people ate. ”

“Oh my God. No one came to the rescue? ”

“Oh my God, where did the female anchor go?”


From the stairs, he slowly walked to Liu Xiaoling behind Liu Feng, patted Liu Feng’s shoulder, but did not get a response from him, and then patted him again, shouting: “Brother? ”


The monograms were indeed in line with the willow wind, only to see him slowly turn his head to look at his sister, who was just watching the movements of the two large holes in Maoguo.

It can’t be said to be bloody, but it brings more excitement and brings more people into the live broadcast of this female anchor, and I am more frightened.

Looking at the sudden increase of the frightening point on the system panel, the corners of Liu Feng’s mouth rose unconsciously upwards, and when Liu Xiaoling approached him, he had already heard her footsteps, but did not respond.

“Brother, I shouted at you several times, and you ignored me!!”

Liu Xiaoling accused Liu Feng of his behavior, as if Liu Feng had just done something heinous, and Liu Xiaoling’s big eyes stared at Liu Feng.

Liu Feng said without thinking, “I was just thinking about things.” ”

Thinking about how to set up the next horror scene, its current Gate of Hell is just opened, and the next horror scene must of course be thought out in advance, which can continuously expand its power.

“Brother, there has been some quiet lately!”

Thinking that he still owes the points of the mysterious side circle, these days he has been waiting for the Zimu Ling Ring to send a message, but the left and right waits are not waiting for the news to release the task.

For the points owed to the mysterious side circle, it was like there was a knot in his heart, which made Liu Xiaoling uncomfortable up and down. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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